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astraboy 31 January 2002 01:33 PM

Girlie question, but feel free to move it if it offends.
How would you feel about your bloke attempting to colour co-ordinate you with his motor?
I'm seeing this girl and she wants to come out cruising with us. If I say to her "And wear something white" then I pull up outside her place in a gleaming white Cossie, would she be upset?
Hmzmzmzmzmzm, I'm in two minds whether to ask her or not.

Andy Tang 31 January 2002 01:34 PM

Run if she comes out in a wedding dress!!! ;) ;)

robman 31 January 2002 01:36 PM

If she wants to come out cruising, and understands what it's all about, just be honest with her and say you reckon it would look best if she's in white in a white car. She'll probably agree I reckon. It's not exactly like going to Ascot is it!

Good luck


JoeyDeacon 31 January 2002 01:48 PM

Lets be honest, if she is fit enough she can wear whatever she likes!!

Nathan L 31 January 2002 01:56 PM

If she's that fit how about wearing nothing at all ;);D:D:D:D:D

Girls note use of ;):D

Jolly Green Monster 2 31 January 2002 01:56 PM

You might get a slap but perhaps you could suggest she'd be better off in here Birthday suit :)

I don't see that it is important what colour she is wearing?

You got to draw the line somewhere...

AlainProst 31 January 2002 01:56 PM

Get yourself a flesh-coloured motor, blond triangle on the bonnet and two generous pick circles on the roof, then ask her to colour co-ordinate.

AlainProst 31 January 2002 01:58 PM

Mon dieu - 3 blokes all thinking "NAKED" at 13:56 ;)

JoeyDeacon 31 January 2002 01:59 PM

Naked, but that leaves nothing to the imagination. Now if she was just wearing white silk underwear....

I have a feeling this is off to the muppet forum!!!

Jolly Green Monster 2 31 January 2002 02:04 PM

Then she wouldn't be wearing it long :)

I think that they should charge less for sexy underwear as they don;t get to wear it for very long at all... :)

Jay m A 31 January 2002 02:06 PM

So she'll be turning up in an 80's Essex icon...

Got to be white stilettos :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

SHESCOOBY 31 January 2002 02:07 PM

oh my god guys what are you like :)

AlainProst 31 January 2002 02:09 PM

If she's colour co-ordinated with my car, she'll be painted blue but caked from head to toe in mud and road grime.

:)hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mud:)

Scooby-Doo 31 January 2002 02:11 PM

Don't forget she will need a perm and a shell suit as well !!!! Tell her to bring a green outfit as well just in case you have peas for dinner !!!

ian_sadler 31 January 2002 02:11 PM

How many of you muppets have a black motor?


Sue 31 January 2002 02:36 PM

I would imagine she would be so bowled over by being the "chosen one" and allowed to sit on the hallowed material of a Cossie seat that she would hang on your every word and be totally acquiescent to your predilictions....btw...what are YOU wearing???
Can't somehow visualise you in a white

astraboy 31 January 2002 03:00 PM

She will be the "colour co-ordinating laydee", I will wear whatever I damn well like. I usually wear my Jaguar Racing hat when driving the Cossie, cos they supply the engines.
I dont think the essex connotations will help, shes an upmarket Surrey lass y'see.
rrrr. still dont know what to do.

Paulo P 31 January 2002 03:27 PM

dont worry about it m8. makes no difference any way :)

astraboy 31 January 2002 03:30 PM

yeah, but you would say that mate, all the women who get in a car with you get out white as a sheet, cos they have been scared witless :D:D:D;)
Pooma fixed yet mate?

Disco 31 January 2002 03:34 PM

Send her round mine mate, and I'll have one of my minions dress her for you!!!;)

Dr Lurve 31 January 2002 03:37 PM

Is she going to feel stupid and a bit like a colour co-ordinated skirt???

astraboy 31 January 2002 03:40 PM

Not really my problem is it Dr.? :D
Disco, are you telling me that you have a large amount of female clothing in your house?????;)

Disco 31 January 2002 03:45 PM

Of course I do, its for the plethora of females that always end up round mine after a night on the lash.

I like to make sure they go home as nicely groomed and well dressed as they arrived:D

On a serious note, you could always drop hints to your young lady friend that she looks particularly fantastic in white, she may then instictively wear white to please you. Desired effect without offending her:D

astraboy 31 January 2002 03:51 PM

good call mate. Might have to try that. In a non offensive way mind.
"hey, love, fancy wearing summat that matches with my cooker and washing machine???"

Dr Lurve 31 January 2002 03:54 PM

Don't do it..

Paulo P 31 January 2002 04:26 PM

LOL astraboy, What are you saying about my driving? maybe thats why I never get to drive when I go out with my other half m8, that and her seeing us getting a b0ll0cking from the old bill when your exhaust fell off after a full chat nitrous blast!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
Wasn't your face white when I pulled into the car park??? Sorry m8 ;)

P.S car nearly fixed unplug the speedo and it flys:D, really quick due to torque not being limited in first gear :confused:

[Edited by paulpalmer - 1/31/2002 4:33:55 PM]

Jay m A 31 January 2002 05:46 PM

Just tell her white is the new black

astraboy 31 January 2002 09:17 PM

heh, that might work!
hold on, wont I need a respray? ;)

Toerag 01 February 2002 12:08 PM

Will we see her with her tits out in m*x Poower then ;-)?

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