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Steve Perriam 14 January 2002 03:21 PM

ok chaps again due to the panto etc i've been a little lax in BW bookings for the next couple of weeks so lets have a mid week team nite on the locked.

Wed 23rd Jan on the Locked server.

start from 8.....9 ??

post time preference and if u can attend and 2/3 map choices ?

Please read the tactics thread b4 replying to this one as i was wondering if by this session we mite use some tactical play ? :eek:



BarryK 14 January 2002 03:24 PM

21:00 favourite for me.

Norman D. Landing 15 January 2002 04:21 PM

21:00 till late sounds good to me.

I guess we only need to decide on what time tactics play starts as there will probably be people on there from 7 if recent days are anything to go by.

Any ideas how we're gonna do it yet Steve ?

Steve Perriam 15 January 2002 06:48 PM


1) need some definite idea of who can attend AND from wot time.
2) then decide teams and Team Leaders
3) then choose 1 / 2 maps
4) then choose roles relating to maps..offence / defence etc
5) then have a team get together on MSN / ICQ to discuss team tactics on the evening.
6) then start playing and use the discussed tactics / voice and listening to TL.

NB : everyone needs at least one of these 2 programs, pref both.

And we should consider IRC ? although i dont use it and have not seen it ?

make sense ?

Steve Perriam 16 January 2002 05:51 PM

more more more replies needed here tonite now SN is back :D

Paul.G 16 January 2002 05:58 PM

Might have to miss this one :( as I am on lates next week,
Home about 10:30


Neanderthal 17 January 2002 08:28 AM

I should be there :)

I'd suggest 9pm as a start time as it seems to suit most people :)

Maps... Inferno/Italy/Prodigy

If you get enough people are you going to split into set teams?


BarryK 17 January 2002 09:01 AM

Yes to Matt's maps.

Last night (16/1/02) somebody changed the map to High Society. I spent 10 mins farting about loading it, got on and guess what............ yep the map was changed again.

This time to Boatseason2 or 1 I don't know which. 5 mins faffing about loading that map.

I have never seen either of these maps before, so on Boatseason I am looking around sussing things out. I get in a hovercraft type effort and get shot by someone, I don't know who, I didn't see, just as the damn thing starts to move.


What a waste of approx half an hour.

All that happens when these maps come on is we get left with a rump of teams as everyone naffs off.

If we are going to use them might I suggest more people would be interested if we had a bloodless run through before shooting at anything that moves. CS time is hard enough to come by without wasting it as above.

From my perspective it just spoiled what was a good night. Except for b1oody 747, why is it only ever on this server when I go on it?
I can play it sometimes, but the frequency it's coming on the locked server is getting beyond a joke. Can maps cycle a bit less frequently please.

Anyway I've had it with CS this week. I'm watching IJ and the Temple of Doom tonight. (Yes of course I've seen it before).

Steve Perriam 17 January 2002 09:05 AM

matt : yes i would like to sort teams out for this by the end of the weekend so that the 'teams' can then sort / discuss tactics via msn / icq etc etc

and once we know how many people then we choose maps as well.

HHxx 17 January 2002 09:16 AM

I thought everyone should have downloaded the maps by now. Everytime a map cycle gets posted I just make sure the map is installed. Those maps were new to me last night. But I think they would be good if we had more people.

I'm alright for this night :) 9pm


Damaja 17 January 2002 09:54 AM

Hey barry sounded like you had a bad one last night :(

I would like to point out though m8 I have been playing CS nearly everynight for the past two weeks (eek geek alert) and last night was the first time when 747 appeared over this time! I think that assault and assault2k have been the maps appearing a lot of the time.

Also I agree about the fact all the people may not have the maps and it is annoying if they have to download but the amount of times steve, orbv and others have posted the maps list and told people to download them is well loads!


Do you have a fast connection? If so when I have found that I do not have the map, I quickly exit the game, type in the name of the map into google (say download at high speed (the server only lets me download stuff at about 9k where as using the method described I can get the map in a matter of seconds), extract and roberts your fathers brother I am playing again.

BarryK 17 January 2002 09:55 AM

I had the maps downloaded but never installed them. That's not the point.

You're right and we would have more people if we had a praccy on them and they didn't get changed every five minutes.

Otherwise it just gets pointless and frustrating.

