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EIRE 26 March 2007 05:09 PM

Hi guys i have a six day old my07 wrx sl in urban grey and really love the car but after a couple of days driving have noticed a rattle which seems to be coming from the back sounds like a cross between a rattle and a creak and it is driving me f**king mental..:brickwall i vaguely remember coming across a thread about this before about pins being left in from the production line or something like that but thats about it... any info on this problem would be very much appreciated as it is beginning to ruin my new car experience....:notworthy

miff13 26 March 2007 05:23 PM

Was it this one?

If not search for rattle, loads to chose from:D

rpw 26 March 2007 05:34 PM

i have the same on my sti spec D which i bought in december it was booked in for this wednesday so i can find out what the prob is as it drives me insane to but as some ass hole crashed into the back of me on sat i will now have to wait

EIRE 26 March 2007 05:49 PM

Thanks for the help guys it must be a common enough problem for subaru to have a bulletin on it a big job to remove the rear screen and replace it with no recurring problem or is it wise to do as the thread says and do it yourself...hmmmm:wonder: ...has any one else had this rattle and got it successfully sorted either by a main dealer or by DIY...:wonder: Also sorry to hear about your spec d mate i hope it gets sorted soon..

rpw 26 March 2007 08:36 PM

if you take it to subaru post on here what they say i might have mine back by then

EIRE 26 March 2007 08:47 PM

I will do mate.. my car is a maltese import so it will be interesting to see if they will be accommodating to my cause.....

marmski 26 March 2007 10:16 PM

Strange you should post this here... i have mine booked in tommorrow for the exact same problem. (MY05 STi on a 06 plate with 9k).

I'm having its service done at the same time, but when i took it for diagnostics they reckon the rattle was coming from inside the roof skins (apparently their is a few of them and their fixings can come loose). They reckon its 8hrs with the service :o

Lucky its a warranty job.

Will post here tommorrow with results (hopefully its gone by then!).

rpw 26 March 2007 10:19 PM

cool id like to hear both the outcomes as when i get my car back it might save them some time

EIRE 26 March 2007 10:27 PM

hmmm the plot thickens..Marmski it will be interesting to see if that does the trick.. for me i think my problem sounds like those dreaded locating pegs defineatly seems to be coming from the rear windscreen...???

RJL_WRX05 26 March 2007 10:53 PM

my MY05 has the same rattle, I got someone to sit in the back and push up on the rear screen which confirmed it is definately the rear screen causing the prob. Took it into dealer and they say its a common fault so will book in. I have also got a squeeky clutch pedal and rusting alloys to resolve at the same time!!:( Let me know how you get on.

rpw 26 March 2007 10:53 PM

same here it rattles all the time regardless of the surface im driving on

powerman1 20 April 2007 08:57 PM

danfranklin1 20 April 2007 11:00 PM

Christ, they still haven't sorted these things then. I've got at least six intermittent squeaks and rattles, but then I drive a leggy MY99. Suburu really seem to have dropped the ball. Used to have a Mondeo with 130k on the clock which had no rattles at all. There's no excuse.

Luminous 20 April 2007 11:10 PM

Subaru are too busy trying to endlessly restyle the nose of the damn thing, let alone make diesels rather than fix what they have almost perfected :(

powerman1 21 April 2007 09:30 AM

Gents had a look this morning and i took the the 4 retaining plugs from the roof lining and pulled the roof lining down about 6 inch and right in the middle of the window at the top is some kind of Velcro type fixing between the glass and the frame and it moved making the dreaded noise so i just pulled it out and the noise as gone..MY06 .
please let us know if this cure yours only took 5 minutes to do

EIRE 21 April 2007 05:02 PM

Having originally posted this thread i took your advice powerman 1 and removed the 4 retaining plugs pulled down the roof and removed that plastic clip..i only took the clip out and left that little strip of velcro still on the windscreen as it did not seem to be touching anything.. the only problem is that i am working until 9.30 and wont know if that f**king rattle is gone or not.. i will post as soon as i get home.....

powerman1 28 April 2007 09:54 AM

did it work?

rpw 28 April 2007 10:04 AM

i had mine booked in with subaru 2 weeks ago for this problem and told them about the pegs which they had no idea about and when i collected the car they said they couldnt find anything and that they had spoke to subaru and they knew nothing about it either, they told me they would look into it further and get back to me and still no phone call, has anybody on here had theres fixed at subaru if so which dealer as i will ring mine and tell them to speak to them

EIRE 28 April 2007 10:53 AM

The simple answer to your question is no.. I think the noise or rattle is may be not quite as bad but it is still there.. I could see the white locating pegs that must be causing it when i was taking out that clip but i think i will leave it to the subaru dealer to sort as i would probably break the windscreen...:brickwall

richs2891 28 April 2007 11:08 AM

My 05 has had this rattle and it was driving me mad up to last week,I'd previously checked that the car jack wasnt moving in its storage space in the passenger rear wing and had checked that the almost usless space saver was locked in tight etc and that the jack handle had not slipped from it clips on the bit of wood in the boot !
Finally bit the bullet and removed the roof lining and trimmed the white palstic retaing clips down a little - also as suggested by powerman1 took the black velcro thing out from the center of the screen. Now the car seem to have no rattles now ! Not sure what fixed it but it better for now !

EIRE 30 April 2007 01:34 AM

Can anyone advise as to how much of the locating pegs have to be removed to get rid of that f**king rattling noise...???

ScoobyWeb 30 April 2007 07:04 PM

I removed the whole thing to make sure. First cut the pegs off with a stanley knife and then lifted the rest off the screen. They are held on with double sided sticky tape. easy peasy.

v8voodoo 17 May 2007 11:00 AM

Another confirmation that this works. :thumb:

Cut the peg bits off then got the rest of the plastic thing out of the top corners and also removed the velcro looking thing in the centre.

Test run completed yesterday, it's now rattle free. :luxhello:


powerman1 17 May 2007 05:47 PM

just a bit of a trick to avoid taking the rear pillars covers off...just use a wood chisel and gently tap the two side pegs off flush with the body work and leave the plastic on the window..spray a bit of WD40 on to the pegs and hey presto its as quite as mouse..2mins in total and no trim removed

bluto22b 17 May 2007 08:26 PM

I didn't think rattles and squeaks were important in Subaru's? :confused: I thought they had strengths in other areas to out weigh this???

If rattles bother people this much I suggest you move on to a marque with superior build.....

like an.................

Audi :D

Chip 30 May 2007 03:52 PM

Are these the offending pegs??


ScoobyWeb 31 May 2007 04:56 PM

Yep thats em.

Snazy 31 May 2007 05:02 PM

Lets see if mine comes with this extra too lol

stara 31 May 2007 05:44 PM

i have a 1month old my07 , this crackling sound rattle suddenly appeared yesterday, sounds like rain hitting the rear glass and doesn't seem to increase or decrease with the changes in road cr4pness, i'm a bit taken aback TBH having previously owned a lexus, i guess i was spoilt.

fast08 30 September 2007 01:00 AM


I have exactly the same crackling sound from rear glass. Did you get it fixed? Please let me know.. Thanks, :)

Originally Posted by stara (Post 6974106)
i have a 1month old my07 , this crackling sound rattle suddenly appeared yesterday, sounds like rain hitting the rear glass and doesn't seem to increase or decrease with the changes in road cr4pness, i'm a bit taken aback TBH having previously owned a lexus, i guess i was spoilt.

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