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Julz1983 17 April 2006 04:09 PM

An Easter Sunday we won't forget....
Our daughter had been playing outside in the garden all day having fun, she had her wellies on, she came inside and wanted something to eat so we were upstairs and she came up, we said for her to go downstairs and we followed her, then she tripped and fell on the carpet she kept going then turned around and she had bit all the way through her lip at the bottom where it goes in a little before your chin starts and her top teeth had gone through the skin at the back and ripped all her mouth, so we rushed her to the local hospital where the nurse seen we were all covered in blood and our daughter was quite vacant and she waited 25 mins before she seen us!!! Not happy, we are going to complain, then she said she would ring Harrogate hospital but we would have to wait til today, we said noway as she would bleed to death in that time as it looked like she had a second mouth. Luckily we got told to go to Harrogate where a surgeon would be waiting, got there at 6:30pm, straight in to see people, do consent forms and by 7:50pm she was going to theatre, she had to have a plastic surgeon, a cosmetic and maxfactor working on her. Half a hr later and it was all done, when she came round she didn't know what was going on so tried to rip the drip out her hand etc, we stayed the 2 hrs and by 10:30pm we were allowed to bring her home aslong as we felt happy enough. She goes back on Friday to get the stitches out as if she won't sit to have them done she will need an anaesetic (sp?) again. That was the worst part getting the mask on her, she hated it, she was screaming but saying no thank you, want to go home, it was the worst feeling ever. She's now got a really swollen lip and can't eat or drink hardly and is whingy but thank god it wasn't more serious.

OllyK 17 April 2006 04:12 PM

...and breath!

Julz1983 17 April 2006 04:13 PM

LOL, thats nothing compare to yesterday, I dunno how we got to the hospital in one piece , we were shaking so bad I don't know how my hubby drove

tmo 17 April 2006 05:37 PM

Glad the little un's ok :thumb:

wife's in at the moment, rushed in this morning.:(
Having 5 mins before going back to visit

plus trying to get hold of the mother-in-law :(

ScoobyDoo555 17 April 2006 05:45 PM

Not nice - hope she's OK.

I split my head open at the age of about 3ish - agin wearing wellies on the stairs.

I can remember my Mum saying beforehand not to come upstairs in the wellies, but I still went up.

Same thing - came down, and snowballed into a 3ft diameter glass urn for plants. Put 7 stitches in my head. Still consider myself lucky almost 30yrs later.

Ironically, Mother was washing it out a few yrs later - it slipped, broke, and almost severed her thumb clean off!! :D

All the best to you and hope your kiddy is OK soon :)


Julz1983 17 April 2006 06:02 PM

She had already got down the stairs and was going through the dining room to the kitchen, it was on the carpet in the dining room where she done it. We kept saying lastnight, what if it happened outside and we didn't know about it straight away, what if it had happened on the stairs. We would have drove ourselves mad just thinking of the what if's, we kept thinking things like that as she never cried so we might not have known straight away. Just glad she was ok and didn't lose any teeth either. Today she doesn't want a drink coz before she even gets the straw in to her mouth she hits her lip so it makes it hurt even more.

tmo- Hope your wife is ok.

PG 17 April 2006 06:02 PM


Throw some of them at your inital post please.

Julz1983 17 April 2006 06:04 PM

Yeah thx for that tip, punctuation doesn't really bother me at the mo. I might not have taken a breath but to be quite honest I haven't stopped to take a breath since yesterday, so it's not only on my typing that it needs to apply.
It is easier to read than some of the things that get posted in all this chav talk.

PG 17 April 2006 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by Julz1983
It is easier to read than some of the things that get posted in all this chav talk.

