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stilover 19 November 2007 02:18 PM

Gordon Brown to Heal the world
Brown wants UK to lead climate fight - Yahoo! News UK

Either that, or it's a great excuse to raise Tax in the name of saving the Planet. Cynical me? Never.

More cash = more free houses and extra benefits for immigrants :thumb:

The Chief 19 November 2007 02:20 PM

Exactly what i was thinking last night.

Using the politically correct excuse of climate change and being enviromentally friendly as an excuse to raise taxes - especially to motorists no doubt.

TopBanana 19 November 2007 02:25 PM

I expect he does actually believe he's going to save the world, and it's at least partially designed to strengthen the case for nuclear power.

ethanrob 19 November 2007 02:28 PM

one word


more fuel duty rise's on the way then :wonder: followed by more immigrants,does he think the british people are F**KING stupid,please please for the good of this country,do not vote these monkey's back in at the next general election,maybe just maybe there "could" be another party out there that will end all this "stealth taxing" and constant lying to the people of the once mighty "not so great anymore britain"


mrtheedge2u2 19 November 2007 02:43 PM

Suprised PSL isnt here to cyber-cock rub Brown and proclaim how NL will be the saviour of the planet

SetoN 19 November 2007 02:46 PM

When G.Brown first took over i thought he sounded like he new his business and would get down and make some changes for the better. Looks like hes just making things worse though.

Wouldnt it be nice if politicaians actually did what they said they would!

David Cameron? yes or no? I hate his guts, but now ive seen just how bad labour could be.... :cuckoo:

I just think they are humiliating us, making us work, so they can tax us, to pay for other people not to work, and paying for housing for immigrants when some of us can't afford to get on the house ladder ourselves!

Talking of work, better get back to doing some :thumb:


Leslie 19 November 2007 03:03 PM

I think that most people realise now that he is just as big a liar as the last bloke!

Les :(

f1_fan 19 November 2007 03:32 PM

Yes and waiting in the wings is David Cameron. You think he will give us any respite from the 'save the environment by taxing our asses off' policies?

We are doomed I tell you :(

greenonedave 19 November 2007 04:32 PM

both the political parties are clones of each other ! we are doomed to pc madness, constant tax rises,I am just glad I am getting old

SJ_Skyline 19 November 2007 04:36 PM

Gordon Brown to Heal the world - just like Tony Blair is doing in the Middle East....

Oh sorry, he seems to have forgotton his appointed role and gone off on a mega-bucks lecture tour of the world. The only thing more grotesque than his wife is his hourly rate. :mad:

stringostar 19 November 2007 04:42 PM

well guys.... my answer to the problem of how bad is this country gonna get??? move out! i started the ball rolling today on moving to OZ. as my son is only 2 weeks old, i worry what the future in our glorious land holds for him... i came up with nothing... absolute zilch... its going to get far worst over the next 20 years, with a civil war looming... not between the immigrants and whites, but between the immigrants them selves... its going to be the british public (whites), who are asking for asylum, in our own country.. surely you must agree??? also, the brits are too soft to say anything to labour, and all those in power.. and when we do ask questions or speak our true voices, we get called racist. its a no win situation we are in... and i'm fed up of it, so i'm off.


logiclee 19 November 2007 10:21 PM

Why are both parties so mad on green policies and the UK leading the world.

Sod the rest of the world we need to sort out our own domestic problems.

We are 2% of the worlds pollution and if we stopped every emmision now China will have replaced the drop within 18 months.

Both parties should be focusing on the massive problems we have in our society, our tax system, our schools, hospitals, crime and immigration.

But there is nothing big that seperates the two parties and the third's even worse.

Why do they think the mass voting population will only vote for the greenest party?


f1_fan 19 November 2007 11:43 PM

The environment is simply their latest excuse to bludgeon us with more taxation. Cameron and Brown don't give a monkey's uncle about climate change and the enviornment, they just want more of our money. It really is as simple as that.

stringostar 20 November 2007 12:43 AM

so how can we combat it.... we need a new party, one whos aim is the state of the country, one who isnt afraid to make decisions, and who start by closing our borders, and kicking out anyone who doesnt contribute and who shouldnt be here in the first place

f1_fan 20 November 2007 07:43 AM

stringostar, I don't want to start another immigration debate, but please believe me that the majority of this country's ills are not caused by immigration. There are far more fundamental problems than those posed by a few people from different countries and cultures arriving here.

