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jods 26 August 2005 09:11 AM

Frikkin Jobsworth Parking Attendant
Parked up as shown below a careful distance away from a rusty old banger as I didn't want to get a door ding, Went in for my interview and come back to a friggin PCN with a handwritten note "Out of bay" although the printed section says "Code 92 Parking causing an obstruction" - WTF

How is this obstuction ? There were no signs anywhere saying park inside marked bays only. The yellow hatched areas were of differing sizes al over the car park.

Should I fight this on principle or will my arguments just fall on deaf ears ?

Different hatched zone

simo 26 August 2005 09:14 AM

send them a letter with your photos explaining why you parked as you did. I would have done exactly the same tbh. Best of luck thou as I doubt that they will pay any attention to the reasons/photos as theu have no idea of common sense and the application of it :(

GrollySTI 26 August 2005 09:14 AM


G.Mac 26 August 2005 09:16 AM

cant see how you were causing an obstruction??????????, could be because your front end is hanging over the front of the bay but from here is still looks like its inside the pillar, I would deff ask to speak to someone of authaurity, if they deny this try find out who wrote the ticket and have their fingers broken:razz: so they cant write anymore sh*te tickets


Kevadair 26 August 2005 09:25 AM

Fight it mate, the only thing ure obstructing is the concrete poles!!!

You are out of ure bay, however send in the photos and say that the car before the red fiat was parked soooo far over you had to park slightly outside the bay and did so as it was not going to obstruct anything due to the concrete poles:norty:

Think this will allow u to wriggle out of it.:thumb:

yam got a scooby 26 August 2005 09:29 AM

I hunt the muppet down and bounce him off your bonnet.....:mad:

Trap2Terrorist 26 August 2005 09:34 AM

I'd fight it too. I received a parking ticket for slightly 'straddling' two bays, even though there wasn't another car parked within two rows of me and the car park was half empty.

I know I should taken more care when parking but "COME ON", show a bit of common sense!!!!!

Anyway, I didn't get anywhere but I think you have a fair point and picture evidence, (I hate door dinks - they cause me sleepless nights

G.Mac 26 August 2005 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by yam got a scooby
I hunt the muppet down and bounce him off your bonnet.....:mad:

Thatl be a dink you wouldnt mind

The Zohan 26 August 2005 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by jods
Parked up as shown below a careful distance away from a rusty old banger as I didn't want to get a door ding, Went in for my interview and come back to a friggin PCN with a handwritten note "Out of bay" although the printed section says "Code 92 Parking causing an obstruction" - WTF

How is this obstuction ? There were no signs anywhere saying park inside marked bays only. The yellow hatched areas were of differing sizes al over the car park.

Should I fight this on principle or will my arguments just fall on deaf ears ?

Different hatched zone

Looks like a parking cnut just trying to meet his/her target to me.

I would fight it, you will have to persevere mind.

Good luck and good luck with the job (assuming thats what your interview was) too!

pimmo2000 26 August 2005 10:10 AM

how anal is that, giving you a ticket for stopping someone dinting your door. I came through Liverpool yesterday and there where about 13 cars parked in the bus lane, half on pavement over double yellow lines, not one got a ticked... Waste of space

jods 26 August 2005 10:11 AM

Here is the letter going off today. Oh - I got the job by the way :) Start on Tuesday :)

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++

Central Parking System
PO Box 745

PCN SB00976xxx Issued by attendant SB04 Car Reg ACxxxxx

Dear Sirs,

I write in response to the above mentioned Penalty Charge Notice issued at 09.50 on 25/08/2005.

I have attached photographs showing how my vehicle was parked. I had been careful to park so as to keep a safe distance from a rusty old banger in the adjacent bay as I am still suffering from a nasty door ding caused some batty old granny free-wheeling their weekly shopping trolley squarely into the side panel of my rear passenger side door. This of course happens as I a in the process of selling my car.

