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sourob 22 June 2000 11:41 PM

Just pulled in to petrol station( near daily occurence, as we all know)anyway an old range rover parks in between both pumps jumps out and goes and buys pop.Great i cant get to the pump,he then decides to give me loads of abuse when i POLITELY suggest trying to be a little more considerate when he parks to use only the shop.His girlfriend also informs me she is going to slap my face and kick my f***** face in..I,m sorry but it seems to me this country is full of scummy nasty vile T****** who totally cant stand anyone who works hard and can afford a decent car i am sure if i was in an old banger it wouldnt happen. Sorry folks rant over!!!!

Puff The Magic Wagon! 22 June 2000 11:56 PM

Totally ignored idiot today who tried to cut in on me (despite him gesticulating that I was a **** & a ****** when it was my right of way!) so he overtook lorry in front of me on a blind & narrow crest, stopped in the middle of road, got out & came & started shouting at me (wife & sprog too) in rush-hour London traffic. Continued to ignore/not look at him, he banged the window & stormed off...


I then got it in the neck from missus from putting her & sprog in a dangerous position...


Mike Rainbird 23 June 2000 12:03 AM

As long as they weren't seriously bigger than me (not that that is difficult, I would "fly into one" if anything like that happened. My blood boils and I want cause some damage just reading posts like that...

It just shouldn't happen and people should be put in their place...

DavidG 23 June 2000 12:52 AM

I felt the same way, Mike, I was seething but it was a narrow quiet country road far from anywhere, two big lads possibly loaded on strong cider and just me. To do anything would have been asking for trouble.

Kramer 23 June 2000 12:53 AM

Yep sympathise with you as well Sourob, its the decay of modern society (knicked that off a Blur album ) but it seems fitting.

Paul Wilson 23 June 2000 12:54 AM

Mike, you might mess up your hair if you did that
seriously though I never had any trouble with idiots like that when I drove a knackered Escort 1.1 with a huge dent in the drivers side, amazing how much room they give you. With the Scoob though I do get problems, If I think its likely I pull out without accelerating to see if they are going to try anything.

Black Cat 23 June 2000 01:46 AM

Can sympathise completely as it's happened to me... but you know what really gets me angry... is the fact that I live in the vacinity of ASCOT... ! here I am trying to live my life ... get to work... get home... and what happens... every stretched limo on the planet... every toffey nosed a**hole and his stuck up wife/bit/partner is on the road... can I get home 'no'... I sit in a traffic jam for 2 hours because some jumped up rich sod ... high on champagne and a sun overdose ... has decided to put his friggin roller in the ditch ... so who suffers...

Where do these people come from ... what's worse they think it's cool to wear dumb stupid hats with teddy bears on... this is what the hierarchy of this country call a day out... forget it... would the words 'get a life be appropriate...?' I think so... I have one and I don't want it impeded by people like this..

My rant is now over..

DavidG 23 June 2000 09:11 AM

Sourob - I sympathise. It's yob culture and it's spreading

Floyd 23 June 2000 09:13 AM

I had a fright with a Golf(basic with 2 base-ball capped men) on a country road. I was overtaking him on a straight and he pulled his car to the right to make me have to go off the road. Luckily the verge was soft and no damage was done but it could have been much worse (my wife and child were with me as well).

It is scary that car envy can make people do such stupid things........


Beef 23 June 2000 10:30 AM

Yep - know how you feel. People seem a youngster (me) in a powerful car (my supe - no sarcasm back there!, and they feel obliged to make my life difficult. The only benefits I have are a) my car is almost always bigger and heavier than theirs, and b) older - so they figure I'm less fussed about damage (I'm not, but they don't know that).

Other than that, you just have to do what I try to do: keep cool, and ignore them. It ain't half hard to do that at times though...(yes, I admit it, I fail)

Mulder 23 June 2000 11:48 AM

Or you have me in the car Beef, and you know full well I don't let them get away with it.........

DavidG 23 June 2000 11:57 AM

I had a similar thing to Floyd in Cornwall last Summer. I'd been sitting behind this big flatbed (redneck style) truck as he lumbered up a steep hill on a narrow road with no passing places. I didn't tailgate him or let him know I was tired of sitting behind him as there was no point. When we finally got to a short passing opportunity I pulled out to overtake, but he immediately and deliberately moved to the right to block me. There was no reason for this other than total bloody-mindedness. I've still got the fvcker's number somewhere.

sourob 23 June 2000 12:01 PM

OWW it makes me want to SHOUT!!!!

MorayMackenzie 23 June 2000 01:21 PM

It's not just young guys these days... I have been forced onto a verge when overtaking a family man with family on board his cavalier... he decided to swerve right, into the middle of the road (stradling both lanes) simply because I was overtaking him... there were no junctions or hazards on this straight, clear section of country road and he was fully aware of my position and intantions! Oh, and he was traveling at ~35 to 40mph max on a national limit road.

Simple case of neandertal (sp) terratorial instinct taking over from intelligence.

Of course, although I had a passenger as a witness, there was no point even bothering to report this to the police as they require two independant witnesses to an incident before looking into it seriously. I suspect Mr Ugg's family would probably back him up with whatever he were to decide happened and I suspect he is more likely to recognise the other car again than I would be.


MorayMackenzie 23 June 2000 01:22 PM

That last post was going for the "biggest number of spelling mitakes in the BBS ever" award.

[This message has been edited by MorayMackenzie (edited 23-06-2000).]

Mike Rainbird 23 June 2000 02:11 PM

Fortunatley I always carry a can of mouse for that just in case....

