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MadMark 16 July 2004 03:11 PM

BNP - responding to a need or trying to create racial tension to gain power?
Discuss .......

MattW 16 July 2004 03:11 PM

Can't believe they think they will win power

MadMark 16 July 2004 03:13 PM

Agreed - but their following is increasing!

Brendan Hughes 16 July 2004 03:14 PM

Note he said gain power (say, from 1% to 2%), as opposed to win power (seat in government)...

...I hope :(

MattW 16 July 2004 03:15 PM

That would be increase power surely ??

MadMark 16 July 2004 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by Brendan Hughes
Note he said gain power (say, from 1% to 2%), as opposed to win power (seat in government)...

...I hope :(

Err - that's exactly what I meant ....... :D

MattW 16 July 2004 03:18 PM

I think that they both stirring up feeling for their own ends, and voicing public opinion, albeit a minority.

There are people on here who have stated support for them, I'm not going to criticise as that is their democratic right.

MattOz 16 July 2004 03:53 PM

Thanks MY94 for that balanced viewpoint. :rolleyes:

The BNP is clearly not the way to go about winning friends and influencing people, although it's clear that they are starting to get a foothold in one or two places.

My theory is that if the more mainstream parties were actually ballsy enough to start making serious, constructive moves to sort the "issues" and the "system" out, there would be no need for the BNP or their cronies at all.

People are beginning to support the BNP because their ideas, as extreme as they appear, are echoing the sentiment felt by a growing proportion of the British population. This, IMHO, is not the way to deal with things.

Britain, for it is no longer Great Britan, needs to stop being PC and nannying its citizens. As far as immigration goes, we need to follow the Australians. People should have the means to support themselves before they are allowed to enter a country as a potential citizen.

Britain needs to crack down on benefit fraud, illegal immigrants (note Illegal in that statement) ANY person/community/group that continues to take the p1ss out of the country they have chosen to live in, by scamming the cash out of the coffers, deserves to be thrown back to the pond they came from. There is nothing they can offer this country of any benefit.

Basically, it's time to stop being a soft touch.


ajm 16 July 2004 03:54 PM

Their policies make sense to me (i.e. their published manifesto not all the media rubbish).

jasey 16 July 2004 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by my94

Everybody is entitled to their own opinions.

Nobody is entitled to comit a crime against anyone else for not sharing their opinions.

The BNP are feeding on the fact that it would appear that mainstream politicians are determined to increase the UK population through immigration in order to sustain our economic growth and the "local" population aren't getting a look in. They (the mainstream politicians) think that the Pond Life that is 50% (could be a large marin of error with this figure) of the UK population will understand that this is a good thing without it being explained properly to them. Without the explanation (in words on one syllable or less) the aforementioned Pond Dwellers will listen to the Likes of Nick Griffin et al and think - They're just standing up for British people !

You can't blame Idiots for being Idiots - Society has to take collective responsibility for all the people that make up that Society ! We've had 18 years of Tories telling us to fcuk everybody else and 10 years of Labour saying we're having to tax you to make things better whilst things appear to be getting worse - Little wonder that the extremists (both Left & right) are starting to gain some support !

Kevin Groat 16 July 2004 04:00 PM

MattOZ for President....sorry, PM:)

Fully agree with what he's posted.

RR 16 July 2004 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by MattOz
Thanks MY94 for that balanced viewpoint. :rolleyes:

The BNP is clearly not the way to go about winning friends and influencing people, although it's clear that they are starting to get a foothold in one or two places.

My theory is that if the more mainstream parties were actually ballsy enough to start making serious, constructive moves to sort the "issues" and the "system" out, there would be no need for the BNP or their cronies at all.

People are beginning to support the BNP because their ideas, as extreme as they appear, are echoing the sentiment felt by a growing proportion of the British population. This, IMHO, is not the way to deal with things.

Britain, for it is no longer Great Britan, needs to stop being PC and nannying its citizens. As far as immigration goes, we need to follow the Australians. People should have the means to support themselves before they are allowed to enter a country as a potential citizen.

Britain needs to crack down on benefit fraud, illegal immigrants (note Illegal in that statement) ANY person/community/group that continues to take the p1ss out of the country they have chosen to live in, by scamming the cash out of the coffers, deserves to be thrown back to the pond they came from. There is nothing they can offer this country of any benefit.

Basically, it's time to stop being a soft touch.


Yep thats my view point

ALi-B 16 July 2004 04:02 PM

They will never get into power no matter how much following they have, as what became apparent round here....BNP votes strangely got "lost" under the table ;)

PeeOne 16 July 2004 04:09 PM

I think the BNP actually have a lot of policies that make sense. The mass outcry as of late has come from the fact that a couple of members of the BNP admitted to some racially motivated crimes. Perhaps in a party such as the BNP, this is a given. However, wake up and take a look around you. There are radical Muslims calling for the fall of the west that are positively encouraged in this country. Abu Hamza as of late for instance was costing the tax payer a million pounds a year to spout his foul rant against jews, whites etc etc. Where is the public enquiry and outcry for this?