Ergo everyone naffs off.

Mike Burton 17 January 2002 09:59 AM

ALL the maps are in the cycle now, so will people stop f£Ting moaning if you don't like what comes up. If you havn't downloaded it, tough sh£it IMHO. Its not like you havn't been told about it.

Was interesting last night as when it did change and only a few ppl joined, I did *still* ask the question about moving on. And looking at the number of players, I suggested boatseason2b as its only a small map, and a bit of a laugh. But some people were happy to run around for a while, and thought like me "tough sh£it" if ppl can not be ars£d to meet us halfway.

I can understand the learning of a map like high_socity, but boat season? It hardly takes a genius to work that one out. Then again, working in an unknown environment could be seen as part of the game so whats the problem?

Anyway, I've nearly got to the point that if anyone else moans again about not having a map etc. etc. downloading taking ages etc. etc., then I'll change the blo"£dy passwords on the server so nobody can change it, I'll refuse to change it, remove all the custom maps from the cycle and just play standard maps including the VIP ones (which everyone seems to hate)

BTW: this isn't an attack on anyone in particular, as everyone has a moan now and again, but the "I hanv't got that map" excuse is wearing a bit thin now.

I suppose I could drive around to everyone's house, and download it for them, after I've done the server AND my PC if its too much effort :(

Orbv and myself have put a lot of our spare time into getting this server how *you* want it. I've taken onboard the comments about crap maps, and I've already stated that the ones on there now will remain static for some time to stop all this moaning.... yet still it goes on.

(how about a server with just dust and italy on it for boring ppl?)

End of the day, if you don't like it, find another server to play on.

Not happy, bad start to the day, made worse by reading stuff like this.


Steve Perriam 17 January 2002 10:31 AM

have to agree with mike

i'm fed up posting map names and telling people to download them.

without exception you all bloody fast internet connections !!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

i think you'll find all maps are in the cycle for a standard 25 mins ? (mike / orb correct me if i'm wrong).

if i'm doing some admin i certainly dont keep changing maps just for the fun of it !!! only if one automatically finishes or most of us agree to a map change ?

747 has not been played for ages and i still believe it to be an excellent real life CT v T scenario and good for around 6-10 people which is usually the sorts of numbers we get ??

we've done a lot of other maps...some new like the excellent de_dawn and inferno / prodigy / assault / militia etc etc

have a couple days off cs bazza and come back for sundays session refreshed and raring to die :p

[Edited by Steve Perriam - 1/17/2002 10:32:44 AM]

Norman D. Landing 17 January 2002 10:44 AM

Steve hadnt replied when I read Mikes post so my first comment was going to be :

"Whoah, is this whats called an embarassing silence ;) ".

I, probably more than most appreciate all the time and effort that Mike and Orb put into this server because without a load of spare time sacrificed by Mike in providing the server and Orb in sorting out my problems last weekend I wouldnt have been able to play at cheers you guys.

Map-wise, well, I think everybody certainly knows by now that they should have all maps in the cycle. I had a small prob last night with Armageddon, had already downloaded but installed in the wrong directory :rolleyes: , a quick disconnect and install and I came back on, funny old map that one, is it massive or was I going round in circles ?

Anyway, yes should be able to make it for the first of the Tactics nights.

"Team B (thats you kenny), you go and scout, when you reach this point you may be able to see the rest of us waiting here and drinking cocoa !" (for the South Park fans amongst us)

dsmith 17 January 2002 11:11 AM

Server is appreciated. (especially as I've just built the LAN one and now appreciate the effort in getting the finer points right like admin mode etc.

Map Installs (after the d/l) dont really take that long so surely no excuses for the old hands.

Anyone coming to the LAN Sesh can copy all the current maps plus a couple of extras at 100mb/s already in the right directories etc. for no charge. Come on you know it makes sense :)

I shall be able to make Wed from about 9 onwards. (Post Tea and Wife chat times).

