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davidw 09 October 2000 01:14 PM

The cat next door has just realised what a wonderful cat warmer the bonnet scoop makes now that the weather has got colder He's been draped over it all weekend and now I have little feline paw prints all over the bonnet.

I'm worried I'll get fur balls in the intercooler.

Do Subaru sell a cat repellent? Is it time to start thinking about getting the car de-catted?

I just hope he doesn't start using it as a litter tray!

BarryK 09 October 2000 01:17 PM

Wait til he loses his footing on your shiny paintwork!

hutton_d 09 October 2000 01:26 PM

My cat hasn't figured out that the scoop is warmer yet - but then he is rather on the dozy side! But I've found it's very good at attracting pigeons though. When doing about 85 on the M4...... Casaulty has nothing on my Scoob in the blood and gore stakes!


Brendan Hughes 09 October 2000 02:39 PM

Our cats have been using our cars (incl my Terzo) for warmers for years. I have yet another set of pawprints up the bonnet and up the windscreen since visiting my parents yesterday.

Got my own back though; have managed to sneak up on them and activate the panic alarm on the key fob. Remarkable how fast they get off the bonnet at that point!!


PS Haven't checked for talon scratches on their way off, and not sure I want to...

Josh L 09 October 2000 02:44 PM

Three of my five cats fight over the scoop! It took them all of a couple of days to suss it out when I got my first scoob.

Haven't dared scare them off for fear of the resulting scratches!


barge 09 October 2000 03:14 PM

I dont know about cats but my stupid dogs [Labrador & Rhodesian Ridgeback] think that by watering the wheels they will grow !!!

davidw 09 October 2000 03:22 PM

Why would you want a Rhodesian Ridgeback to grow any larger than it already is?

If it wanted to sit on my scoop, I wouldn't argue, I heard they use them to hunt lions!

barge 09 October 2000 03:30 PM

No Lion hunting but they used to chuck them in a pit to fight with Lions, Stupid dogs.

I hope the sodding thing does not get much bigger, I thought a 7 stone Labrador was big !!

Hos 09 October 2000 08:34 PM

Cats are a major problem! Whenever i used to park my car at work last winter, the neighbours cat would jump up on the bonnet to get warm and leave paw prints with cement on the bonnet (there was cement on the ground). It stopped one day for some reason when 'someone' got very annoyed and decided to spray this harmless little pussy with a jet hose! , It never did it again.

Sith 09 October 2000 10:06 PM


Have any of the cats tried too climb into the scoop.


Steven Coomber 09 October 2000 10:48 PM

I too have cat problems. A neighbour across the road owns 5 cats and their cats love to keep warm on my cars and keep dry under the car port.

My previous car had several areas of scratches on the bonnet and I couldn't work out where they were coming from (no signs of muddy paw prints) until I caught one of their cats on my bonnet.

They have been scratching the bonnet when they stretch or when they jump off the car. It took me ages to polish them out the best I could.

Now I've got my scoob I am more prepared. I have been using cat repelent and I have a pressurised water gun handy, loaded with chilli. I haven't caught them with the gun but I have chased them away several times with it. One day I will get them.


Tim W 09 October 2000 11:08 PM

Word of caution about cats and the scoop/bonnet.

Don't polish your car, when cat's jump up they start to slide, and a to slow this always deploy their least you get to see the way they slid ie down the bonnet and wing!

Also if you have an intercooler splitter fitted they maybe after the decapitated birds that are cooked on the intercooler...

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