Luckily it hasn't happened to me (car is too fast The most I get is flashed at by people who think you can't make the overtake, only to find that you have pulled in and counted to five before they even come passed!

But WTF is wrong with people, if they want to go that slow it is up to them (as long as I can get passed, I don't force everyone to drive round at the speed I am comfortable with, so why do they get annoyed that you don't want to drive at the same speed as them? Wish I had a gun and a badge sometimes

Nightmare 23 June 2000 02:22 PM

join the club.......

I think its actually more 'older' drivers than younger now too...certainly the only times Ive had real 'attitude for no reason' from someone they've been almost as old as Mike!

still...thats why god made napalm....

Lovejoy 23 June 2000 02:27 PM

I have to agree with you about drivers today. But in all fairness, you Brits have it easy (just so civilived I guess). If he, the tosser in the RR, were to try and pull that in the states, especially with the soaring gas prices here (relative), he and the **** would have had to crawl back to the rover , let alone approach with a raised voice. Me personaly, I live and let live, but don't push me.


AWD 23 June 2000 02:33 PM

There are some real a**eholes out there. I keep an atlas and a 6 cell Maglite behind my driver's seat. Haven't had to use the Maglite yet but just in case.

I was once going around a roundabout when a car started pulling into my lane (because they weren't aware of lanes in the roundabout). I honked my horn to alert them. We came to a stop at lights and tosser from passenger side gets out and starts shouting at me that I put him, his wife and his 2 kids in danger. All I did was try to alert his wife who was about to crash into me and the car in front of me.

You know what they say - some people are born arseholes and just get bigger....


Basil 23 June 2000 02:41 PM

Like Lovejoy says, we get it here in the states too.. Particularly if you've got a nice car. I was driving some twisties a while back and I actually had a ****er SWERVE towards me from the other lane. I wasn't anywhere near him, and yet he feels obligated go for me. Still not sure what that was about..

We don't call it Yob culture, but it's the same thing.. Ya work for something nice, and someone's gonna hate ya for it..


AWD 23 June 2000 02:47 PM

It's the same mentality as the people who go about running their keys on a car's paintwork just out of spite.

If I see a nice car I admire it. I may never be able to afford a Diablo or an F50 but I'd never scratch it.

Make's me sick.

Rant over....

sourob 23 June 2000 03:02 PM

AWD, thats exactly what i think, if someone has a nice car , house ,wins the lottery good luck to them.I always wonder are we in the minority for being decent people or are they for being t******?.

KimA 23 June 2000 03:14 PM

Talking of a***holes - someone set fire to our neighbours car (3 doors up from us) night before last at 0330 in the morning. There's apparently someone going round our area breaking into cars on driveways and then torching them. I spent most of last night wandering around the house, not being able to sleep, waiting for the next hit.

Someone said to me - "don't worry, they're more likely to steal your car rather than set it alight". Bl**dy great I'm thinking, now I'm not so worried - not!!!

subverbal 23 June 2000 03:21 PM

oooohhhh - gets me angry just reading these posts !!

Had 'petrol station rage' once with a guy who was just buying stuff from the shop. I asked him politely to pull forward 10 feet - he said 'I'll only be five minutes' (!) and went back into the shop and returned with some engine oil and proceeded to pop the bonnet.
Wasn't quite so polite the next time I spoke to him, I actually lost it bigtime but luckily for both of us he came over all meek and moved off.

Inconsideration - can't stand that !

KimA 23 June 2000 03:37 PM

Reminds me of one time when I stopped in a country lane to give way to a guy coming towards me in his Escort convertible thingy. He came so close that our wing mirrors smashed (I wasn't moving at the time, so no my fault!). He drove past a short way and then jumped out of his car and came towards me yelling abuse etc. etc.

Funny part was when my boyfriend (husband now) who was in the passenger seat, jumped out of the car and stood there looking at him as if to say "come on then" (hubby's on the beefy side). Guy took one look at him and legged in back into his car with his tail between his legs. Lucky I wasn't alone really.

AWD 23 June 2000 03:37 PM

I do wonder whether considerate people are the minority sometimes.

What I wouldn't give for a gizmo like one on the Bond film 'You Only Live Twice' when you can radio someone and a large helicopter appears which uses an electromagnet to grab any car annoying you which then gets dumped in the sea.

Although.... I'd probably settle for a tazer.....


AWD 23 June 2000 03:55 PM

The problem is you can never tell when someone is all bark and no bite or if they are the psychos you hear about on the news.

I normally assume that they are psychos and don't get out of the car or anything like that. I try to drive off whenever possible (after taking the plate down of course)

A friend of mine has had quite a few incidents with people abusing him and approaching and hitting his windows, doors etc, but he always drives off.

Better safe than sorry - there are some real nutter out there

Floyd 23 June 2000 03:56 PM

Blimey, Own a Scooby and PAY PAY PAY- road rage, envy damage, car theives, insurance, servicing, residuals, petrol, tyres etc. Just think, people hate us because they think we are having a good time....


AWD 23 June 2000 04:06 PM

Yes - but they'll always be a**eholes and we'll always be driving great cars....

Stupot 23 June 2000 05:23 PM

I think we have the last laugh... they will always be losers This philosophy has stopped me from making them eat their cars in the past... i think the Range Rover badge would be the hardest part to swallow hehe
Stu (Silver STi)
PS Nice chatting to u at Bently Floyd

[This message has been edited by Stupot (edited 23-06-2000).]

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