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Drunken Bungle Whore 15 December 2004 03:41 PM

So how come no-one 'Hates Summer?
Was thinking over the reasons the chrissy miseries have given for hating chrissy - starts too early, too commercial, have to spend money etc etc

So how come no one hates summer for the same reasons? My Chirssy radio times had a summer holday supplement in it - that's definitely starting early, there'll be summer clothes in the shops by the end of Jan, there are almost no uncommercialised holiday resorts, and there is a definite pressure to have a good holiday and come back with a decent tan.

The only thing I could come up with was that Chrissy means spending some money on other people rather than yourself - could that be it.....? :Suspiciou

Senior_AP 15 December 2004 03:51 PM

Cos it's hot (well.... :rolleyes: ) sunny, light, holidays are cool.

Winter is bleak and makes England look even more dull.

ajm 15 December 2004 03:52 PM


1) Summer is the epitome of pleantiful times and exuberance.
2) The days are longer, which means more light, which means more seratonin, which means we are happier!
3) The days don't feel like they have ended by the time you leave work
4) You can do things outside without getting soaking wet and/or freezing cold. Less cabin fever!
5) You are not forced into doing things you don't really want to do, unlike Christmas where its in your face and all around you!!! Relatives EXPECT you do drop everything, business grinds to a halt, you have to blow all the cash you are saving for the summer on gifts people don't even want!
6) Summer is a whole SEASON, it deserves attention. Christmas is ONE DAY, it doesn't deserve months of run up!!!! :mad:

Senior_AP 15 December 2004 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by ajm grinds to a halt:

That's a good thing.

I hate saddo's who live to work. Get a life I say to them people with nothing else in their lives.

Brendan Hughes 15 December 2004 03:59 PM

I love Christmas. It means I can look forward to getting all my decorations cheap in January.

Hanslow 15 December 2004 04:02 PM

I burn like crispy bacon in 5 minutes in the sun so don't really like the summer. Can't sleep at night if it's too hot either.

Winter's nice for the cosy warm feeling when coming in from the cold. Much easier to get warm when it's cold than get cold when it's hot.

Personally, I prefer Spring and Autumn as I like it somewhere in the middle of freezing cold and warm ;) Plus the Autumn and Spring (to me) offer the best natural colours :)

ajm 15 December 2004 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by Senior_AP
That's a good thing.

I hate saddo's who live to work. Get a life I say to them people with nothing else in their lives.

Obviously I don't begrudge time off, its the fact you have no choice but to shut down because everyone else has!

We had to book 3 days off this year between xmas and new year, that is 3 days I would rather have had in the summer!!!

Freak 15 December 2004 04:05 PM

i prefer autumn and winter to summer- most definately!

Not a fan of going into club to work when it is still light and coming out when its getting light again!

As for xmas- that was cancelled years ago, so i dont give a crap about that

davegtt 15 December 2004 04:16 PM

Well I see christmas as a close to the new year hence the week or 2 off we have to chill and do what ever I like, I love christmas, just hate the november and half of december build up. 2 weeks prior to christmas is OK....

Summer is better though, always more hours in the day to do anything needed, work on the car etc.... dont have time to barely clean them in the winter

Drunken Bungle Whore 15 December 2004 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by ajm

1) Summer is the epitome of pleantiful times and exuberance.
2) The days are longer, which means more light, which means more seratonin, which means we are happier!
3) The days don't feel like they have ended by the time you leave work
4) You can do things outside without getting soaking wet and/or freezing cold. Less cabin fever!
5) You are not forced into doing things you don't really want to do, unlike Christmas where its in your face and all around you!!! Relatives EXPECT you do drop everything, business grinds to a halt, you have to blow all the cash you are saving for the summer on gifts people don't even want!
6) Summer is a whole SEASON, it deserves attention. Christmas is ONE DAY, it doesn't deserve months of run up!!!! :mad:

The first 4 are about Winter not Christmas. Point 5 - stop letting other people push you around, you obviously resent it. Point 6 - it's the 'Season' of goodwill.

And if you hate the commercialism so much - tell everyone to give you a pressie like this:

or give your chrissy money to another charity or don't you hate the commercialism quite that much?

ajm 15 December 2004 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Drunken Bungle Whore
The first 4 are about Winter not Christmas.

You wanted me to compare a day with a season, it was the best I could do under the circumstances, especially since Christmas overshadows most of the winter anyway!

Point 5 - stop letting other people push you around, you obviously resent it.
No one succeeds in pushing me around, I can't stop them trying though, that's what I resent. You are doing it right now! ;)

Point 6 - it's the 'Season' of goodwill.
Ah, so its a season again now is it? ;) We should just rename winter to Christmas!

And if you hate the commercialism so much - tell everyone to give you a pressie like this:

or give your chrissy money to another charity or don't you hate the commercialism quite that much?
I don't have "chrissy money" allocated, it comes under "unwilling, unneccessary expenditure". Certain members of my family insist on doing the Christmas thing, it is for their benefit that I go along with it.

Now be gone and stop rattling your chains at me oh miserable apparition of Christmas present! ;)

lightning101 15 December 2004 05:25 PM

Outdoor sex (free - mostly)

Barbeques with mates at night

Runs in the car (cruises and meets or something)

Kids can go to the park

You car stays clean for more than 1 day.

Short skirts and low tops.


Hanslow 15 December 2004 05:27 PM

Reasons to hate summer......

Kids play outside your house all evening instead of buggering off to the park like they should :mad:

In winter mummy and daddy keep them in as they aren't allowed out in the dark and it's cold :D

Yes, I love kids......with barbecue sauce and a cold beer ;)

lem0ncurd 15 December 2004 05:50 PM

You cant Snowboard in summer though, I actually look fwd to winter these days!! :D


Brendan Hughes 15 December 2004 06:17 PM

My wife hates summer. She comes from a cold country and can't handle 2-3 mths of 35-40C...

Brit_in_Japan 15 December 2004 06:28 PM

Come to Japan, then you will learn to hate summer, 35C+ with high humidity. Cars like ovens, dripping with sweat before the aircon even has a chance to kick-in, day after day spent shuffling from air conditioned building to air conditioned building. No blue skies due to low level ozone and pollution. They don't have light evening because they don't have daylight savings time, it's already dark before 8pm.

Give me winter every time, cool, clear, sunny and skiing on the weekend (except this year because there's still not snow yet) :Whatever_

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