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RobJenks 18 December 2004 05:32 AM

Cold cure -Urgent
I'm really pissed off , have really heavy cold that I want to shake off by Thursday - Long haul flight to Oz.
Have been taking 1 Gram vitamin C every hour for 2 days and Lemsips every 4 hours - made no difference .
I know it has to run its course , but there may be something that will help?

NotoriousREV 18 December 2004 05:47 AM

feed a cold, starve a fever.

ajm 18 December 2004 08:12 AM

We have been here before, and it is my opinion vitamin C will do next to nothing! :D

Your best bet is to take paracetamol and a decongestant to relieve the symptoms, take on lots of fluids and wait for your immune system to cane the virus.

Lemsip is actually a mixture of paracetamol and decongestant, but it is a bit weak. Go to the chemists and get whatever their generic decongestant is. Most of them contain the same stuff (pseudoephedrine) so the brandless stuff will be cheaper!

hutton_d 18 December 2004 08:24 AM

The more *stuff* you take to *relieve* the symptoms the longer your cold seems to last! Paracetamol to reduce temperatire for example. The body raises its temperature to fight the virus so you're helping it do the opposite!

That said, if you're still bad on the day take some of that Day Nurse/Night Nurse stuff. That does *releive all symptoms* for the day/night. At least you'll have a reasonable flight and you can get rid of the remnants in sunny Oz! Lucky g%t ........ :-)


PS: a couple of pints before Night Nurse and you WILL sleep for 10 hours!!

Spoon 18 December 2004 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by ajm
and it is my opinion vitamin C will do next to nothing!

Having taken at least 500mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) a day for 21 years I can happily say I haven't had a cold.

I guess opinions can only be that, opinions.

ajm 18 December 2004 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by Spoon
Having taken at least 500mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) a day for 21 years I can happily say I haven't had a cold.

I guess opinions can only be that, opinions.

Oh well that's it then, if Spoon doesn't get colds then ascorbic acid must be a miracle antiviral agent! :rolleyes: ;)

You obviously have a good immune system, lucky you! :)

Spoon 18 December 2004 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by ajm
Oh well that's it then, if Spoon doesn't get colds then ascorbic acid must be a miracle antiviral agent! :rolleyes: ;)

Errr no, it just may have helped me. After all I spoke from experience, not opinion.

Please don't think everybody is the same as you in thinking what they say has to be gospel and then gets a little upset when somebody disagrees.

Remember, opinions are opinions and others have them, the word wasn't invented for ajm to use instead of the word "fact".

Originally Posted by ajm
You obviously have a good immune system, lucky you! :)

If only you knew.

In my opinion, I think you have Chrismas pmt.

Edited for smilies and winkies just in case!!

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D;) ;) :):D:D:D

milo 18 December 2004 12:12 PM

eat plenty, sleep plenty and give your body the chance to recover.

sadly its just got to run its course.

even tho there is a cure for the common cold, companies are not going to market it, as it would stop them getting the endless stream of money from people buying the current offerings that don't work.

hades 18 December 2004 12:57 PM

I agree with the opinion stated earlier. Taking things reduces the symptoms at the times, but tends to make things last longer. Taking the "hit" by not taking drugs now will tend to result in you feeling worse in the short term but getting better quicker. Similarly, "carry on regardless" sometimes makes things worse in the short term, but often seems to help in the longer term. Healthy diet (including vitamins), plenty of sleep and water etc will also help.

Personally never take any drugs that treat minor symptoms - i.e. only when I really need them to help me recover - so have often gone years without taking any pills at all.

Failing that, a trick I used at uni - lots of whisky (ideally mixed into strong sweet black coffee). You either (a) killed the cold, and by the end of the following day felt fine, or (b) it didn't work, and you ended up with a cold and a hangover. :rolleyes: Sometimes I got option (a) and it did seem to work. Other times I got option (b) and regretted it!

STi-Frenchie 18 December 2004 01:00 PM

Half a mug of Rum (Cockspur being the best), two sugars, juice from a fresh lemon, spoonful of sugar, fill mug with hot water. Repeat until drunk.

corradoboy 18 December 2004 01:07 PM

Whisky, until the room spins. Then a good sleep in a warm room. Next day a hearty breakfast and a good long walk in the fresh air. Seems to work for me :D I tell myself that the whisky kills off the bug :lol:

ajm 18 December 2004 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by Spoon
Errr no, it just may have helped me. After all I spoke from experience, not opinion.

