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HHxx 24 January 2002 04:39 PM

Ok here goes my point.

Using the +moveup command which is a standard HL/CS command which is bound to a key as standard, "'" the apostrophe key. If pressed and held down while running, you basically jog, slower than running but faster than walking but you make no noise.

Would you class this standard feature/command a cheat or not.

Opinions please.......


Bog 24 January 2002 04:46 PM

my tuppence worth -
i would call it bending the rules rather than breaking them and personally wouldnt do it.
my walk fast is tapping the forward button so as not to make any noise
i would say its bad gamesmanship (is there such a word?) similar to having a crouch jump bind, but this is just my view and aint necessarily the right one

orbv 24 January 2002 04:47 PM

Does it give you advantage? Yes = Cheat, No = OK

HHxx 24 January 2002 04:52 PM

Does it give you advantage? Yes = Cheat, No = OK
You could say that walking is giving you an advantage because the enemy can't hear you.

All I want is to get everyones views on this and then decide cheat or no cheat and ban its use on the Locked server.

Norman D. Landing 24 January 2002 04:55 PM

As you can do it anyway by tapping or holding run and tapping walk I dont think it's a cheat. However, for level playing field argument silent run scripts ARE cheats as not everybody has the skill/nouse to use one.


dsmith 24 January 2002 05:26 PM

Just seen this after posting on 1v1 comp thread

What about getting a key to toggle walking. I've just started using this. Its exactly as per holding down the walk key but uses a single keypress to switch between run and walk.

When do scripts become cheats :confused:

I was using buy scripts last night and was consistently faster out of the blocks at the start of rounds than others. Did I cheat ?

Been poking round the web and this script pack rizzuh's scripting site was cleared for use at some other competitons.

Personally think if it accesses a std half-life/c-s command and doesn't exploit unintentional features its ok.

That would mean "jogging", "walk toggle" would be fine. Things like the old bunnyhop scripts which enable you to fly around maps by exploiting a bug are not.


Damaja 24 January 2002 05:33 PM

I will say it on behalf of steve


Only bind I have is to get me USP or Glock out with a single key stroke

Tiggs 24 January 2002 05:41 PM

not cheating


ps- i have reskined all my weapons with 30ft versions that stick out round corners 2mins before the player arrives- this is simply good use of avalible resources.

i have also altered my .wav file of footsteps to a recording of me screaming "they're coming, they're coming, look out the scum are coming" in this way i am alterted to anyone walking nearby. only problem was when two ppl ran past me last night and perforated my eardrum.

Tiggs 24 January 2002 05:42 PM

ref. the above- ;)

roadrunner 24 January 2002 05:42 PM

Agree with Bog.

IMHO the script is giving the player an unfair advantage. Yes, u can tap on the forward key too silently run, but I bet its very difficult to continuously tap around corners or run>jump>run without making a single foot step noise.


Steve Perriam 24 January 2002 05:48 PM

thanks drug addict ;)

i'm sure i read summat aobut cs.14 where stuff like this is being stopped ??

certainly sounds like a cheat.

NM 24 January 2002 05:49 PM


We all listen out for foot steps, when tapping keys you can still accidently make a noise. also seeing through walls with Open GL, Cheating M8.


HHxx 24 January 2002 06:04 PM

I probably didn't make it clear in the first post. This feature is not a script. Stop talking about scripts.

If you installed CS standard with no modifications, no extras etc... Then this command is a standard key on the keyboard.

Tiggs 24 January 2002 06:14 PM

hh, this is a std feature of CS- if you walk your quiet, if you jog youre quiet but your aim goes iffy and if you run then your noisey but quick.

sounds ok to me- what next? can only use AWP if you run up to the bloke and tell him youre about to shoot before you shoot cause otherwise he might not realise??????


roadrunner 24 January 2002 06:48 PM

Just spoke to HH - as its a standard feature in HL then I have no problem anyone using it :)

I thought it was a script :rolleyes:

rr - of for a quick jog ;)

HHxx 24 January 2002 06:48 PM

LOL @ Tiggs :D

Fire a warning shot or 6 to give then enough time to realise an AWP is pointing at their head ;)

Tiggs 24 January 2002 06:50 PM


maybe i should drop a grenade on my head, hopefully the bang would alert them to my position and the loss of health would even the game bearing in mind i am playing with such an unfair weapon!


HHxx 24 January 2002 06:55 PM

LOL @ Tiggs........ :D:D:D:D:D

That move might even win the game for the opposition as you may have killed yourself b4 they even see you :)

You can stop doing that now, as I want to kill you not
[STi]Mega Tiggs killed by Worldspawn

Tiggs you have MSN/ICQ?!?!

Tiggs 24 January 2002 06:57 PM

127672344 ICQ

BarryK 24 January 2002 07:10 PM

I spend a lot of time telling folks to stop clomping about. I do it manually (fnarr fnarr) but every so often, a stray footstep!

I think to gget lifelike then running siliently is bollocks, so even if there's a key for it, don't so it.

Just say no.

Oh and stop clomping about.

HHxx 24 January 2002 07:22 PM


Steve Perriam 24 January 2002 07:22 PM

bah, damn vlpb

[Edited by Steve Perriam - 1/24/2002 7:23:21 PM]

Tiggs 24 January 2002 07:26 PM

excellent! glad i checked in to see the latest addition to this thread........NOT

take your baby games elsewhere girls ;)

Plasmatron Tiggs

HHxx 24 January 2002 07:26 PM

Sorry Steve. Gave you 12 minutes. Surely you can't be laggin 12 mins behind ;)

I'll be on locked about 8. No doubt you'll be there @ 8:12?? ;) ;)

Tiggs 24 January 2002 07:27 PM


move to France, the 1hr time difference will just about even you up.

BarryK 24 January 2002 07:29 PM


What? Pastic matron?

I like "Titanic Tiggs".

Ha ha, just the tit of the iceberg.

Steve Perriam 24 January 2002 07:30 PM

ok just got back home m8

been out driving saab and golf so wasnt here and suddenly spotted opportuniy.

missed by a few seconds to a vlpb :rolleyes:

yeah i need it tiggs with hh's vlpb conn

Neanderthal 24 January 2002 08:34 PM

Firstly, I'm in now way having a go at H with this post...

My opinion, if you can't bind it via the gui then it shouldn't be used.

I see you can run & walk, I don't see a "jog" option, so I don't use it. If someone else wants to, thats up to them if they can justify it to themselves that it's a setting buried deep within the HL engine.

Consider this, until 1.3 you could use a technique called bunnyhopping (not just running and continuously jumping). Once perfected you could cover serious distances in a fraction of the time it would take you to run it, which gave you a HUGE advantage over the opposition. This was exploiting the game engine, so was it a cheat? Well they made sure you couldn't do it in 1.3 :)


Steve Perriam 24 January 2002 08:37 PM

i thought u could still bunny hop in 1.3 ?

looking to sort it in 1.4

Tiggs 24 January 2002 08:52 PM

always wondered- how did u bunnyhop?

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