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scottdg 18 December 2001 03:26 PM

Currently having some running probs with my car which I've posted in another thread (lost its bite).
However, I'm begining to wonder after reading a couple of other subjects posted if the fault doesn't lie with the ITG filter I've been using. I recently had the car serviced 18mts old 50k mls near enough and was told that the MAFF unit had finished its rather short life. Is this usual and could it be connected to running the ITG? or just a common fault with the MY00. Whatever, since the car has been back from the service with new MAFF fitted the performance has definately been down on usual. I'm changing the filter on Thursday for a Prodrive ramair type to see if the situation improves.
If anyone with tech knowhow reads this please comment.



chiark 18 December 2001 03:53 PM

Do not use the prodrive ramair filter. Prodrive do not recommend them for anything past MY98, which is why they're not part of the PPP for MY99/00 or beyond.

The ITG is one of, if not the best filtering panels out there. I would seriously doubt that that caused any damage.

chiark 18 December 2001 03:53 PM

Just a thought - reset the ECU?

Pete Croney 18 December 2001 03:59 PM


The ITG should be replaced every 30k.

I suspect yours is well and truly clogged up after 50k and would replace it immediately. I would guess this is the cause of your lost sparkle.

Avoid the Ramair. As Chiark says Subaru don't recommend this filter for 99/00 cars. MAF failure is more common on the phase II (99-00) but is not a frequent occurance, standard filter or performance filter.

The standard filter is scheduled for change every 15k and in some areas even this can be an optimistic life expectancy.

[Edited by Pete Croney - 12/18/2001 4:18:25 PM]

scottdg 18 December 2001 04:57 PM


You have mail.


scottdg 19 December 2001 10:56 AM


Garage confirmed that the filter was completely knackered, so I've ordered in a replacement ITG item.
Regarding the ECU reset does connecting the 4 leads (2green, 2black) under the stearing column and running the car for at least a minute remaining above 10mph (in very basic terms) have the same result as disconecting the battery or hooking up to a select monitor for an ECU reset.


mega_stream 19 December 2001 12:30 PM

My MAF failed on MY00 and the dealer changed it, the car had a RAM filter panel in when I got the car, when I questioned if it was the RAM that had caused the problem I was told that the RAMAIR is the recommended upgrade by Subaru :(

Have I been spun a yarn, as far as I'm concerned if I bought the car with a RAM filter and it needs changing for a better performance filter then they should pay for it.

Is this unreasonable?


scottdg 19 December 2001 05:30 PM

Sounds to me like the dealership service centres need to brush up on their knowledge. You'd think that with the performance levels an impreza can achieve these guys would be better trained, slightly more knowledgable & enthusiastic about the whole thing.
The chaps at my local Subaru garage hadn't even heard of an ITG filter before I ordered my original one in!!!!!

IMHO they need to take a leaf out of ScoobySport or Power Engineerings book. You never get "dunno I'll have to find out" when you call these guys.



dmel 22 December 2001 03:08 PM

Have also blown my MAF after 2,5 years. I have the standard air filter without the resonator. Sensitive and expensive devices.
Dimitris, MY99

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