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chiark 05 December 2000 08:56 AM

...put your hand in the gap left by removing the ashtray.

The thing about hands is that they're wedge shaped so will fit into things that the don't want to come out of...

The pain involved in extricating your hand from this orafice is immense. I had to dismantle the rest of the dash one handed to get into a position where I could move.

Not recommended. It hurts. Lots.

Scooby Doc 05 December 2000 02:51 PM

Were you trapped for three days hence your absence from te ice forum!

Glad to have you back. Tried vaseline?


chiark 05 December 2000 03:39 PM

I was trapped for about 20 mins whilst I dismantled the rest of the dash. I was in the garage and the wife was in the house, blissfully unaware of my situation and ignoring my rather vocal howls of pain...

As for the vaseline: it wasn't within reach.

It's a prime example of my stupidity and how taking short cuts can really mess you about. It would have taken a minute to take the panel off properly.

The fleshy part of your palm (the bit your thumb connects to) is bloody tough and takes some effort to cut using plastic alone, but I managed it.

Pbone 05 December 2000 05:44 PM

Must have very awkward removing the dash with one hand, But why remove your ashtray and stick your hand up it anyway???

[This message has been edited by Pbone (edited 05 December 2000).]

john banks 05 December 2000 05:48 PM

"Fist install"? ROTFLOL but not at your expense honest. Hope you're OK.

If anyone does not get the "joke"

ScoobyDoo555 05 December 2000 06:41 PM

I did that when I was trying to take out the 'bodged' install that the dealer had made of installing the Philips head......

I was terrified to find out that my ham-fistedness nearly set off the air bag CPU underneath the ashtray........

Now THAT would have been embarrassing - caught in the car one-handed, and stuck behind a deployed air-bag!!!LOL!!!!


Scooby Doc 05 December 2000 09:40 PM

Thanks John!

So I can't type and clearly don't read what I have posted.

Hey hot news about soundstream (trying to change the subject)

And what was Chiark upto?


Mark_S 05 December 2000 11:00 PM

>Must have very awkward removing the dash >with one hand, But why remove your ashtray >and stick your hand up it anyway???

Yeah, just what were you up to Nick?, spill the beans.

I once got my hand stuck through the handle of an old metal dustbin lid. I was only 5 at the time though.

chiark 06 December 2000 08:31 AM

Fitting a boost gauge was my downfall.

I removed the ashtray and mounting a couple of weeks ago to make space for the LIMP display (see the MP3 player thread)

I removed the centre bin thingy that's useless so as to fit the boost gauge in there, run the cabling, all that stuff. Got everything done but then wanted to pick up a dash illumination wire. There's one in the ashtray unused, so...

Played the game of "pass a wire from the top of the dash to the back of the ashtray" pretty successfully and tried to grab it with my hand.

Grabbed it.

Hand stuck.

It hurts a lot. I blame scoobymania completely as they provided the gauges. They did say that they felt my pain though - their sides split with laugher..

Fist install - very good Re the dustbin lid: if only I'd done something at a younger age I'd have been prepared for the pain

Moral of the story: never try to save a minute by half doing a job. If I'd have removed the dash panel first, I'd be happy and wouldn't have carved my hand up quite so well.

I am, of course, making a fuss about nothing as my wife tells me.

rockin'Ru 07 December 2000 03:17 AM

"'s right there!I can reach it!GOT IT!Oh no...uuuhhhh,help?"
Sorry Chiark,couldn't help it.Been there,done that,over and over...still haven't learned.Anything to save a little time...I've got all the scars to prove it.
Hope you're ok man.Take care.

MorayMackenzie 07 December 2000 08:19 PM


While you're dispensing invaluable advice, let me suggest that you never ever park a car on your foot... I would suspect that would hurt a lot to.


chiark 08 December 2000 08:28 AM

Lol! Your advice is a bit more obvious, Moray. Only just.

I do try to state the bleedin' obvious, otherwise the terminal muppets (such as myself) end up damaging themselves. Right Mr Cookie?

Hand is fine, though wife thinks it looks like it'll turn septic. She's so cheerful.

john banks 08 December 2000 09:03 AM

>Hand is fine, though wife thinks it looks like it'll turn septic. She's so cheerful.

Wives are often correct. Free medical advice without prejudice:

If there is an area of red/hot/tenderness which is getting LARGER - don't delay and get yourself seen today as early oral antibiotics can stop an early cellulitis developing into one requiring hospital admission and intravenous antibiotics. A good dose of Flucloxacillin +/- amoxicillin(if you're not allergic) may do the trick nicely, but for established cellulitis you need a two week course ideally. You may also benefit from tetanus booster, and "lifestyle advice" !!! (lifestyle advice tongue in cheek, rest is deadly serious). In General Medicine I had quite a few youngish guys in on IV antibiotics from not hugely dis-similar exloits, insect bites etc etc. They had either not had antibiotics, or had started them too late, the wrong ones, for not long enough or at too low a dose. Don't mess around and get it checked.

Edited to remove my other wafflings which I've put in the proper place - in a new post so at least this ICE thread stays on topic!

[This message has been edited by john banks (edited 08 December 2000).]

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