Originally Posted by Julz1983
Yeah thx for that tip,

The irony ;) :D

Julz1983 17 April 2006 06:13 PM

yes yes lo,l I know I put 'thx' :p

mart360 17 April 2006 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by Julz1983
Yeah thx for that tip, punctuation doesn't really bother me at the mo. I might not have taken a breath but to be quite honest I haven't stopped to take a breath since yesterday, so it's not only on my typing that it needs to apply.
It is easier to read than some of the things that get posted in all this chav talk.

dont worry about it,
you will learn that SN is full of pedants, who failed to get into teacher training, and were considered to be to ott to be in the forces, :D so they come onto SN and try to flex there comma,s and full stops.

sad really thats the best that they can come up with,

who gives a toss about commas and full stops, get rid of the little used sections and implement a spelling checker

mart :D:D

wbm3 17 April 2006 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by PG

Throw some of them at your inital post please.


P1Fanatic 17 April 2006 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by Julz1983
yes yes lo,l I know I put 'thx' :p

And the comma :)


Julz1983 17 April 2006 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by mart360
dont worry about it,
you will learn that SN is full of pedants, who failed to get into teacher training, and were considered to be to ott to be in the forces, :D so they come onto SN and try to flex there comma,s and full stops.

sad really thats the best that they can come up with,

who gives a toss about commas and full stops, get rid of the little used sections and implement a spelling checker

mart :D:D

Yeah Mart. Good way to explain it. It shows that some people are more bothered about a comma or a full stop etc in a sentence, either that or they can't read and need the punctuation there to help out.

wacky.banana 17 April 2006 06:31 PM


Glad your daughter is on the mend. This happened to my Godson not so long ago and they had to stitch several layers of his lip back together again ie internal and external stitching.

Must admit when I saw him after the procedure it was a pretty horrible sight. However he is as right as rain now, no scars, face is the same as ever ie cheeky! :)

Chin up. :)


Clarebabes 17 April 2006 06:57 PM

Sorry to hear about your daughter Julz. Hope she recovers soon.

My daughter did a silly thing once and put her teeth through her lip. Luckily, SIL was there and to stop the profuse bleeding, she got a rather distraught child to eat a spoonful of sugar and the bleeding almost stopped immediately.

Obviously wouldn't have worked in your daughter's case Julz, but good to know if it's not quite so serious.

Julz1983 17 April 2006 08:07 PM

Thanks for everyone's comments.
Yes it is a horrible sight, just had her in the bath now and she won't let us get near to clean around her mouth, we tried to make it easy and use a cotton bud and play a game but she's very wise for 3 years old, nothing gets past her. Just worried about Friday now, as we think she isn't going to let the doctor get the stitches out, which means getting an anaesetic again which wasn't plesant to see.

Alas 17 April 2006 08:26 PM

Hope the wee one is ok now. She'll be glad to be home. Happened to my sister who also took a chunk out of her tongue - Ouch.

CLSII 17 April 2006 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by mart360
dont worry about it,
you will learn that SN is full of pedants, who failed to get into teacher training, and were considered to be to ott to be in the forces, :D so they come onto SN and try to flex there comma,s and full stops.

sad really thats the best that they can come up with,

who gives a toss about commas and full stops, get rid of the little used sections and implement a spelling checker

mart :D:D

I couldn't agree more!

Come on here and pour your heart out and some keyboard warrior with a massive chip on their shoulder will attempt to give you a hard time.

As with most things in life it is obvious who is the pathetic inadequate and it isn't you or I.

Apologies to the pedants :D

Julz1983 17 April 2006 10:18 PM

Careful how you put 'pour your heart out', alot will say , 'why do people on here speak about family things etc on a forum where you don't know most people', but on the other hand theres alot of people on this forum that has the same family matters or experience in what your are speaking about. It doesn't bother me for someone to say about grammar or talking about certain issues on here that shouldn't be on, but not everyone needs to read certain posts or even bother replying to them if they feel they don't want to see it, whereas there are people on here that will reply to matters that people have went through and have a genuine feeling as they know exactly how you feel in that situation. At the end of the day when people are posting about matters that have been stressful or traumatic the last you need is to be bothered about a comma or full stop.