So what of RobJenks' experience at the top of the thread? It made no difference for him. I have tried it, it made no difference for me either.

You need vitamin C to remain healthy, however it doesn't follow that if you take twice as much you will be twice as healthy. There is precious little point in taking higher doseages than your body can make use of. It just places an uneccessary burden on your kidneys.

Please don't think everybody is the same as you in thinking what they say has to be gospel and then gets a little upset when somebody disagrees.
I contribute to subjects about which I have knowledge. I'm not particularly bothered whether you believe the information or not, it might still benefit someone less hostile than yourself.

Remember the magnetic bracelet thread? I do. You demonstrated your propensity to believe in old wives tale cures there too! They all work on you don't they Spoon! Have you tried Snake Oil? You should! LOL :D

Remember, opinions are opinions and others have them, the word wasn't invented for ajm to use instead of the word "fact".
Perhaps I should have made it clear that my opinion was based on scientific facts known so far, since it appears it is the word "opinion" you have issues with!

In my opinion, I think you have Chrismas pmt.
Ok hands up.... I do tend to be a little more irritable around this time of year! You'd really be doing me a favour if you could try and keep your annoying incompetence away from me until at least February. Many thanks! ;) :D

Spoon 18 December 2004 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by ajm
You need vitamin C to remain healthy, however it doesn't follow that if you take twice as much you will be twice as healthy. There is precious little point in taking higher doseages than your body can make use of. It just places an uneccessary burden on your kidneys.

Nobody mentioned or doubted that.

Originally Posted by ajm
I contribute to subjects about which I have knowledge. I'm not particularly bothered whether you believe the information or not, it might still benefit someone less hostile than yourself.

In your opinion you have knowledge on these subjects, remember, your opinion. As my father once said " a little knowledge can be dangerous".

Originally Posted by ajm
Remember the magnetic bracelet thread? I do. You demonstrated your propensity to believe in old wives tale cures there too! They all work on you don't they Spoon! Have you tried Snake Oil? You should! LOL :D

I remember it but what's worse and quite sad is that you found it or even had it in your favourites!! Again, I spoke of my findings, no more. You based yours on opinion, remember, your opinion. (getting the message?).

Originally Posted by ajm
Perhaps I should have made it clear that my opinion was based on scientific facts known so far, since it appears it is the word "opinion" you have issues with!

You can try and make it as clear as possible but it won't change my possible findings. I've probably been far closer to the vitamin C issue/debate than yourself. Leicestershire University released interesting findings, certain consultants agree, others disagree.
As for scientific facts, don't get blinded by the word scientific. These results concerning numerous findings change from year to year.

Next year sprouts might be bad for us. :eek:

Originally Posted by ajm
Ok hands up.... I do tend to be a little more irritable around this time of year! You'd really be doing me a favour if you could try and keep your annoying incompetence away from me until at least February. Many thanks! ;) :D

The only way to cure that, and it should be a scientific fact is to remove all mirrors in your home. That will alleviate the annoying incompetence you have to face.

ajm 18 December 2004 01:42 PM

Are you done? ;)

How about cheering us up with some more of Spoon's magic tonics and cures? I've tried removing the mirrors but I don't feel any different. Got any more tips?


jonc 18 December 2004 01:43 PM

I recommend a bowl of noodles, and loads of "Dave's Insanity Sauce"

STi-Frenchie 18 December 2004 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by jonc
I recommend a bowl of noodles, and loads of "Dave's Insanity Sauce"

Won't cure your cold but it'll get your mind thinking in a completely different direction :D:D:D:D:D:D

jonc 18 December 2004 02:05 PM

Well its gotta be the hottest chilli sauce on earth, and it will burn that cold out!! and your @rse!!

alcazar 18 December 2004 06:07 PM

Hot toddy does it for me: enough rum, whisky or brandy to drop a horse, with sugar and WARM (not hot) water. Drink it down, go to bed, sweat it out, wake up MUCH better the next day.