As you will see from my photographs I am parked safely within the parking area and the front of my vehicle is in line with the adjacent pillar (Photograph # 1)
I believe that you will see in photograph # 2 that my vehicle is parked in a sensible fashion and in no way constitutes an obstruction (in contravention of parking regulations Code 92)

I have also attached photographic evidence (Photo # 3) which shows that the hatching areas around pillars in the car park have been inconsistently applied. This also shows a vehicle parked a similar distance away from the concrete pillar.

I also have to question why the attendant hand wrote his own interpretation of the violation as “Out of bay” Surely if there was an infringement prescribed thus then there would be a corresponding regulatory code which I notice a distinct lack of.

I would argue that my vehicle was not parked in any way to cause an obstruction and as such this ticket should be declared invalid and I respectfully request that this be done.

I look forward to your timely response and a satisfactory conclusion to this matter.

Yours faithfully

Mark Jordan

G.Mac 26 August 2005 10:35 AM

i would calm the first part down and just say you were preserving your car or something, the way it stands you are weakening your case, the rest is fine


oh yea congratulations on the job by the way

Scooby-Doo 26 August 2005 11:20 AM

Loose the first sentenance. They will think you are a complete bell end especially if the person reading the claim is an old lady who drives a Fiat !!!!

Kevadair 26 August 2005 12:18 PM

ECHO, get rid of that paragraph, apart from that it's a good letter.

Gary C 26 August 2005 12:46 PM

Another vote for removing the first part

BlueSimon 26 August 2005 02:52 PM

Hope the job isnt with the parking firm :)

Luminous 26 August 2005 06:35 PM

I think that the normal procedure for these things is to just ignore your appeal in the first case. Once you have lost the first round, then they may start to pay attention if you appeal further.

As it was a parking attendant that issued the fine then its up to the local authority/ parking company (who issued the fine) if they are going to let you off. I think you can guess why the outcome will be as I stated above.

However, if they want their money they will have to take you to court. Most authoirites DO NOT want to do this. It will cost them more than they can make from the fine. It also may set a dangerous precident as other authorities have found out. Chances are they will just drop it if you threaten to allow them to take you to court should you lose your first appeal.

Pop over to Pepipoo.con to seek advice.

remfanuk 27 August 2005 05:05 PM

my wife fought one recently on the grounds that she had to get a child and seat out of the car and pushchair and all the stuff that goes with kids and they wrote it off...whether you have kids or not, you could always try that one.

bluenosewrx 27 August 2005 05:21 PM

What harm are you causing, i reguarly do the same so better watch out from now on.
agree with the first paragraph dissapearing mate.
good luck.

rgv_stu 27 August 2005 05:32 PM

change the first part to say that the previous car next to you was overhanging into your bay. you will get off im sure then..

CLSII 27 August 2005 05:48 PM

Must admit I thought this thread would be one of those 'I've done something really stupid and got done. Now I'm cross!' sort of threads. But for God's sake what the hell is going on to get a ticket for that.

Please post how you get on. I'd really hope they'd rip the ticket up and apologise.

Good luck!

ScooBStu 27 August 2005 06:15 PM

I can understand parking outside the bays if you make an obstruction which is obviously not the case. Their yellow markings are Bollox too - They have to conform to the The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 with the dimensions as shown here to be a legally accepted sign:

If they fall outside the dimensionsor the standard they mean absolutely nothing.

I dont know if that will help however as you were technically parked outside the bay. Good luck but whatever you do make sure you make it hard for them. Agreed about the letter - It needs rewording. I dont think they would take it to court though.

bluto22b 27 August 2005 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by jods
Parked up as shown below a careful distance away from a rusty old banger as I didn't want to get a door ding, Went in for my interview and come back to a friggin PCN with a handwritten note "Out of bay" although the printed section says "Code 92 Parking causing an obstruction" - WTF

How is this obstuction ? There were no signs anywhere saying park inside marked bays only. The yellow hatched areas were of differing sizes al over the car park.

