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EddScott 15 July 2004 03:52 PM

Am I going slightly bonkers? Scared of human combustion!
This is going to sound quite odd but with the other threads regarding panic attacks etc. I've decided to mention something that is giving me a problem and actually causing what I presume are panic attacks. Its quite odd so please bear with on this one.

For a good number of years now I've had this big fear of spontaneous human combustion :eek: Once I start thinking about it my chest and stomach begin to feel hot and I feel hot all over. I think it sets off a panic attack of some sort as I become really adjitated, my left side goes really tense and quite painful and my arm and hand feel like pins and needles. Its takes me ages to stop thinking its going to happen to me and calm down and I struggle to hide it from people if I'm not alone when it happens.

I'm OK writing about it now but it gets quite bad at night. I know it sounds silly but at the time I can't stop freaking out about it and I like I said I'm pretty sure its setting off a panic attack but I'm not sure. It doesn't happen that often and its a silly thing to get worked up about but its just something I've not been able to shake off.

So I'm either going bonkers or having panic attacks over something probably impossible to happen.

Please no human combustion stories to set me off ok :)

yoza 15 July 2004 03:56 PM

Its not ' impossable to happen ' as you say.

Its is quite common.

Especially in males, in their early to mid 30's.

A friend of mine is that worried, he carrys a fire extinguisher around with him at all times.

tmo 15 July 2004 04:11 PM

Read a couple of books on this a few years ago, very very worrying :( :(

blair 15 July 2004 04:16 PM

I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. Theres really no need to get hot under the collar about it.


yoza 15 July 2004 04:18 PM

He is entitled to blow off a bit of steam.

{flame suit on}

EddScott 15 July 2004 04:22 PM

Cheers chaps your really helping :rolleyes:


blair 15 July 2004 04:25 PM

I feel I should apologise - my last post really didn't add anything constructive and I'd hate to start a flame war on Scoobynet



yoza 15 July 2004 04:26 PM

More of a heated debate.

Jay m A 15 July 2004 04:34 PM

Theres never been a reported case of spontanious human combustion in Pembrokeshire, so you should be OK.

Having said that, it probably means there's one due any moment :eek:

Nexuas 15 July 2004 04:36 PM

Testostorone and computers it is such a volitile mix.

Bubba po 15 July 2004 04:39 PM

The phenomenon doesn't exist. There is a rational explanation for it.

ProperCharlie 15 July 2004 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by Bubba po
The phenomenon doesn't exist. There is a rational explanation for it.

is it just me, or is that a contradictory statement? :confused:

blair 15 July 2004 04:41 PM

Seriously - and I'm hoping this doesn't spark off another panic attack - a quick google finds:

They recon that most alleged cases of spontaneous human combustion occur to old, fat, lonely, alcoholics who smoke.

As long as you dont match the criterea there's no need to worry

SomeDude 15 July 2004 04:41 PM

Try explaining that to the (late) Spinal Tap drummer !

(the one that didn't have a gardening accident)


ProperCharlie 15 July 2004 04:44 PM

there is the case of Fire Brigade Commander John Stacey, called to a house fire in Lambeth in 1967, who discovered Robert Bailey in the early stages of combustion and burning from inside his abdomen 'like a blow torch' in a derelict house where gas and electricity had been turned off and where there were no other sources of ignition
from this webiste.


JohnD 15 July 2004 04:45 PM

If you want a real "on fire" feeling get yourself a blocked artery or two and get the Doc. to arrange for you to have an angiogram, where a cafeta is passed up into the heart (entering at the artery in the right groin) and dye is injected so they can see where it CAN'T go! (you watch it on a TV by the op. table) The last procedure is when they inject something (probably to flush the dye out?) and this gives the most incredible feeling of intense heat. I honestly thought I was on fire! What a buzz!
Unlike David Bowie recently, I didn't have to have an angioplast.
I honsetly wouldn't worry about the combustion bit, but I reckon it would be a good idea to talk to the Doc. about the pysical reaction you get. Might just be palpitations.

scrappydoo 15 July 2004 04:48 PM

I did a full scale report on the Theory of SHC for my forensic science degree and in most circumstances there was an explanation for almost all the events. ie. sitting to close to the fire, having a fag in bed etc etc

It tends to occur in the older generation so take a chill pill mate and relax. Remember its a theory, just like evolution.

Jay m A 15 July 2004 04:49 PM

Eddscott I'm sure you've researched your fear, I believe you have to be fat, wear lots of clothing and need a form of external accellerant to get yourself going. And of course not have the desire to put yourself out.

In a nutshell, a human being cannot burst into flames on its own, it needs external help. Your natural willful avoidance of becoming a human fireball is all you need :)

scrappydoo 15 July 2004 04:53 PM

Sleep next to a full bath tub if you that worried mate :D

EddScott 15 July 2004 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by ProperCharlie
from this webiste.


I know this thread is open for a good ribbing but clicking on that site brought me out in a proper cold sweat. Stomach and chest feel really hot and to me I think I'm in the early stages of an imitation firework.

All joking aside I find it really frightening but it seems to help reading about it as I'm sort of facing my fear rather than trying to hide from it.

scrappydoo 15 July 2004 05:24 PM

Sorry mate, didnt mean to upset you or anything but there is loads of stuff online about it. I know of a copper who actually dealt with a case just round the corner from me. He lent me the case file with photos and all. It was mad reading i can tell ya. I dont think you should worry about it though. If you want i will try dig out my old project examining all the prob causes/explanations and send it to you. Obviously i cant send you the photos as they ahve gone back to the police officer.

ProperCharlie 15 July 2004 05:52 PM

Edd - sorry about that.

maybe if you read enough about it you will accept that even if you believe that it *could* happen, which is highly debatable, it is extraordinarily uncommon.

mj 15 July 2004 05:55 PM

Edd - why not give audi-boy some assistance with his new hobby :D

Ted Maul 15 July 2004 06:11 PM

Edd - accept the risk that it may happen. anything bad could happen. that's life. if your worries on this matter were calmed due to explanations, you'll only move onto the next worry. Sounds like you have a bit of OCD mate.

Audi-Boy 15 July 2004 06:15 PM

LOL at this thread, quaity.:D

oak 15 July 2004 07:45 PM

sounds like its your imagination which is on fire, channel it into something positive.

easier said than done but sometimes you can be your own worst enemy if you think the wrong way about things
good luck anyway

mj 15 July 2004 07:51 PM


at what age did you develop this,and what caused it?

or did you just wake up one morning and it was there?

EddScott 15 July 2004 08:53 PM

No need for apologies, it helps to try and make light of it actually.

mj - I don't remember when it first happened, its a couple of years at least. Its not like it happens all the time but I'll see something similar on TV and its sets it off. I do have a bit of an obsessive personality but like I say its not all the time but when I start thinking about it, it takes me ages to stop and work through the panic side of it.

As for the cause, it first happened when smoking weed :rolleyes: I used to a fair bit but after a couple of bouts of this I gave up. After that I still couldn't even say human combustion but it never developed into a panic attack ( I guess thats what it is) however, a couple of times recently its kicked off just out of the blue hence mentioning it now.

mj 15 July 2004 09:02 PM

what sort of weed - cooking weed (crappy chav resin )?

or decent pollen/green/oil ? i,e king kong stuff?

vindaloo 16 July 2004 01:40 AM

Ed, from the sounds of your symptoms you're more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke due to worry than combustion.

Do these feeling come on after a good curry? :D

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