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DeanF 18 December 2004 07:34 PM

Flashed twice by Gatso on opposite side of road !!
As above , No lines on my side, Noramlly on approaching the only flash once !! It was a fixed one not rotating...
I know it should not be a fine but you cannot but help womdering ???


pippyrips 18 December 2004 07:35 PM

all the ones i have seen before flash twice - bee ntold it allows them to measure your distance in the time between the two??

New_scooby_04 18 December 2004 07:37 PM

Don't worry about it mate, Gatsos can be triggered by cars in the opposite direction, but pictures can ONLY be used to prosecute when taken from behind!

BTW Was it your speed that set it off? ;-)


Gutmann pug 18 December 2004 07:46 PM

Take the Max and Paddy approach ..... You wont get a ticket then no matter what :D

richie,7,RA,spec C 18 December 2004 07:49 PM

same happened to me last week

Gutmann pug 18 December 2004 07:49 PM

hell of a user name richie ........ can you fit anymore coma's in there???

M3 Compact 18 December 2004 07:55 PM

but pictures can ONLY be used to prosecute when taken from behind!
Is this still the case?

I got gunned on Thursday by a plod with a hand held square fronted "radar/camera?" in a traffic car, I was doing 82ish.

Camera? Or radar and no 'pull' because I was within the boundaries?



wanted 18 December 2004 08:07 PM

I think the laws are different for fixed gatso's,hand held and specs etc.

Lum 18 December 2004 08:12 PM

Gatsos only have type approval for photos from behind.
TruVelo's can only be used for photos in front, but these have either no flash or a slight magenta flash.
Radar and Laser work in either direction.

As there was a flash, it was a gatso and you are safe.
Odd that it went off though, I've overtaken people in the face of an oncoming gatso and it didn't go off.

M3 Compact 18 December 2004 08:37 PM

TruVelo's can only be used for photos in front,
Does the front of these resemble 4 inch square TV screen with a 'cowl'?

If so.:cry:



theotherphil 18 December 2004 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by Lum
Gatsos only have type approval for photos from behind.

As there was a flash, it was a gatso and you are safe.
Odd that it went off though, I've overtaken people in the face of an oncoming gatso and it didn't go off.

Thank feck for that. I set off a Gatso on the A1 coming back from Scotland last week (remap @ Andy F's). It was pitch black and the bugger flashed twice in my face. It was quite distracting as I overtook an Audi at silly speeds :norty:....that blinding flash has got to be more of a danger to motorists than slightly excessive speed.

There was 2 lanes on the southbound carriageway (the direction I was travelling) and a single lane Northbound. All 3 lanes had the markings on the road though. The Gatso was on the Northbound carriageway.

Lum 18 December 2004 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by M3 Compact
Does the front of these resemble 4 inch square TV screen with a 'cowl'?

If so.:cry:

No, TruVelos have a round lens, Gatsos have a square one.

FWIW, there are two kinds of TruVelo, both kinds have inductive loops in the road used to measure your speed (noticeable by square patched sections of road) these aren't dangerous.

The dangerous kind also has 3 very narrow, close together, white stripes across the road, and this is the kind that actually takes photographs and gets you done, the others are just use to flash "slow down" signs and so on.

Gatsos have the long ruler-like marks down the centre or edge of the road, usually a good 4 metres or more.

Lum 18 December 2004 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by theotherphil
There was 2 lanes on the southbound carriageway (the direction I was travelling) and a single lane Northbound. All 3 lanes had the markings on the road though. The Gatso was on the Northbound carriageway.

did the markings on the road all start and end at the same point?
They usually do and it's a common scare tactic to make you think the gatso is monitoring all lanes.

Have a look at motorway roadworks gatsos that actually monitor all the lanes. the lane 3 markings are much further ahead than the lane 1 markings. The device is a camera, it has a narrowish field of vision and points diagnolly across the carrigeway.

In theory a camera partnership could try to do you with those images and scam you out of 60 quid, but if it went to court, you'd win because the home office type approval only covers the camera for vehicles travelling away, so the evidence is invalid. I dont know of anyone who has been hassled as a result of a forward-facing gatso photo.

gljam 18 December 2004 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by Lum
They usually do and it's a common scare tactic to make you think the gatso is monitoring all lanes.

It's actually there so you don't just move into the other lane in an effort to not get caught


Lum 18 December 2004 11:29 PM

Originally Posted by gljam
It's actually there so you don't just move into the other lane in an effort to not get caught


Good point, I hadn't thought of doing that :)

Harry_Boy 18 December 2004 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by gljam
It's actually there so you don't just move into the other lane in an effort to not get caught


Although I suppose they could use a ruler on the photo to 'extend' the markings into the other carriageway.....:)

gljam 18 December 2004 11:43 PM

could do, but i don't make the rules......


gljam 18 December 2004 11:45 PM

I was also thinking the other day ( bit bored at work :rolleyes: ) if you were reversing at more than the speed limit and got flashed, could they do you??

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