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Steve Perriam 24 January 2002 06:34 PM

ok guys

tiggs raised a couple of points in the actual thread which i said i agreed with and thought we should think about for the next team nite, and others which need expanding sit down, settle back, unlace those shoes, grab a drink, grab some food and prepare for another long rambling opening to a new thread :D :D :D

1) Only people who have previously said they can attend are eligible to play... YES or NO ?

Why : we had a lot of messing about with people joining last nite, which upset the teams balance and the tactics already discussed

2) Tiggs quote..."if we were a proper team' !! oi..wot u think we r ! We're aiming to become a proper team and play matches and stuff against other teams so........

Tactics worked quite well for our team. 4 of us discussed on icq b4 the game started and once we do this more often with more people and for different maps we should be able to do it even when we having normal unplanned formal sessions ??

Why : cos when we do play matches we cant have 'people who think they the best way' We agree up front roles / TL etc etc and play to the goal of winning.

(Anyone who wants to get the most frags and top the (orrid) stats go play Quake now :p)

3) Roles : How we decide TL's ?

Vote / Everyone tries who wants to ? Rota ?

Why : important to leader to co-ordinate the team in matches?


Do we need TL's ? Yes / No ?

4) Clan Matches etc : these are a bit in the future and not everyone has to play them to be in STi....we'll need to think about this and then we'll have actual Clan praccy nites with only those involved attending to further improve out tactical teamplay.

Why : if we're going to do matches we're damn well gonna win ! whoever said its only a game...wash your mouth out with soap now and resign from STi ;) :p

5) Before we start Team Tactical Sessions as well as deciding maps i'll post which team goes first as T / CT etc

Why : so we dont have people joining wrong team, then suiciding themselves to get on the correct team - meanwhile someone else suicides to the other team and we're in a mess etc etc :eek:

6) Communication OUTSIDE the Game:

Everyone must get isc and even msn so we can chat b4 a session and see when we're online or not and leave each other message. ICQ can be setup so it does not disturb you if you're playing CS etc and msn obviously can too with you setting your Status..Away / BRB or the only one HH ever needs...Out To Lunch :D :D :D :D

Why : communication is vital ! just like when playing !

7) Communication INSIDE the game :

We did well i think last nite on our team but we prob need to use voice more to report when u see enemy - esp if u on your own / or u have split into 2 forces to cover 2 bomb sites etc

Did the other team do any pre-match tactics and / or use voice well in your opinions whilst playing ?

8) Frequency / Day / Time for Tactical Sessions :

2 times a week to give everyone chance to attend one ?

Monday seems popular........

Votes for another nite......could be our usual Sunday session ? or another week day ? (wed and sunday good for me every week)

Time : 21-00 - 23:00 with a team discussion hopefully from 20:30 ?

8) Length of Games ?

Last nite we were doing 25 mins on each map on each of T / CT.

Did this work ? Was it long enough ? Not enough ? Too long ?

9) Clan Names : its [STi] Kheldar not [STi]Kheldar ie : NO SPACE ;) :p :eek:

ok enough of my wittering for now :p (oi u lot, stop bloody shouting hooray and wake up in the cheap seats Crack ! ;) )

hopefully this makes sense and dont seem like utter drivel or the mad ramblings of a drunken wine drinking devonian bbq king :D :D

p.s feel like a game now so i'll be around l8r....8:30 is cos out in a min to do some more golf and saab driving :D

Tiggs 24 January 2002 06:43 PM

here goes!

once game starts thats it- if you aint in you aint in, if this means arranging sessions at odd times then fine- i'd rather play late than have ppl show half way through.

time on map was cool- longer the better.

err, thats it.

Mega Tiggs (i am trying a variety of new names to enhance my CS performance, today i shall be Mega :D)

ps- space after STi????? who cares?

HHxx 24 January 2002 06:46 PM

Steve, all valid points except for no. 9 ;)

We tried to organse tactics on our team but it was just Merlin, Crack and I. No other people had ICQ/MSN on or did not respond. :(

I think we should setup a IRC channel on Quakenet. This has always been the way I use to discuss tactics and chat with people. From IRC we can setup another channel to split of in teams to discuss tactics and still view the main channel. Steve, if you need more info give me a shout.

I think the 25 mins is ok. Besides I believe team 2 (the one I was in) won the night :D;) I have screen shots :p

Roll on tonight :)

Steve "I'm out to lunch now" ;)


jjones 24 January 2002 06:49 PM

some of us have to work for a living! and can only start later in the eve :(

10pm kickoff would be better than 8 - also gives the missus chance to chat/whinge about her work/whinge about my lack of housework before the session starts!

HHxx 24 January 2002 06:52 PM

JJones, aka King Ping?!?!?!

You have ICQ or MSN?!?!?!

Steve Perriam 24 January 2002 07:11 PM

hh : if u can setup a IRC channel then fine

tell us all wot we need to access it cos i aint ever used it.

jj : i said 9 start like yesterday ? 10 is to late for me to play for in the AM would get in the way and other half would not like it either if i was online l8 l8. 9-11 seems reasonable ?

HH : yes JJ has icqq but never turns it on [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

No 9 (wasnt that the robot in Short Circuit?) is the most important so we show a consistent approach to clan names.

I lead u lot follow :D

Everyone must use one / both of these.

Its vital !!

Tiggs 24 January 2002 07:15 PM

number 5 was in short circuit

BarryK 24 January 2002 07:27 PM

I had ICQ on, how do you use it during a game withut buggering up CS? No-one contacted me on ICQ from my team, I spoke to Norm and Kheldar vefore we started.

I spoke on Voice comm and during Dawn ( and others) I watched the old chokepoint archway while the "lads" tried going round the new route.

I eventuallly sussed that chucking bombs etc in the archway stopped the CTs from sniping/shooting and so on from the tunnel. BUT my team never told me to help them by doing this, even though they could see the opposition inside there.

They were talking to each other, fine and proper, BUT they could have called for the equivalent of a distracting air strike. But never did.

So what am I saying here?

It's no good running off in a group chatting amongst yourselves and then forgetting the rest of the team. Merlin stayed oppsoite me several times and that was a good tactic, but we could have made much more use of our presence to get the bomb team through. Had we known they wanted us to.

By the way, that's me in Arctic camper uniform on the top of team photo shoot at the start. Some tosspot came round and shot us all as we were composing a top portrait!

Also there is little point in playing maps like Assault2k on team nights as it isn't a Clan match map, by all means have some fun at the end, but tactically that was a waste of time.

Late joiners to a team night should expect to be bossed around, not to undertake a personal frag quest.

Steve, your explanation about the clan tag is confuysing and I suspect the opposite of what you mean. You say NO SPACE, when actually you want one. I used to have one, but now I don't.

Er............. that's it.

Although I'm sure I could say more. And no doubt will. ;)

Tiggs 24 January 2002 07:30 PM

if we organise proper sessions then there should be no late comers. you either in or out- no one would rank up to the park on sunday and dive into a game of fottie (unlees we are just pi55in about?)


Steve Perriam 24 January 2002 07:33 PM

hi bazza

yeah about NO SPACE...i was getting grief from er indoors about going out driving cars so rushed to finish it.

agreed...we made quite good use of voice but we can deffo make more as i know we will with practice.

as i said tell your team where u r every so often so if u die they know ! report if u see enmey and where he is..etc

And i think we have to say NO LATE JOINERS. fecks things up to much.

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