I know the popular tabloid press would have us believe oitherwise but they are in the business of stirring up trouble in order to sell newspapers rather than reporting any real news.

Law and order, the welfare state and education are three areas where for me we should be focusing our attention rather than worrying about how green we are FFS.

girl-in-a-scoob 20 November 2007 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 7423577)

Law and order, the welfare state and education are three areas where for me we should be focusing our attention rather than worrying about how green we are FFS.

Areas where IF we wernt spending money on people who didnt contribute to the economy that we would be able to spend more on

f1_fan 20 November 2007 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by girl-in-a-scoob (Post 7423592)
Areas where IF we wernt spending money on people who didnt contribute to the economy that we would be able to spend more on

Sigh! Well even if it were as simple as that, and it really isn't, I don't think chucking money at it is the answer. This governement have ploughed large amounts of money into the NHS and education for example, but if that money is not spent correctly then it makes little difference as can be seen from those very examples..

Sorry, but it is attitude and policy that needs to be changed rather than just throwing more money about.

stringostar 20 November 2007 10:36 AM

why cant you start another immigration debate??? are you afraid you may say something out of turn?? something that may upset the immigrants?? bullcrap... speak your mind.. its becuase people are afraid to speak that nothing gets done..
if we did remove all the immigrants who should not be here, then maybe the NHS, schools and other public services would be able to cope, and the government wouldnt be inclined to throw more money into the system.

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 7423577)
stringostar, I don't want to start another immigration debate, but please believe me that the majority of this country's ills are not caused by immigration. There are far more fundamental problems than those posed by a few people from different countries and cultures arriving here.

I know the popular tabloid press would have us believe oitherwise but they are in the business of stirring up trouble in order to sell newspapers rather than reporting any real news.

Law and order, the welfare state and education are three areas where for me we should be focusing our attention rather than worrying about how green we are FFS.

f1_fan 20 November 2007 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by stringostar (Post 7423871)
why cant you start another immigration debate??? are you afraid you may say something out of turn?? something that may upset the immigrants?? bullcrap... speak your mind.. its becuase people are afraid to speak that nothing gets done..
if we did remove all the immigrants who should not be here, then maybe the NHS, schools and other public services would be able to cope, and the government wouldnt be inclined to throw more money into the system.

No it's nothing to do with being scared to say something out of turn etc. Put simply I don't want to start another immigration debate becuase they have been done to death and people like yourself are so obsessed with that one subject you can't see the bigger picture.

If you seriously think chucking the illegal immigrants out of the country would solve all our problems then you are deluded. Sorry to burst your bubble, but immigration is a long way from the biggest problem this country faces despite what the Daily Mail and most of SN NSR would like you to believe.

stringostar 20 November 2007 11:25 AM

well whats the biggest problem?... labour... what is the thing people are crying out for??... having their country back... is it gonna happen... is it hell.

Brendan Hughes 20 November 2007 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by stringostar (Post 7423956)
well whats the biggest problem?... labour... what is the thing people are crying out for??... having their country back... is it gonna happen... is it hell.

Certainly won't happen if you move to Oz.

Yet another immigrant/emigrant irony.

stringostar 20 November 2007 11:57 AM

course it wont happen if i move to oz... the fact of the matter is, if we do get our country back, what are we gonna get? a country in ruins, which basically wants re-building. do i wanna get involved... no! the country is ruined, cos its been allowed to get to this point.
what do you live for? i live to get the best out of life. to enjoy myself... but how can i do that, when our superb government 1)bans smoking in pubs. i enjoyed sitting at a tabel havin a laugh, drinkin and smoking at the same time. now i have to get up and walk out to the cold. (moaning cos i'm lazy too!) 2) government tells us that most of the things we consume are bad for you.. so what do i eat... celery all day? seems thats the only thing that is safe. 3) NHS. if i'm ill, i have to wait three days to get into the doctors... if i'm practically dying, i'm told to sit and wait for three hours in casualty, great! 4) tax.. everything we do is taxed... and its going to get worse. 5) freedom of speech... WE DONT HAVE NON. simple as that. mention the word black in a sentance and your gonna get arrested for using a racial word...

the list is endless.

stilover 20 November 2007 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 7423691)
Sigh! Well even if it were as simple as that, and it really isn't, I don't think chucking money at it is the answer. This governement have ploughed large amounts of money into the NHS and education for example, but if that money is not spent correctly then it makes little difference as can be seen from those very examples..

Sorry, but it is attitude and policy that needs to be changed rather than just throwing more money about.