No offence intended, just already peed off with how we were treated yesterday and a comment about commas etc is petty. People who have kids will know it's the worst feeling when something happens to them.

warrenm2 17 April 2006 10:46 PM

the NHS in action

Julz1983 17 April 2006 10:56 PM

LOL, the thing is we ran in to the A&E and we were all covered in blood, especially our daughter, we were told to take a seat and wait until this teenage chav had been seen as he had been waiting ages. When she brought him through to the room we were in and pulled the curtain round we tried to hear what the prob was, it wasn't until he walked out the curtain that I seen he had his hand bandaged, then I heard her say to go to his nearest hospital today and get an x-ray, only to hear his voice pipe up and say, 'well I might not go to it and get it done coz I'm going to the football'!!
At this point we were ready to blow a fuse, sitting waiting for 25 minutes with a 3 year old child for some chav to be seen who had nothing serious the matter and would miss his appt coz the football was on.

Midlife...... 17 April 2006 10:56 PM


Reading your first post it looks like the "max-fac" (Maxillofacial surgeons) guys were on the case in the end. :D :D These are the guys I'd like my kids to see if anything like that happened to me!

Hope it all works out


Julz1983 17 April 2006 11:02 PM

Yeah, I must admit once we got to the main hospital we couldn't thank them enough, all the surgeons there were excellent, couldn't fault them one bit, and we knew every detail that was going to happen from each surgeon when we obviously couldn't be there in theatre to see it, between getting there and going home we were never left for any longer than 5 minutes without being told everything and not kept in the dark, they were back and forward all the time, constant.
We've been told that she should not be left with any dramatic scars on her skin on her face and the inside of her lip should heal and look like nothing has ever happened, it's obviously a mess just now but they have made a great job of it.

Johnny E 17 April 2006 11:31 PM

Sorry to hear you've all been through the mill this weekend.:(

Don't worry about the punctuation army, i'm sure you'd be relieved if that was all you had to worry about at the mo' :mad:

Hope the little one is well and getting a little better every day:)

mart360 17 April 2006 11:34 PM

been through some of that.....

on the day of my wedding, my sisters little girl fell over on the flagstones at my mums, huge lump on the head, my sister whipped her round to the local a&e, for a quick once over, they x rayed her and wanted to keep her in for obs... (poss concussion) my sister declined, they gave her the 3rd degree, (my sisters a sister!! (nurse) :):) so she was in safe hands....

teeth through the lips is a common one, both my little ones have done it, although not to your level (ouch),,,, mind you by friday if the pain has gone, the stiches will be fine....

i was still doing the stupids when i was a teenager!!! fell out of a tree, and used the trunk as a brake took the skin of my forehead, cheek & chin ;) and if i recall my scalping piccy is floating around somewhere


(gotta be worth a new teddy :D:D: i,d say)

tmo 18 April 2006 12:15 AM

think i could write a book on the failings of the NHS by what i have seen today.

also the good work done by the nursing staff 'at the coal face' :thumb:

Trout 18 April 2006 09:38 AM

Sorry to hear about your weekend Julz...we also had to take our five month old son in to York. Our experience was fortunately rather better.

Blues and twos all the way in to York A&E - excellent treatment once there and excellent support and care on the Pediatric ward. The NHS has many issues but the actual delivery of care is superb.

Bubba po 18 April 2006 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by mart360
little used sections

You see, because of your lack of punctuation, I don't know whether you're on about small secondhand parts or infrequently utilised areas. :D

Your brain has plenty of the latter. :D

Julz1983 18 April 2006 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by Johnny E
Sorry to hear you've all been through the mill this weekend.:(

Don't worry about the punctuation army, i'm sure you'd be relieved if that was all you had to worry about at the mo' :mad:

Hope the little one is well and getting a little better every day:)

I hear the word 'army' plenty anyways, seeing as my hubby is in the forces, well now leaving. She's getting back to normal as she's now tormenting the rabbit! But to try and keep her hydrated is becoming a nightmare, she wont let anything go near her mouth. I had to wait til she was fast asleep lastnight to go in and clean round her mouth, mind, the smarties she has seem to be going down well :Suspiciou so she is able to drink but just doesn't want to.

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