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Kieran_Burns 20 October 2008 09:14 AM

What's your earliest memory and how old were you?
I was 3 and can remember the last house we were in before we moved to Burton. I can clearly remember moving in to the house in Burton and peering over the windowsill while standing on the rolled up carpet (I needed to, I was TINY back then)

I remember looking out of the window at previous house while sharing the bedroom with my two older brothers at the traffic going past. One weird thing is, I remember thinking it was a moving picture (I know like a TV or a film) but I actually believed the window was a picture on the wall that moved!

I can remember packing up and leaving the house and getting in the car with the removals lorry behind us as well..

Nothing spectacular but I just wondered what everyone else can remember first

Scoobychick 20 October 2008 09:21 AM

I was thinking about this just the other day but forget to start a thread, great minds and all that :thumb:

I can remember learning to walk and taking my first few steps, I was 11 months at the time :eek: My mum was kneeling on the floor with my favourite sweets and really encouraging me to try walking. I was standing clinging on to the sofa for dear life, I can remember the fear that I was feeling but also a strong sense of wanting to do it to please my mum. In the end I just turned round and lunged towards her, I got the sweets and lots of praise :D

I have lots of very early memories but struggle to remember things I did last week. I even forget how old I am sometimes :cuckoo: :D

davegtt 20 October 2008 09:27 AM

Hmm, I have a vague recollection of last week :wonder: Im 28 btw :D

PeteBrant 20 October 2008 09:27 AM

My earliest memory is of being in a swimming pool in a rubber ring type thing. And it flipping over and me basically sinking. I have a really vivid memory of seeing my Dad swimming above me and then diving down. I couldn't say for certain how old I was, probably around 18 months.

little-ginge 20 October 2008 11:13 AM

I remember a birthday party ( I think it was one of mine) where my older sister, and the son of a family friend had a 'flick the jelly off your spoon at each other' fight..:lol1:

scunnered 20 October 2008 11:14 AM

I remember the sound of raindrops hitting the roof of my pram. I remember having the feeling of being warm and safe.

Scoobychick 20 October 2008 11:17 AM

We should have a 'post a pic of yourself as a baby' thread :thumb: I have an excellent one of me in my dad's arms looking really grumpy with a massive chin on and big puffy eyes. It's a look I've carried well over the years :D

fatherpierre 20 October 2008 11:20 AM

I remember when I lived next to Eccup Reservoir when I was about 2 or 3 and walking right into a massive puddle and getting a smacked arse for it.

Scoobychick 20 October 2008 11:23 AM

I can also remember flying on a twin propped plane to Jersey when I was 18 months old and then on the same holiday falling over and grazing my knee on a rock on the beach. It hurt, I cried :cry:

little-ginge 20 October 2008 11:28 AM

Ooh Sal, you've just reminded me of another memory:lol1:

We used to have a breakfast bar and I was sat on a tall stool, zooming my little metal police car along the table top... I zoomed it straight off the surface and onto the floor.. forgetting i was on a stool, I went to pick it up - and fell on it, embedding the siren in my head.. 1 trip to the hospital later:(

Scoobychick 20 October 2008 11:31 AM

Anna that reminds me of another one, I was about five and ran across the road and got run over by a bloke on a bike, he went over the handlebars and I wet myself :o

My mum and dad rushed me home to check me over prior to going to hospital and whilst they were doing that my baby sister blew into an ashtray and filled her eyes with ash :D

fast bloke 20 October 2008 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by Scoobychick (Post 8210102)
We should have a 'post a pic of yourself as a baby' thread :thumb:

Did they have cameras when you were a baby?

Scoobychick 20 October 2008 11:34 AM

When I was about seven I told my sister that a lump of putty I found in the shed was a sweet and she ate it. She got rushed to hospital, I got a smacked bum then ran away from home. I climbed the apple tree in our garden and stayed there until it got dark thinking that at any minute my parents would worry about my whereabouts and call the police. They didn't. Apparently they could see me the whole time and left me out there to sulk :lol1:

scooby L 20 October 2008 11:37 AM

Watching a pine cone float around the kitchen floor (washing machine burst a seal).. I must have been 3.

Scoobychick 20 October 2008 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by fast bloke (Post 8210126)
Did they have cameras when you were a baby?

Oi, it wasn't the 1700s you know :mad: :D

Klaatu 20 October 2008 12:03 PM

Electric shock, about 18 months.

gpssti4 20 October 2008 12:10 PM

When I was about 18 months old I drew a picture of a plane on my mums newly wallpapered bedroom wall. I can remember the plane even now, nearly 40 years later; it had a big red propeller.............. and that was as far as i got before SMACK, lucky I was still in nappies I guess.:)

Other early memories are of falling and breaking my arm twice at about 3 and 4 years old.

