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Abdabz 27 April 2007 03:45 PM

Snowdon - Llanberis Path
This Sunday I will rise from my slumber at a ludicrously early hour, drive to Wales and walk up and then down Snowdon.

This is training for the planned Scafell Pike walk later this summer. Which having seen Julia Bradbury do it on the tele seems to be currently my ultimate challenge for 2007!

We've chosen the Llanberis path as it seems to be very easy but still 5 hours of uphill climbing which is what the test is about... We need a walk to get used to muscle use/burn, energy levels, required equipment etc...

As it is going to be a nice day will I be OK in running shoes as opposed to my gargantuan walking boots?

Has anyone done it before, any recommendations? Is parking OK? Will the hut at the top be open to give me a cardio massage? How many litres of beer (I mean sugary drinks and water) should I take? Do I need a passport? Is the summit an anti climax or are the views stunning?

brihoppy 27 April 2007 03:50 PM

theres nothing worse for me than slogging your guts out to get to the top of snowdon then not being able to move for kids and old grannies that have come up on the train...:mad:

Abdabz 27 April 2007 03:52 PM

Poodom! I didnt think of it like that!!! Your entire sense of achievement destroyed by some al duffers and snotty kids... :eek:
Still it'll be a first for me and it's all planned and arranged now... :D

eldudereno 27 April 2007 03:55 PM

Loads of parking available.

Didn't quite get to the summit myself last year as the train wasn't working due to slippage of the track so had a large icecream instead. Have done all the mountains in the lakes before though and Ben Nevis twice. :)

_Meridian_ 27 April 2007 03:58 PM

In theory you could do it in trainers, and many run up that path in them, but IMHO hill-walking is trainers is always a bad idea. I also assume that you mean five hours for the lot, as it's about 2.5 up and 2 down for a moderately unfit adult. That path is the easiest, but longest, and essentially follows the railway. Much/all of it is properly laid path (it was sand when I went up in about 1997) to stop erosion.

Water? I litre each will probably be fine unless it's very hot. Unless it has changed, the cafe won't be open yet IIRC? At this time of year there's a 50% chance you won't see anything due to low cloud, but you might be lucky.


Geezer 27 April 2007 04:03 PM

I did it when I was 9 years old, so it can't be that tough! I'm not trying to be smart, but I honestly don't remember it being a real grueler (sp?) and I certainly didn't have walking boots. It didn't take 5 hours either, but the view from the top was magnificent (summer of '76) Sadly, I suspect visibilty will not be so good nowdays.

It should be quiet at the top though, as the train only goes up to Clogwyn Station (2500ft) at the mo, as they are building a new complex at the top, so it shouldn't be overrun with idiots who couldn't be bothered to walk it.

I would dearly like to go up again, maybe one day.......


Coffin Dodger 27 April 2007 04:18 PM

Yep pretty straightforward. The path while long isn't particularly steep or technical. Pretty sure you could get a Landrover to the top using it.

As for using running shoes, yeah fine if that's what you want to do. I'd prefer to wear my boots, it will get you used to walking in them for future expeditions, they'll protect and support your ankles (it still can be tough on the legs when descending) and my Gore-Tex boots really aren't gargantuan - quite light and comfy really - so I don't mind wearing them at all.

speedking 27 April 2007 05:01 PM

Agree with CD that you should wear your boots in. We climbed Scafell Pike last week on this route which was superb (we didn't do the extension). But it is very rocky and you definitely need boots there. Total time car to car = 6.5hours (one 12 year old and one "moderately unfit adult" :lol1:). We went up Grains Gill and down via the Corridor Route. HTH

Abdabz 27 April 2007 05:25 PM

Coolio... Just 2.5 hours to the top? I'll be up photographed and down before luncheon!

I cant see me wearing the boots (mine are hi-tek_ because I bought them a size bigger than needed so I could line them with winter walking socks... it's going to be 23degrees on Sunday so I will have sweaty soggy feet and look like a pot bellied big foot :)

Speedking, re Scafell,I'll be back in touch in a few months with a thread about that expedition! Looking forward to that little country stroll...:D

Chip 27 April 2007 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by Abdabz (Post 6874689)
Coolio... Just 2.5 hours to the top? I'll be up photographed and down before luncheon!


For a good hearty breakfast here:

Petes Eates


B0DSKI 27 April 2007 08:13 PM

I did the Lanberis park last week to the summit of Snowdon with my Mountain bike!!! Sure you can't ride all of it up as the path is a right mess and very bad condition in places but it was a HUGE grin on the way down. Quite a difference from Essex!!