Couldn't believe it last night, finished work (at home) at midnight so thought "I need a bit of stress relief - lets see if anyone playiong on Locked". Blow me if there wasnt 7 or 8 people naffing around in boats. Excellent. Nothing like a para to vent a bit of anger.



jimbrit 17 January 2002 11:14 AM

Just a quickie guys for letting me play last night. Very enjoyable and friendly. Loved de_dawn, great map. Cheers. I'll be back

jimbrit aka [STi]Catalunya177

Damaja 17 January 2002 11:23 AM

Roadrunner where have you gone you bugger? Tell the misses to let you out as the locked server says so

orbv 17 January 2002 12:35 PM

I hate custom maps! (but 'as_' maps are worse)

Then I started playing assault2k. Its an improvment on an already good map. The jeep/driver/boat map are fun to play every now and again but are not maps I would choose to play.

When the custom maps where first added and only half the people joined I always asked the question if we should change back to a non custom map. Most people said yes. Now the maps have been on for 1/2 weeks the answer is always no.

Most of the naf custom maps have been removed. There are now 40ish good maps in the map cycle (25 mins per map). Everyone has the ability to start a vote of changing the map if they do not like the map.

To start a vote.....
"say rockthevote"
When a vote is running.....
say "vote <map name>"

Only needs 51% of people to agree on a map to change it.

IMHO, if the map is that bad and voting does not work in, get up off your chair and get a beer or cup of tea. Failing that, go and speak to your love one for 30 mins.

If any wants a list of maps with file sizes just e-mail/icq me.

BarryK 17 January 2002 12:50 PM

OK, I can take a hint and I apologise for being a whinging arse.

Get up for a beer? I do that throughout the game. :)

Like I said I have the maps downloaded, I'm not using it as an "old excuse", I don't think I ever did.

I'm not saying the maps are bad. I wouldn't know if they are or not.

But, when the custom map pack came out we played India and stuff and had a look round (Deano, Steve remember those sessions on the Cmap server?). So can we have a custom session starting earlier than 23:45 so's we can have a trundle round and see whats what?

Anyway apart from me who else is moaning? Surely I die often enough to allow me to be a moaning wraith?

Don't take anything I may publish too seriously.

What was that music I got a brief snatch of on High Society?

Oh and why was the bbq king on moaning all night? :)

Deano made me laugh with "nfw wtf bbq".

Has anyone else got the Yemen map, I remember playing (and practicing with a couple of people) on it last year when I started this caper, but haven't seen it since.

Stick together team.

Steve Perriam 17 January 2002 12:55 PM


Steve Perriam 17 January 2002 01:05 PM

no its only u bazza :p

yeah Cmaps server was kewl.

so it is peace and goodwill to all CS players tonite then :eek:

perhaps we play CS as a pillow fight ? :rolleyes:

or use plastic swords ;)

or just sit around on each map chatting and having a nice cup of tea :p

BarryK 17 January 2002 01:10 PM

Oi Apple breath.

If you didn't hear me last night, as we now have 2 "Bazza"s, you should call me "Sir" from now on.

And I know you didn't hear me because you were pasty scoffing terrorist rabble most of the time. :rolleyes:

Mike Burton 17 January 2002 01:16 PM

I hope your not suggesting I add another map to the server?



BarryK 17 January 2002 01:22 PM

India, hmmm.................

Steve Perriam 17 January 2002 01:32 PM

sir ?


i did hear u a lot actually........always screams of u dying again ;) :p which u did v well and often u northern scouser CT pansy :D :D :D

always thought DE_Rise was better than CS_India m8 ??

Neanderthal 17 January 2002 01:34 PM

Having just got a new PC and in the middle of sourcing the necessary networking stuff (cheers H:)) I haven't got the new maps downloaded.

Last night we tried a few new maps (High Society was good - -except for the music). When I got the message.. "map not found... downloading" I exited CS and went to Jolt and downloaded it, installed and rejoined. It's FAR quicker to do it that way round rather than d/l off the server.


BarryK 17 January 2002 01:47 PM

Nah, Rise was pants with that T buying bug in it.

I preferred Winternights anyhew.

Ever played Yemen map?

I plan to design a new map, CS_Devon, which will feature rescuing ostrich steaks from an over zealous barbecue chef.

CT skins will be fire brigade outfits, terrorists will be smock wearing straw chewers in tall chef's hats.

Neanderthal 17 January 2002 01:54 PM

Never played Yemen. I might download it tonight and have a look :)


Steve Perriam 17 January 2002 02:01 PM

never tried ostrich steaks ? any good ?

steaks good and this yr we're gonna do vension on the bbq :D

good skins those m8 ;)

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