No politicians or media have the balls to actually stand up and say enough is enough. The minute anyone speaks out against people like this they are shouted down by cries of racism, racism...This country quite frankly is a mess and it is due in no small part to the lax immigration policy that we have. For all the shouting about the BNP, we must also realise there are just as many anti white and anti british parties functioning in this country. The reason no-one bothers about them? For fear of being branded a racist. At least the BNP have got the balls to stand up and be counted, and I for one would welcome a government who looks after britains best interests before those of the world. I do not condone racism of any kind, however there is a difference between being racist and making a stand for our way of life and our beliefs. What is british? It used to be fish n chips, now its curries, chinese and a donner kebab!

MattW 16 July 2004 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by my94

Just had a chuckle at the irony in light of PeeOne's post about anti jewish sentiment.

Chip 16 July 2004 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by ajm
Their policies make sense to me (i.e. their published manifesto not all the media rubbish).

But how many people have actually read it. Not many I guess.


RichWalk 16 July 2004 04:31 PM

MattOZ, spot on mate, marriage hasnt dulled your senses I see!!!

Chip 16 July 2004 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by ALi-B
They will never get into power no matter how much following they have, as what became apparent round here....BNP votes strangely got "lost" under the table ;)

Hardly surprising that is it!


MadMark 16 July 2004 04:42 PM

Mind you - who ever thought Sinn Fein would end up in the Irish Parliament?
- Makes you think!

Petem95 16 July 2004 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by PeeOne
For all the shouting about the BNP, we must also realise there are just as many anti white and anti british parties functioning in this country. The reason no-one bothers about them? For fear of being branded a racist.

This is it exactly. I dont think many in this country hate people on a personal level just because theyre black or muslim or whatever, but they do object to mass immigration of unskilled foreigners (no matter what colour, reglion etc).

Its a pity its only the BNP who arent afraid to stand-up and take on the PC-crew.

Ive got some good asian mates who are well opposed to mass-immigration too. Its funny how people tend to think its only white people see the problems with it.

MooseRacer 16 July 2004 05:23 PM

If a mainstream, governing party had some balls and strenghened immigration policies, tightened up welfare state handouts and generally stopped pussy footing around I'm sure support for the BNP would wane.

I for one genuinely have no problem with anyone simply over the colour of their skin or their chosen faith. I do strongly believe however that this country needs tighter rules governing immigration, more effort spent tackling illegal immigration and those that are 'allowed in' should make efforts to integrate in British society - not try and change it to match their own ideals.

I wonder what that makes me in today's fecked up society?

MadMark 16 July 2004 05:30 PM

ID Cards have to be the only surefire way to remove illegals from the country and not be badged racists (no card - no job, no card - no benefits, no card - no bank account, no card - no right to be in the country - simple) ... Hong Kong has employed this to great effect - so I can't understand the opposition?

PeeOne 16 July 2004 05:31 PM

Would you think i was mad as a 26 year old white male to say that i feel like i am racially discriminated against? Most people would because they see racism as a one way thing afflicted by whites on blacks. We have had white exclusion zones setup by racist asians, we have black only campaign groups, we have asian radio stations, we have companies recruiting ethnic minorities purely to fulfil their equal opportunities obligations at the exclusion of whites etc etc. I think that everyone regardless of colour is guilty of racism. My concern is that as a country we have become far to ready to yield to the racism trump card played all too often, and as such are deteriorating as a society. The situation where blacks were discriminated against in favour of whites is becoming reversed and we are starting to overshoot in the other direction. Blair and the other political powers are so keen to be seen as pc that they are ignoring the best interests of this country.

Abdabz 16 July 2004 05:42 PM

Voicing public opinions - albeit a minority opinion - an opinion never the less and one they are welcome to.

Oh and I genuinely completely with agree with the comments immediatley above this post... Havent read the rest of the thread yet because I'm fat - but all the above is spot on...


MattOz 16 July 2004 05:44 PM


I'm certainly inclined to agree with you. Seems that any group playing the "racism" card for absolutely any issue, will see the government rolling over and giving in. Usually financially, and to the detriment of the large majority.

Time for change, but in a positive way. :)


PS - I'm also wondering how long it'll be before someone brands me "racist" for voting that the BNP was voicing public opinion. ;)

MadMark 16 July 2004 06:09 PM

Reverse Discrimiation is alive and well from an employers perspective - but I think there are only small pockets of the country where the situations are reversed to the degree you describe .....

22BUK 16 July 2004 06:16 PM

A PC example that has always p*ssed me off - the Metropolitan Police have a Black Police Association; imagine what would happen if someone tried to set up a White one...

ProperCharlie 16 July 2004 06:20 PM


imagine what would happen if someone set up a fat c*nts association...

that's right - no one would care.


MadMark 16 July 2004 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by ProperCharlie

imagine what would happen if someone set up a fat c*nts association...
that's right - no one would care.


But would you want to join? :D

PeeOne 16 July 2004 06:26 PM

The fat c*nts association may not reach so far into society however as others do. You have schools every year who ban the nativity play as its offensive to ethnic minorities. You have councils every year who won't put up christmas decorations as its offensive to someone or other. Now, if your fat c*nts association held its meetings in private and no-one was any the wiser then fair enough, but if it got to the stage where I couldn't exercise as being thin is offensive to fat people, then it would p*ss me right off! There is going to be an enormous race riot at some point in the near future in my view unless something is done to address the problem. There are too many people taking the p*ss our of the system, and its going to come to a bloody end...

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