There's nothing @ the summit at the present as they are in the middle of rebuilding all of it, so make sure you have plenty of fluids and food. Even the half way cafe was closed when we went up!!

Oh and the road that leads to Lanberis from Betws y coed is superb in every way, smooth with long sweeping bends and amazing scenery. Just watch out for the welsh old bill in the 30mph limits.

Pics of the track on the way up and a view from close to the summit (we was in cloud when we got to the 1085M top)

Brit_in_Japan 27 April 2007 09:29 PM

You're climbing Snowdon (1085m) in training for climbing Scafell Pike (978m)? Shouldn't that be the other way round?

unclebuck 27 April 2007 10:24 PM

Originally Posted by B0DSKI (Post 6875098)
I did the Lanberis park last week to the summit of Snowdon with my Mountain bike!!! Sure you can't ride all of it up as the path is a right mess and very bad condition in places but it was a HUGE grin on the way down. Quite a difference from Essex!!

There's nothing @ the summit at the present as they are in the middle of rebuilding all of it, so make sure you have plenty of fluids and food. Even the half way cafe was closed when we went up!!

Oh and the road that leads to Lanberis from Betws y coed is superb in every way, smooth with long sweeping bends and amazing secenery (Sp?) Just watch out for the welsh old bill in the 30mph limits.

Pics of the track on the way up and a view from close to the summit (we was in cloud when we got to the 1085M top)

Great pics. Show just how dry it is for this time of year. :eek:

Out of interest would they allow you take the train up with a bike? I suspect not, but I've always wondered.

B0DSKI 27 April 2007 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck (Post 6875525)
Great pics. Show just how dry it is for this time of year. :eek:

Out of interest would they allow you take the train up with a bike? I suspect not, but I've always wondered.

Never asked m8 to be honest i'd not of thought so. The trains only going 3/4 of the way up when we was there and was full of grannys lol.

5 weeks without rain when we was there last week and as you say very very dry and dusty.

Car park is £4 all day, almost opposite where the train station is. The walk/Ride starts a little bit futher down the road, over the cattle grid and is V steep @ the beginning lol.

B0DSKI 28 April 2007 11:16 AM


Just noticed you said about wearing trainers. I'd not if i was you M8 the rock is sharp in places and i recon it'd cut the soles to ribbons if your planning on going right to the summit :thumb:

Abdabz 28 April 2007 01:51 PM

Cool, cheers Bodski :thumb: I'll start in my training pumps but take my boots with me just in case.
Great pics looking forward to seeing the view from the top tomorrow... Will need to take the suncream too!

topdog 28 April 2007 08:57 PM

Just been myself recently too, started from pen y pass and went up the pyg track and came down the miners

here's some pics

Crib Goch..........only for the very brave

hades 29 April 2007 01:08 AM

Originally Posted by topdog (Post 6877889)
Just been myself recently too, started from pen y pass and went up the pyg track and came down the miners

here's some pics

Crib Goch..........only for the very brave

Sorry, that's not Crib Goch, that's what I think of as the "return leg" of the snowdon horseshoe, which I think is technically y Lliwedd. Crib Goch falls away steeply to both sides, not just the one.

Here gives some decent pictures of Crib Goch. Great walk/scramble/almost a climb at points. Much more fun than the LLanberis path.

I'll second the nomination for Pete's Eats.

I'll also comment that something like a decent pair of Merrells or similar "lightweight boots" are perfectly adequate for Llanberis path, pyg track of miner's track. I've gone through 3 or 4 pairs of this kind of thing over many years and never found a walk in the UK they've not been up to in normal weather (although the time I did the pyg track in -35ºC chill factor, 2' deep snow, you needed more!). A good pair is pretty much up to trainers for every day use, lasts ages and does the mountains much better than any "normal trainer".

topdog 29 April 2007 10:25 AM

you're right this is crib goch

Leslie 29 April 2007 01:00 PM

Thanks to all for the lovely pictures.

Les :)

hades 29 April 2007 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by topdog (Post 6878763)

It is indeed. That view is always great for demonstrating the paths for those who've not done Snowdon before; Miners track coming up from by the lake, pyg track half way up to the side, Crib Goch scrambling along the ridge itself.

Les - I agree, the pictures make me realise it's a few years since I was last up there and I want to go back again (for the full horeshoe, of course!)

But back on track (bad pun not originally intended) - has Abdabz survived the "motorway"? (as the climbers call the Llanberis path)

Abdabz 30 April 2007 08:08 AM

Well, good morning all and ouch... Parts of my legs are aching today so I'll be walking like metal mickey this time tomorrow... But here's how it panned out..