Got the l'il bstard myself so that's what I'm doing tonite!


andrewdelvard 18 December 2004 06:19 PM

Very interesting article just in the news here with reference to magnetic bracelets.

mj 18 December 2004 06:26 PM

"We cannot be certain whether our data show a specific effect of magnets, a placebo effect or both."
if that don't shut ajm & spoon up, nothing will :D

Spoon 18 December 2004 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by mj
if that don't shut ajm & spoon up, nothing will :D

:D:D Mj- Don't bring me into it just because I've answered a question how I've found the case to be. I'm not saying anything works or doesn't, merely reporting on what I've found.

There has to be somebody to put forward actual findings and not just opinions based on nothing but pre-conceived pessimism.

It could all be total bollócks for all I know or care, but having broken enough bones in my body to feel constant pain, I'd try anything, unlike the know - it-alls who would dismiss it out of hand because they heard from their mate down the pub that it doesn't work.

ajm 18 December 2004 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by mj
if that don't shut ajm & spoon up, nothing will :D

LOL! Funnily enough at the time I posted in that thread about the magnetic bracelets I had just finished reading a paper that found the exact opposite of what Andrew's link says. They did the same study and found NO benefit.

I will always be skeptical about studies that come up with results founded on no scientific reasoning whatsoever. They must be mad publishing their results without ANY kind of a clue WHY they think they got the results they did.

Its like the electricity pylons and leukaemia and MMR and autism. A study finds a statistical link that may or may not be repeatable and suddenly nutcases like Spoon are on here claiming they have the symptoms or that they have been cured or whatever! ;)

In ten years time when they may prove that Vitamin C overdosers are twice as likely to have renal failure than people not taking supplements (note I said PROVE) you can all apologise to me! :D ;)

davegtt 18 December 2004 07:47 PM

Boil the kettle and breathe in the steam, always helps to clear the nose, chest and throat

Gutmann pug 18 December 2004 07:52 PM

IMHO the only way to get rid of a cold is to let it run its course. All these remedies / tablets, vitamins, etc etc just help it to lingle for longer

mj 18 December 2004 07:56 PM

you two bicker & tittle tattle like a pair of like a pair of 13 yr girls.

I'll be the first to admit it makes for good reading, but I can't help thinking it is unneccessary keyboard usage ( £3 quid a pop :eek: ).

chill brothers, try respecting each others views for a week and see how you go
there endeth the sermon.

Spoon 18 December 2004 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by ajm
suddenly nutcases like Spoon are on here claiming they have the symptoms or that they have been cured or whatever! ;)

ajm- You're either brave or stupid calling me a nutter.

mj 18 December 2004 08:02 PM

go on ajm, hit him with your pencil case :D

_Meridian_ 18 December 2004 08:02 PM

The Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday have between them published more testicles on health matters than a homeopathic medicine newsletter. Every last lunatic medical theory, from Bates eye exercises to colonic irrigation has been published by either or both, and referenced in glowing terms. I'd be interested to know who paid for the study they quote - the most important piece of information in ANY medical paper, and usually the hardest to find out.

As for vitamin C, there have been many investigations, and there is no real evidence that it makes any difference at all - which suggests it doesn't, because if there was alink someone would have found it by now. Bear in mind it has long been known that the body will excrete any vitamin C above the amount it actually needs, so vit C suppliments are effectively an expensive way of fortifying your urine. Also bear in mind that the "Massive does of vit C can cure colds" theory was invented by a physicist (linus Pauling) - people not known for their medical knowledge.


ajm 18 December 2004 08:23 PM

Originally Posted by Spoon
ajm- You're either brave or stupid calling me a nutter.

It's not like you to broadcast a raw nerve quite so openly Spoon. If I wasn't such a sportsman I'd be inclined to exploit that! ;)

Originally Posted by mj
chill brothers, try respecting each others views for a week and see how you go

Its all tongue in cheek, from my perspective anyway. I bear Spoon no malice, he likes to put it about a bit on here and so do I. Taking some grief comes with the territory! :D;)

Originally Posted by mj
go on ajm, hit him with your pencil case :D

Handbags only I'm afraid! :D

mj 18 December 2004 08:29 PM

cheers for the pm's guys both :D, like I said, no stirring meant. I'm gone.

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