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nickyrhodes 05 February 2007 10:11 AM

Jailed for under taking
Anyone see Jezza last night saying about the new law. Jailed for undertaking, wtf....!!!?!?!?

I know its a rule for a reason, but there should be penalty's for hogging the outside lane too, i think jail is a little excessive.

They should be investing our money in catching un-insured drivers that crash into me, drive off and 6 weeks later theyve dropped the investigation because "no one would admit to driving". All the while they are trying to prosecute my mate for failing to know who was driving at the time of a speeding ticket. Its all wrong.

A nice discssion for a monday morning ;)

Prasius 05 February 2007 10:19 AM

Can't see you getting any disagreement from anyone here.

Thing is - with the police being pushed to achieve targets for detected crime - getting someone for undertaking requires far less effort than bothering with "real criminals".

rossi_classicwrx 05 February 2007 10:22 AM

its stupid. i can see the reasoning but theres much more important things to focus on. middle and outside lane hoggers would be targeted if i was in charge.
Good luck to your mate Nicky i got done for the same thing

nickyrhodes 05 February 2007 10:24 AM

I totally argree. There was a big white van on my local main road on Sat with cameras front and back, funny thing was that there was a police bike and a T5 there too. Why on earth does it take so many police to work a fancy camcorder!!!!

nickyrhodes 05 February 2007 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by rossi_classicwrx (Post 6625842)
its stupid. i can see the reasoning but theres much more important things to focus on. middle and outside lane hoggers would be targeted if i was in charge.
Good luck to your mate Nicky i got done for the same thing


I'm pretty sure that Jezza also announced a while ago that at least 60% of all congestion is due to outside/middle lane hogging... Maybe because the police know that there there are little floaty dollar signs in their vision... :wonder:

J_sca001 05 February 2007 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by nickyrhodes (Post 6625850)
I totally argree. There was a big white van on my local main road on Sat with cameras front and back, funny thing was that there was a police bike and a T5 there too. Why on earth does it take so many police to work a fancy camcorder!!!!

Try and keep an open mind guys. The van you saw may well be an ANPR van, which stands for Automatic Number Plate Retreival (Yes trolls my spelling is crap). They only ping up cars noted for, no insurance, no tax, no current keeper, stolen cars, cars used in crime, Blah Blah Blah...... This saves us stopping cars on a hunch and wasting ours and your time.
It has a nearly 100% sucess rate! Catching the very people you talk about. The bike and car are there as they have quite a few cars make off at speed. Pity the numb nuts didn't try and place their vehicles better. In our Force they are further down the road waiting to be called up with a hit from ANPR.

Back to the original subject in the thread regarding jail for undertaking. If they do not send the vile people like "Pedo's" to prison i doubt they will send
a motorist to jail for undertaking. However, the Lay Magistrate is a strange animal to say the least!:( They have no legal knowledge, thats the clerk sat in the front of the magistrates who has that and directs them accordingly. Most Magistrates i have seen in court are generally retired or bored well off people who don't live in the real world anyway!:(

nickyrhodes 05 February 2007 11:09 AM


if it was a number plate thing then hats off, seen them once or twice on there, last time was over a blind crest which is why i assumed it was for the speeders....

I suppose its down to the copper that stops you and the severity of the offence but its luck of the draw whether you get a nice policeman or not

BULLITT 05 February 2007 11:19 AM

I undertook 5 cars this morning, all were doing 25mph on a 40mph dual carriageway for no reason what so ever, the left lane was perfectly clear, I was doing the speed limit, they weren't and they wouldn't move over. And I'll do it again tomorrow if the same thing happens.

RA Dunk 05 February 2007 11:29 AM

wot about the streo thing then? bit of a waste of time fitting stereos to cars if you cant turn em on and off lol

BULLITT 05 February 2007 11:35 AM

The really annoying thing is despite all of these new (and stupid) laws been made up, people are still allowed to smoke whilst driving.:wonder: :cuckoo:

richs2891 05 February 2007 11:42 AM

Some good poinmts here, but lets be honest when did you last see a police car on the road - so the chances of getting done for any of these silly and ill thought out new rules are slim !


J_sca001 05 February 2007 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by nickyrhodes (Post 6625966)

if it was a number plate thing then hats off, seen them once or twice on there, last time was over a blind crest which is why i assumed it was for the speeders....

