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Prince Popeye 03 April 2004 11:52 AM

Our Greatest threat:The Chav???
After reading that hilarious website given by Achtung Baby Moses I have to agree that we are facing a huge threat from these delinquent parasites.

How do we stop them inbreeding? Cut welfare? Close sports shops and jewellery stores? Stop Trisha? :confused: ;) :D

moses 03 April 2004 12:03 PM

:D danke :D

but mate i meant it as a joke, we cant treat them as animals :D their humans ffs :D

they need to be re educated :D

i dont like chavs at all but like i said i have met nice ones who want change, its not their fault its their parents fault and peer pressure and ghettos were they are brought up, thats all they see so they become it :D

but sure go on, its good for a laugh , chav scum or ned scum

gies a lain a 10 pence mister


Katana 03 April 2004 12:41 PM

Why are you all discriminating against Shrek? I for one dont mind paying my taxes to support him as long as he realises that I'm the master, the great one and also the superior one. :D

J4CKO 03 April 2004 02:16 PM

There were some Chavs round our way, its posh ffs !

I went in the offy and came out and they were checking my car out, asked a couple of question, seemed nice enough apaprt from the gobbing, they are like slugs leaving a glistening trail of sputum.

dij 03 April 2004 05:30 PM

Ahh found you guys

was wondering if you were left homeless after CWE closed.

WTF is a chav or shrek ?

moses 03 April 2004 08:50 PM

lol @ kat :D

u still fancy him kat :D shrek that is ;) :p

dij chavs are neds, scumbags with kappa bottoms and caps and have alot of gold and talk sh1t and they ask u how was does your evo or scooby go, how much was it, is it expensive and always say they have a cossie parked somewhere etc :D

what would scooby do 03 April 2004 08:59 PM

Chavewear :-

Burberry cap
England TShirt
Tracksuit bottoms
White trainers
Lots of Gold
usually drives a Nova, Corsa or Saxo..
Parents typically obese non-workers ;)


moses 03 April 2004 09:32 PM

lol u get scottish neds too mate same thing adam :D

what would scooby do 03 April 2004 09:51 PM

Yeh mate but they don't wear England shirts ;)

anyhoo - there is that other chav hat - the one with the swirly writing on it - as seen on 75% of everton fans heads (this is not a joke BTW - last televised match)

moses 03 April 2004 09:54 PM

Edited because of the sexual innuendo content.
You have been warned about this moses, just remember this is a family bb, so please refrain from bringing sickly sexual remarks into nearly all of your posts


camie 03 April 2004 10:17 PM

if you love neds then youll love this

unclebuck 03 April 2004 10:17 PM

To the tune of "Mad World"


He's a townie
He ain't got no morals
Got no morals
Got no morals
He's wearing hoodies
And he's mugging old men
Mugging old men
Mugging old men

He threw a brick
Right through your window
Killed your hamster
Killed your hamster
Smoking Marlboro
And quite a cretin
Such a moron
Such a moron

And he hasn't got a mummy
He hasn't got a dad
The teacher says he's violent
And the doctor says he's mad
He finds it hard to be good
He hates being all nice
The stupid little bum****
He's a very very
Bad kid
Bad kid

He's just waiting
For the day he's sixteen
Day he's sixteen
Day he's sixteen
He wants to be an
Absentee father
Absentee father
Absentee father

Smoked some weed
But whitied out quite quickly
Got a headache
Got a headache
Lives in Wycombe
But he thinks he's hard
Not a gangster
Just a wanker

