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munna 13 November 2000 11:11 AM came and was wet and miserable....12 lone Impreza's and 1 Pulsar GTiR went out to play....And boy did we play!!...we saw more rear end action than you see in a strip joint!!....

Thank you to all who made this day possible..

Brian:-I hope that you're tracking is OK!!..

Till the next meet chap's...take care..and stay cool

PS:-to the bloke in the Ford galaxy...please have you're bloody indicator on the next time you stop on a fast long straight road!!..other wise the next time you might have 12 impreza's stuck up where the sun don't shine!!

munna 13 November 2000 03:10 PM

erm...this is for the Kielder run that was held over the weekend?!!?

Blackscooby 13 November 2000 03:29 PM

ooooh Munna....

I'm jealous....I ended up with a stonking hangover rather than a Scooby induced grin

MarkF 13 November 2000 07:20 PM

Munna, remember the bridge, the "moments", the sheep, the left turn???

DaveW 13 November 2000 07:51 PM


For Munna the list of 'little incidents' is too many he probably can't remember them all


No sympathy for the hangover mate, self inflicted


Will you be able to cope as a passenger on the next meet? Or should I remember to bring the sick bags

Oh and as for that OLD GUY in the Galaxy, F*****G idiot. But he's a safe driver coz he dosen't speed.

[This message has been edited by DaveW (edited 13 November 2000).]

Blackscooby 13 November 2000 10:14 PM

Munna ~ Have you been sheep worrying again mate ?

Little incidents.....come on spill the beans tell all !


munna 14 November 2000 10:56 AM

You want to know what happened mark?….well here goes…ten minutes into the session approached a left Hooker…which from my point of view(50mph!!) looked like an ever so slight left bend…car was in 3rd at about 4500rpm’s…no problem’s….until I hit the bend and realised that the Bast*d turned in a heck of a lot deeper!!…before I had realised about the deeper bend I had already applied a blip of the throttle and half a lock of the steering!!…and the car back end swung to the right… I corrected a little bit too much and the left this time swung round!!…I skidded for about 50yards in this position until I straightened out. The car at this point was skidding in a diagnal line across both part’s of the road!!!I am so glad that there was no other car coming the opposite way…

The sheep incident was through single track road through Keilder….60mph….hard brake to stop in front of a suicidal Sheep….i knew there was a sizable gap between my self and the other car’s…but you just don’t realise how small this gap becomes under hard braking!!!!!….another close shave…

The last one was on the way down HartSide….stooopid cow in a red escort indicated on a sharp right hand bend in to a layby…IE:- meaning I can Blast past…wrong….as soon as I had started to use both lanes she came back onto the road!!!…forcing me onto the muddy verge…managed some how to steer the car with 2 wheel’s on the Tarmac(wet) and 2 wheel on the mud(Slippy as an eel)……..

That’s two escorts in two impreza meet’s…I must just attract them…..

Man you missed a good day out….hope fully will see you on the next one??

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