Should I fight this on principle or will my arguments just fall on deaf ears ?

Different hatched zone

Tough titties. Didn't you read the signs? They always state "Park within the marked zones" Ypu clearly didn't, otherwise the car park attendant wouldn't have furnished your vehicle with a ticket. If you are not prepared to do the time don't carry out the crime :D

corradoboy 27 August 2005 09:42 PM

Only a court of law can impose a fine of any kind in this country under the Bill of Rights. Contact "hedgehog" for the full legal position and how to best fight this.

pete1977 27 August 2005 10:22 PM

Once you,ve sorted this out in a responsible and mature manner ,and when common sense has prevailed,go back to the car park and hunt the jobsworth down like a dog and hit him with a big rubber mallet!This country is going tits up,i had to pay 20p for a piss the other day,WTF?

subsy 28 August 2005 12:00 AM

i had to pay 20p for a piss the other day,WTF?


Abdabz 28 August 2005 01:53 PM

It is crap parking though - its not like the fiat cinqucento doors are detachable or that they expand when opened to that distance, however you werent causing an obstruction so a ticket seems a little harsh...
Was it the only space in the car park hence your need to put it there or are you extremely paranoid of door dents in which case maybe you should cycle / use pubic tramsport to get into town....

GC8 28 August 2005 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by corradoboy
Only a court of law can impose a fine of any kind in this country under the Bill of Rights. Contact "hedgehog" for the full legal position and how to best fight this.

And the Magna Carta ffs!

tarmac terror 28 August 2005 04:07 PM

how can you recieve a parking ticket when you are in off-street parking?

Which part of the Road Traffic Act or Highway Code have you infringed?

Are car park attendants 'legally empowered' to impose fines or issue parking tickets?

I do this all the time in NCP carparks in Belfast - I get a little yellow note stuck under my wipers which I just bin. No threat of intented prosecution or fines???

£1.60 per hour - you're paying for two spaces - might as well use them!!!!

Suppose it could be worse - they could have clamped you


Luminous 28 August 2005 04:21 PM

When Labour came into power, one of the things that they did was to decrimniilise parking infringements. I forgot all the details, but this allows companies/local authorities to apply for a permit/license to impose parking fines.

There is a clear distinction here that most people do NOT know.

The police, (includes all officers, community support officers and traffic wardens) are allowed to issue PCN (Penalty Charge Notices) on the public highway only. These are the traditional parking tickets, that are also harder to "get off"

The newer act allows parking attendants to issue a CIVIL penalty for cars parked on their OWN land, or on land on which they have a contract to issues such fines. The rules and signage restrictions are different (I believe) to the requirements under the Road Traffic Act (not sure on this mind). If you do not pay a fine that they have issued, they will have to take you to a civil court (small claims court) and try to prove that you committed the offence. If proven, you will be liable to pay their costs and the fine.

It is MUCH harder for them to prove that the offence has been committed, as their word does not count as much as a police officer.

You also have to factor in the different motivations. The police have a duty to issue these fines, and an even greater duty to ensure that they are paid. Companies issuing these civil penalties do so only for financial gain. They want to ensure that people are paying to use the parking spaces. If they are seen to issue tickets, most people will then go and buy a ticket from the machine to avoid them.

If you do receive a ticket from them, you can just try and ignore it on the basis that it will cost them much more in time to try and get the payment, than the payment itself. They also do not want to lose in court as it may set a president :)

Phew long post...

Just a little more....

If you are parking in a town centre, and you see a parking ATTENDANT. Just park right in front of them on a double yellow line...they cannot touch you :) The local authority does not "own" the roads, they only "own" the parking spaces that have meters or parking permits. Therefore they can only issue fines for these areas.

Its also true that if you see a police officer, you can park in one of those on street spots and not pay...cos the police officer cannot ticket you there. That is a job for the attendants :D

Oh, the games you can play ;)

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