8am we left St Helens and stopped at the first welsh macdonalds on the A55 for stodge... Then a relaxing a suprisingly quiet drive to Llanberis, parked the car in the £4 car park at 10.20am, donned the back packs and wandered off...

The first climb up the tarmac track woke us both up and we followed the signs through the couple of gates that seem almost there just to let you know you're leaving civilisation (well almost) as there is more civilsation on Snowdon than there is in Llanberis!

The path is a doddle up to the half way cafe (which was open)... We stopped here for five mins for a bite to eat unaware of what lay ahead...

Once past the half way cafe, the path got rougher, more stoney and because it was so dry it was dusty and slippy, but we pressed on and it slowly became more obvious to us what lump of rock we were actually going to scale...

The vertical cliffs and tarn at the bottom came into view next as did the much steeper section where they are clearly trying to lay boulders at present to aid the less able walker (like me :))...

At this point we are beginning to realise that there is a fine amount of tidy ladyage on the hills :luxhello: and everyone's saying hello and it's all so jolly friendly :thumb:

We begin the 'steep' part of the ascent and by the time I get to the railway bridge that crosses the footpath, I need a breather... Heart rate 140+... Pooped, sweating like a paedo on a schoolbus... So I take my new bottle of lucozade from my bag and turn the lid, and in formula one podium fashion am now covered in sticky glucose beverage... Abdabz brother laughs. Abdabz is sticky :nono:

I then realise how high we have come... Now altitude doesnt bother me, vertical drops do though! That viewpoint scared me a tad, but we must press on...

On the next part of the steep climb, I stopped twice more for breath... It was getting hard now, 2 hours in and nearly at the top...

Then we reach the plateu part near the top... The views of both down pyg and miners down below, Abdabz feeling woozy and staying on the railway side of the path :lol1:...

Then it becomes obvious where the actual summit is, and from where we are standing I am plopping my dudleys :eek: Still, phobias aside, I've not come this far to not make it, so with head down looking at the track we push on...

A chuffing queue to get to the viewpoint and about 100 milling about at the actual summit... :eek:
Quick photo and then 15mins back down we stop for lunch...

Going down was a nightmare, it was only now I regretted doing it in trainers, sliding on the pebbly dusty track going over on ankles every 10mins we were! How one of us didnt sprain something I dont know!!

The descent was gruelling on the tops of my legs and knees (my own fault for weighing 13 stone) and the second half of the descent was a tad yawnful...

That said, I had a real sense of achievement doing it. It confirmed that my next challenge, Scafell is do-able...

So my lower calfs are aching, my upper thighs are aching, I am sunburnt (far more on my left than my right :D) and my left wrist is really sore (why, I dont know). All that said, what a great day out :thumb:

I recommend it to anyone...

One thing I forgot to mention were the mental unicyclists carrying their unicycles up to the summit?!?! :confused: WTF is all that about :cuckoo:

SJ_Skyline 30 April 2007 10:15 AM

Well done fella :thumb:

B0DSKI 30 April 2007 12:08 PM

Nice one Abadabz :thumb: Seems strange reading about somewhere i was so recently.

Think i'll stick with 2 wheels on my bike though :D

And as for the left wrist hurting...............You never enjoyed the summit THAT much did ya ;)

Abdabz 30 April 2007 05:22 PM

Hee hee, nah B0DSKI.. Plenty descending on bikes and plenty carring and pushing them up! Almost as many unicycles!! :eek:
Cheers for all the advice. The timing was spot on - 2.5hrs up and 2 down including stops... We didnt hang about!
It's only now, looking at my piccies that it's all sinking in (height, distance, effort etc).
I dont have a hosting thingy like photobucket to share them with you guys but there are some beauts if anyone wants some mailing over :thumb:

B0DSKI 30 April 2007 08:00 PM

Open a photobucket account M8 it's free and easy to use. It'd be cool to see your pics

Abdabz 01 May 2007 07:05 PM

Not sure if these will work but here is a sample few:

Plenty more but you get the idea :thumb:

Longjing 01 May 2007 07:13 PM

If you've developed a taste for Welsh mountains, Cader Idris (893m) is lovely and a bit less touristy. South of Snowdon, near Dolgellau.

B0DSKI 01 May 2007 07:33 PM

Great Pictures M8 :thumb: Makes me wanna have another trip to North Wales

Sonic' 01 May 2007 07:55 PM

Well done mate, pics are very :cool:

Hope your bro survived it too :D

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