Mass immigration into the UK is a problem. A big problem that is only going to get worse year on year as more countries join the EU. Britain is seen as a very soft touch. Go to Britain get a free house, free money, free education, free health care etc etc. This is taking up a huge amount of money the Government spends, and that is why I do believe Tax is rising so quickly, and will continue to rise. Petrol duty is a huge source of income for the government that is an easy way to raise even more money. Better now that the "Green" issue is being raised and highly profiled by the Government.

However, I do agree that immigration is just the icing on the cake. (Although that icing is getting thicker and thicker) Years of overspending and mis-management of that money has plunged the NHS from one crisis to another.

The Government have poured huge amounts of cash into the NHS and for what? GP's, consultants all renewed their contracts for huge pay rises. Money sucked up that could have actually gone on health care.
This government has a record of spending and overspending on everything it does. Look at the Dome. £1Bn to build. For what? A party for Londoners on new years eve. The Olympic games, that lets be honest most of the population of Britain didn't want. Yet Labour go ahead and win the bid. How much will it cost? Government estimates at the time was £1.5Bn. Who much has that risen to now? £5Bn? Bet it costs more than that. Who pays for that extra cost? You, me, and every other Tax payer.

This country would be better off without all the sponging immigrants. If they want to come here to work and pay Tax. Fine.

If they want to come here and claim a free house etc, then I don't want them here. I'm paying extra Tax for them having an easy life. Kick them out. :mad:

We need to sort out our own British spongers at the same time.

Brendan Hughes 20 November 2007 11:59 AM

Oh, by the way, do you know what a "whinging Pom" is?

EvilBevel 20 November 2007 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes (Post 7424018)
Oh, by the way, do you know what a "whinging Pom" is?

Something to do with spuds ?

stringostar 20 November 2007 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes (Post 7424018)
Oh, by the way, do you know what a "whinging Pom" is?

a whinging pom... i dont think so.. i'm just an average ENGLISH GUY, who is sick to the back teeth of this place. as i'm sure alot more others are too.

sounds to me like your happy to live in this pit?

SJ_Skyline 20 November 2007 12:10 PM

Leslie 20 November 2007 12:11 PM

Even more important than the green policy business is the fact that they are deliberately running this country into the weeds by reducing moral and educational standards down to gutter level as well as overburdening the country with uncontrolled immigration.

The reason behind all this is so they can present us as a complete package to the Eu and we can do nothing to stop it happening. They will then never have to worry about being voted out since they will be appointed to top Eu jobs as a reward.

It is worth noting that the international auditors have just refused yet again for the 13th year to sign off the Eu Commissioners' accounts. Billions of euro's of our taxes continue to disappear in directions that cannot be traced. Would you trust such a non elected body to lead you in the future?

Les :(

J4CKO 20 November 2007 12:31 PM

We are too small an island, the goverment with all the new technology find it to easy and tempting to scutinize us to squeeze every last penny out of the working population to pay for the genuine hardship and disability as per the original vision of the welfare state which has now been perverted to allow the lazy, the clueless and anyone who wants a free ride to jump on the badwagon.

I actually heard something positive this morning, the goverment are looking at the claimant profile of incapacity benefit, citing those who who damage their ability to work by being so enormously fat as being a burden that needs sorting out, trouble is they have let this happen, they need to tell it like it is but they need to rehabilitate people and make it clear its not acceptable, not unleash several thousand hungry fatties on the job market.

Brendan Hughes 20 November 2007 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by stringostar (Post 7424029)
a whinging pom... i dont think so.. i'm just an average ENGLISH GUY, who is sick to the back teeth of this place. as i'm sure alot more others are too.

sounds to me like your happy to live in this pit?

Well don't worry, you'll find out what it means pretty soon.

Happy to live where? You're new here aren't you? I left the UK in 1993. The country is beautiful but I dislike it because, surprise surprise, it's full of English people. Monocultural, monolingual, mono-minded, xenophobic - what do the Germans call them? "Island monkeys". Full of a bunch of white trash layabouts who have the highest drugs consumption and teenage pregnancy rates in Europe but blame all the foreigners for everything that's gone wrong, then spend Friday and Saturday drinking themselves stupid until they vomit and then try to pick a fight with anything that moves (or bus shelters). The national dress is a football shirt FFS.

My wife is from Asia, we've been together seven years (what's the divorce statistic in England now?) and she writes English better than you do, even though it's not her native language.

Still, let's wave the St George flag proudly eh?

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