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Lewegie 17 December 2004 01:04 PM

It eventually happened, keyed and sprayed
The car got key and sprayed the other night, all but bonnett and drivers door is damaged.
Question is, when the repair shop respray, will they respray just the areas scratched or seen as its most of the car will they just respray the lot.

beemerboy 17 December 2004 01:06 PM

i'm sure they'll do the lot to get a correct match.

how old is the car and if its metallic etc...

Lewegie 17 December 2004 01:10 PM

Its 4 years old in metallic silver, i'm don't know much about spraying but i do believe they would do each panel and blend it in to the original but seen as most panels have been scratched i thought they may just do the lot.

davegtt 17 December 2004 01:16 PM

for the sake of leaving the bonnet and drivers door they'd do the whole lot mate, should suggest you'd be looking at a grand for it all

Id be mighty pissed off about it though

Lewegie 17 December 2004 01:22 PM

If they had only used a spray can i would'nt have worried so much as they spray paint comes off easily but the deep scratches means a respray.
In a way i hope i never find out who did it cos i'm going to end up in alot of trouble if i do. At first i was angry but i think, this must happen to people every day and just hope that i had my turn and it will never happen again.
The law have been helpfull but dont expect a result.
Does make you think its better to own a banger with a powerful engine though.

Pastor 17 December 2004 01:26 PM

I don't think it makes any difference to these toerags. My old car, a battered MY96 Turbo was exactly as you describe "a banger with a powerful engine". Didn't stop the cnuts keying it though.
They are scum pure and simple, the best thing that happened to me recently- finding two young a55holes keying the car I use as a station hack. After one of them had his head bounced off the wing they seemed less keen to vandalise other people's property. Next time I snap something off.

ajm 17 December 2004 01:35 PM

They cannot understand what it means for someone to have worked hard for something they really wanted or the feeling someone has when they finally get that something. There is only two ways to "help" them empathise with what it feels like to then have that something mindlessly damaged or stolen by an anonymous coward and they are:-

1) pain
2) having something that they treasure destroyed in return

or both preferably.

Lewegie 17 December 2004 01:58 PM

I have thought about this and would definitely inflict lots of pain.
Could i lower myself to damage something of theirs????? I think i could which is worrying cos it just lowers decent folk to scum standards.

ajm 17 December 2004 02:11 PM

It is pretty sad agreed, but its not like you would be doing it for the same reasons they did. Human psychology works on a very selfish level. The two most likely things that stop us from doing nasty things to each other are:

1) Fear of reprisals or punishment - i.e. what would happen to *me* if I did this
2) Empathy and/or respect for the victim - i.e. how would *I* feel if someone did this to me

People who damage other people's property are lacking one or both of these, usually due to poor upbringing. Inflicting pain for damaging someone's car registers directly in their mind as a reprisal, which they should fear in future. Damaging something they value or treasure is a direct demonstration of what it feels like.

Its satisfying for you as the victim (justice has been done) and, just as importantly, it is effective at teaching the offender how to treat other people's property!

Vote me for Home Secretary! :D

David Lock 17 December 2004 02:16 PM

Have you got a dog then?

lawson101 17 December 2004 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock
Have you got a dog then?

:lol: PMSL!

Sorry to hear 'bout your motor mate, hope it gets sorted alright.

Jap2Scrap 20 December 2004 11:03 AM

Going through the same at the moment mate and have to tell you the bodyshop advised I scratched the two 'spared' panels on mine before the insurance assessor saw it because they'll only authorise repairs to damaged panels. I can only imagine what a crap job they'd be forced to do to try and match new paint to 5 yeard old slightly faded paint.

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