Most of my early memories involve me hurting myself. :lol1:

pwhittle 20 October 2008 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by Kieran_Burns (Post 8209924)
I was 3 and can remember the last house we were in before we moved to Burton. I can clearly remember moving in to the house in Burton and peering over the windowsill while standing on the rolled up carpet (I needed to, I was TINY back then)

I remember looking out of the window at previous house while sharing the bedroom with my two older brothers at the traffic going past. One weird thing is, I remember thinking it was a moving picture (I know like a TV or a film) but I actually believed the window was a picture on the wall that moved!

I can remember packing up and leaving the house and getting in the car with the removals lorry behind us as well..

Nothing spectacular but I just wondered what everyone else can remember first

having an op aged 4, wondering my parents would be coming back for me
never been very keen on hospitals since...

Scoobychick 20 October 2008 12:34 PM

Originally Posted by pwhittle (Post 8210200)
having an op aged 4, wondering my parents would be coming back for me
never been very keen on hospitals since...

Ooh that reminds me of when I was four and in hospital for tests for two weeks. I remember being woken up in what seemed like the middle of the night by the nurses and them turning me onto my front. They then took my pyjamas down and I could feel them messing about with my bottom :eek: I was absolutely terrified and hardly dared to breath in case they knew I was awake so pretended to be asleep :cuckoo: It turns out that they were doing some test or the other but I was terrified at the time :D

I spent the rest of the time in the tin peddle car in the children's ward and no other kid got a look in :lol1:

Torquemada 20 October 2008 12:44 PM

I remember being incessantly harassed in my pram, when I was a baby (probably about a year old), by my uncle Paul. Looking in at me going "oo boo doo boo joo" and stuff like that in 'baby-talk', it just p1ssed me off to be honest, didn't know what he was getting at and I just wanted a kip! :lol1:

I also remember my dad having a major argument with a double glazing fitter when I was about 2. So many swearwords my wee noggin was gonna burst! :lol1:

wayne9t9 20 October 2008 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by Scoobychick (Post 8210110)
I can also remember flying on a twin propped plane to Jersey when I was 18 months old and then on the same holiday falling over and grazing my knee on a rock on the beach. It hurt, I cried :cry:

I think I went on the same plane!. I was 3 and remember the plane rattling and being very cold. When we got to Jersey I think we must have gone to the war museum. I remember seeing dummies dressed as soldiers and loudspeakers belting out sounds of machine gun fire. Scared me sh@tless!!

EddScott 20 October 2008 03:45 PM

I think I can remember seeing my mother running to me when I fell out of a window in the pub we used to own. It was the Red Lion in Bloxham near Banbury.

I fell out of a two story window onto a corrugated roof covering the garage. Didn't hurt myself but I know what my mother was wearing and seeing the look on her face.

The roof is no longer there which would mean death now.

Markus 20 October 2008 04:11 PM

I'm not sure how old I was, but I can't have been more than four. The memory is very, very vivvid however, for reasons that will become apparent.

Picture the scene...
It's early evening, I've just finished watching "The Magic Roundabout" and decide to go and see what mum is doing in the kitchen. She's preparing dinner, mmm, chips, done the old fashioned way before the days of the deep fat fryer. My baby brother is there too :)
Mum asks me to shut the kitchen door, she doesn't want the chip fat smell throughout the house. For a change (I was, apparently, a right little bugger when young) I was a good boy and listened to mummy and shut the kitchen door in my usual style, ie; I slammed it.

A second later there was a blood curdling scream.

It would appear that baby brother had decided to investigate the door with his pinky finger, right at the time I decided to open a can of whoopass on it, thus his ickle pinky finger had been caught and crushed, hence the rather loud noise now emanating from him.

Not the most pleasant early memory, but it's certainly stuck with me.
As for my brothers pinky, well, it's a bit wider than his other one due to the bone getting a bit of a mashing, but we were told he was lucky he didn't require it being removed.

yoza 20 October 2008 04:22 PM

I remember being stuck in a dark tunnel, then almost being strangled by a man with a black bierd who smelt of what I now know as being scampi.

They are my earliest memories.

chocolate_o_brian 20 October 2008 05:07 PM

Earliest thing I can remember is my mother and biological father having an argument. I remember crying for some reason and actually thinking "why am I crying". Must have been about 18-19 months old - not seen him since.

I rememebr he had a green MG though, about late 1985 early 1986 it was.

oldsplice 20 October 2008 05:40 PM

Not my earliest, but I remember the television set falling on my head when I was 10. :freak3:

Janspeed 20 October 2008 05:41 PM

2 months.

oldsplice 20 October 2008 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by Janspeed (Post 8210926)
2 months.

Inside? :Suspiciou

Janspeed 20 October 2008 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by oldsplice (Post 8210931)
Inside? :Suspiciou

Out, then for a couple of years it is was bit blurry, and then from 15 until the last post it has been quite blurry again. :D

dunx 20 October 2008 06:51 PM

At 3 years old we moved and I remember sitting in the cab with my dog on my lap, Mum holding my baby sister....

The Roman's weren't very friendly back then.


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