I suppose its down to the copper that stops you and the severity of the offence but its luck of the draw whether you get a nice policeman or not

Very True mate!
The Police is just a job. No different to any other.
Unfortunately it, like all jobs have their fair share of nobbers.:freak3:

nickyrhodes 05 February 2007 12:01 PM

Originally Posted by Á¢ïÐ (Post 6626038)
wot about the streo thing then? bit of a waste of time fitting stereos to cars if you cant turn em on and off lol

forgot about that, good point!!! next we wont be allowed to change gear or look at the dashboard!!!!

RA Dunk 05 February 2007 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by Bullitt_Rich (Post 6626053)
The really annoying thing is despite all of these new (and stupid) laws been made up, people are still allowed to smoke whilst driving.:wonder: :cuckoo:

So now you want to ban people smoking in there cars then?

funkyspider 05 February 2007 12:20 PM

This has always been the case really, the laws just make it easier to categorise. I think you'll find that 'driving with undue care and attention' has always had the ability to carry a jail sentance so these are just categories in the 'undue' blanket. Basically if you drive agressively or generally behave like a 'tw@t' then you can have a sentance imposed, if required, so nothing has really changed.

I would hope the magistrates treat each case individually and one day jail the X5 driver who sat less than a meter off my back bumper at 80mph on his phone when I was in a line of traffic with no opportunity to speed up or to change lanes.

BULLITT 05 February 2007 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by Á¢ïÐ (Post 6626151)
So now you want to ban people smoking in there cars then?

Not for health reasons or any of that rubbish, but from a road safety point of veiw yes. Your not allowed to hold a mobile phone at the wheel, smoking is within the same principle, you still have to take your eyes off the road to do it at some point.

davyboy 05 February 2007 12:36 PM

Undertaking is not illegal if done in the correct manner.

Swerving in and out of traffic could be deemed illegal.

D00 05 February 2007 12:59 PM

Well the way I see it is - I reckon most people have a bit of a blast now and then in their cars - but it's all about being sensible and mature at the end of the day. If you are going to drive like a real tw*t - then you deserve what's coming your way. And if the coppers are catching people without tax, insurance - all the better in my eyes. I hope they also catch the tw*ts whose drive along with a cell phone in their hands too!

I have fun in my Scoob, don't always stick strictly to the rules of the Higway Code, but think I am sensible enough not to be classed as a tw*t hopefully!

GazTheHat 05 February 2007 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by Bullitt_Rich (Post 6626001)
I undertook 5 cars this morning, all were doing 25mph on a 40mph dual carriageway for no reason what so ever, the left lane was perfectly clear, I was doing the speed limit, they weren't and they wouldn't move over. And I'll do it again tomorrow if the same thing happens.

I would too. Either that or flash the buggers out the lane, EU-style.

lightning101 05 February 2007 01:03 PM

So if i'm on the dual carriageway in the outside lane doing 70 and a bloke is in the middle lane doing 60, what happens if I decide to slow down to 50 to await changing lanes ? He would undoubtably undertake me through no fault of his own :Suspiciou

finalzero 05 February 2007 01:06 PM

police state

George Orwell couldn't have been more true today

Spyder550 05 February 2007 01:10 PM

Why don't they do something useful about the idiots in artics, who hold traffic back for miles. One decides to overtake another, then the bloke in the inside puts his foot down more to stop the guy going past overtaking.

RA Dunk 05 February 2007 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by Bullitt_Rich (Post 6626220)
Not for health reasons or any of that rubbish, but from a road safety point of veiw yes. Your not allowed to hold a mobile phone at the wheel, smoking is within the same principle, you still have to take your eyes off the road to do it at some point.

aload of p1$h, lighting a smoke only takes around two seconds where as a phone conversation can take minutes, fair enough your mind isnt focused 100% on driving for those two seconds but neither is it when you turn on the lights , windscreenwipers, look at the speedo, stereo or anyhing else that you need to look away from the windscreen for

so basically acording to you its not safe to drive in the dark or in the rain as your not focused on driving 100% of the time due to turning lights on /dipping or using windscreen wipers, common sense needs to be applied in some cases

so where do we stop with all of this Politically Correct cr4p...........

BULLITT 05 February 2007 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by Á¢ïÐ (Post 6626539)
aload of p1$h, lighting a smoke only takes around two seconds where as a phone conversation can take minutes, fair enough your mind isnt focused 100% on driving for those two seconds but neither is it when you turn on the lights , windscreenwipers, look at the speedo, stereo or anyhing else that you need to look away from the windscreen for

so basically acording to you its not safe to drive in the dark or in the rain as your not focused on driving 100% of the time due to turning lights on /dipping or using windscreen wipers, common sense needs to be applied in some cases

so where do we stop with all of this Politically Correct cr4p...........

Don't talk wet, your taking it way out of the realms of realism there.

Lets break it down a bit here, I'll do the same for both smoking and phone.

1. Find cigs
2. try and get one out of the packet
3. find lighter (if not using the cars)
4. light cig - main point of concentration lost.
5. smoke it - now car is filling with smoke, open window does nothing but blow it about.
6. holding the cig when its not in your mouth - same as been on the phone, you still have less control of the car as you don't have a full grip of the wheel.

With smoking, you might as well set fire to the car and drive round, if your drop it your gonna set fire to your car. Major hazard!

Talking on the phone (not on bluetooth/handsfree):
1. Find phone
2. unlock and search for number (assuming you don't have voice regconition on)
3. Make the call
4. Conversation - 3 & 4 same as smoking you will be performing several moves in the car and you don't have complete control.

In my opinion both are just as bad as each other. Now I can tell by your reaction to my first post about it is that your a smoker and obviously quite bitter about the national ban in Scotland. I don't smoke and I'm not going to argue this out on here as it will just go round in circles but I would still be saying it even if I was a smoker. I'm on about using common sense for road safety, what you do to yourselves is upto you. If you want to smoke, fine, I would just prefer it not to be the cause of someone running into me, just like talking on the phone.

J_sca001 05 February 2007 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by finalzero (Post 6626415)
police state

George Orwell couldn't have been more true today

More Trolls:Whatever_

funkyspider 05 February 2007 04:11 PM

Bullit - I'm afraid that is, how shall I put it - bollox.

It has been quite clearly shown that it's not necessarily physically having the phone in your hand that is the problem it is the actual conversation - and this applies to hands free too it was shown.

Read, inwardly digest and stop talking utter arse tripe

NSC Issue - Driver Safety
UK Department for Transport | THINK! Road Safety - Welcome to the THINK! web site

plenty more articles if you do a simple google search (don't use google whilst driving !)

RA Dunk 05 February 2007 04:14 PM

Major hazzard my back side, i could tell from your very first post you were one of the anti smoking brigade, fair enough the no smoking in public thing i dont agree with it but live by it, if we choose to smoke in our cars thats our buisness not any of yours, how can you compare smoking to using a phone in your car is just unbelievable, and no dropping a fag dosent set fire to your car as ive done it a few times and my car hasnt burned down or even started smouldering for that matter, people are in far more control of there car than when they are if there talking on a phone, i fully agree with the ban on mobiles but to suggest even banning smoking in cars is just utter p1$h

alcazar 05 February 2007 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by Á¢ïÐ (Post 6626151)
So now you want to ban people smoking in there cars then?

Yes, absolutely, can't come soon enough. You can ALREADY be prosecuted for eating or drinking while driving, but not for having a burning fag in your hand. Ridiculous.

And the next one I'd target would be women driving in daft high heels. It's illegal to drive in bare feet, but NOT in stupid high heeled slip-on sandals etc

British Law? Stupid:mad:


Lee247 05 February 2007 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 6626723)
Yes, absolutely, can't come soon enough. You can ALREADY be prosecuted for eating or drinking while driving, but not for having a burning fag in your hand. Ridiculous.

And the next one I'd target would be women driving in daft high heels. It's illegal to drive in bare feet, but NOT in stupid high heeled slip-on sandals etc

British Law? Stupid:mad:


Don't give them any more ideas. We'll have to wear a Government approved uniform to drive soon :(

RA Dunk 05 February 2007 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 6626723)
Yes, absolutely, can't come soon enough. You can ALREADY be prosecuted for eating or drinking while driving, but not for having a burning fag in your hand. Ridiculous.

And the next one I'd target would be women driving in daft high heels. It's illegal to drive in bare feet, but NOT in stupid high heeled slip-on sandals etc

British Law? Stupid:mad:


ROFL!! i cant believe the mentality of some people in this country :cuckoo:

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