Repeat chorus


camie 03 April 2004 10:19 PM

> Glaswegian Rhapsody
> >>
> >>
> >>Is this the real life?
> >>Or is it the methodone?
> >>Stuck in the Gorbals, two bob fur the telephone?
> >>
> >>Open yer wine, an' talk wi' a meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
> >>
> >>Um just a weeji,
> >>Gie us yer Sunny D
> >>
> >>Cos I'll chib yer pal,
> >>Rip yer da,
> >>Slash yer dug,
> >>Ride yer ma!
> >>
> >>Any way the Clyde flows, disnae really matter tae
> >>me.....tae me.
> >>
> >>Haw maw, just chibbed some bam
> >>Buckie bottle tae the heid
> >>Noo the f*kin' bustards deid!
> >>
> >>Haw maw, um just oan parole
> >>An noo I'm headin back tae Barlineeeee......
> >>
> >>Haw Maw.......oohooh ooh
> >>Never meant tae steal yer purse
> >>But if I'm no fu' o' smack this time the morra'
> >>Carry oot, carry oot!
> >>An we'll go oot on the batter!
> >>
> >>Too late...the bailiff's here
> >>Sends shivers doon ma spine
> >>Gubbed 10 jellies just in time
> >>Goodbye all ma muckers, I've got tae go
> >>Got to go and rip some w*nk fae up the scheme
> >>
> >>Haw Maw.......oohooh oooh
> >>I'm a jakey bam,
> >>I sometimes think I've never been washed at all
> >>
> >>I see a little silhouetto of a bam
> >>Adidas! Adidas! Can ye get us some Kappa?
> >>Thunderbird, White Lightning,
> >>Very very Frightening, me!
> >>
> >>Twenty Mayfair? (Twenty Mayfair!)
> >>Twenty Mayfair? (Twenty Mayfair and some skins!)
> >>
> >>Magnifico oh oh oh oh!
> >>
> >>I'm just a fat boy, nae body loves me
> >>
> >>He's just a fat boy fae a fat family!
> >>Spare us a pound for a wee cup o' tea?
> >>
> >>Get tae f*ck, skanky slob, will ye get a job?
> >>For f*cksake.........NO I will not get a job
> >>Get a job!
> >>For f*cksake........ NO I will not get a job
> >>Get a job........willnae get a job
> >>Get a job........willnae get a job
> >>no no no no no.....
> >>
> >>Oh gonorrheoea!
> >>Gonnorrhoea!
> >>Gonnorhoea and the clap!
> >>Then doon the pub, has the barman put aside
> >>For me? For me,
> >>For meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
> >>
> >>So you hink ye can slash me an pish in ma eye?
> >>
> >>So ye hink ye can chib me an leave me tae die?
> >>Haw bawbag!
> >>Can't dae this tae me bawbag!
> >>Just wait till I'm oot
> >>Just wait till I'm right oot ma nut!!
> >>
> >>F*ck all really matters, anyone can see
> >>F*ck all really matters.....
> >>F*ck all really matters.....
> >>Tae meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............eeeeeeeeee... .........eee
> >>eeeeeee!!!

moses 03 April 2004 10:25 PM

lol camie after i read the glasgow song its revived the justice system in me, lets slay the b@%$£% :D for good

what i dont understand is u ever noticed the glesga neds they always have their socks rolled right over their trackie bottoms :D so do their girlfriends , bitches

camie 03 April 2004 10:26 PM

yeah along with a huge namechain

moses 03 April 2004 10:36 PM

true thats coz they forget their real names :D so their mama buys them a necklace with their real name

etc etc


fatherpierre 03 April 2004 10:40 PM

You missed off 'Gav'.

That's my fave Chav name.

fatherpierre 03 April 2004 10:41 PM

Gav the Chav.


moses 03 April 2004 10:49 PM

lol sounds awesome :D

camie 03 April 2004 10:51 PM

top notch ned action

fatherpierre 03 April 2004 10:53 PM

I know one called Gav

Henri Lloyd tops, tracksuit bottoms and tattoos on his forearms.

Nice lad actually. Thick as fook though. Lacking in the bad gold so far.

camie 03 April 2004 11:21 PM

been checking out this site, its hilarious,

theyve even got a ned forum, check it out, you WONT be surprised

dij 04 April 2004 06:20 PM

Oh sh1t

So that is what a chav is?

come on guys leave them alone.
Your parents might have been chavs in their day.:D

M444GY 04 April 2004 07:04 PM

****in hoodrats!! they should all be rounded up a put in a big room wit engleburt humperdink and classic fm on at full blast while watchin every episode of university challenge on loop.

moses 04 April 2004 07:48 PM

lol @ dij my dad wasnt a chav but he was a govanite :D
ibrox man and me myself was brought up in hunland brigton :D

dij 04 April 2004 08:48 PM

M444gy ,your sounding like a Hitler.No doubt in years to come the chavs will be causing trouble.

Just trying to get Moses in trouble now.

BTW WTF is a govanite.

Excuse my lack of wisdom please.

moses 04 April 2004 10:45 PM

lol m444 is talking like me im the fuhrer :D in a nice way

dij mate from govan :D their called govanites

M444GY 04 April 2004 11:02 PM

lol :)

Katana 05 April 2004 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by dij

BTW WTF is a govanite.

People who live in Govan I think. I was an Ibrox guy myself and actually lived on Copeland road above the chippy while I was studying there. :D

Moses, wish I knew you back then. I wouldnt have to take the underground to go to uni then. :p

moses 05 April 2004 09:47 AM

lol :D kat your welcome bros :D

and its a small world my dad grew up in coplands place round the corner :D awesome bros

and my uncle used to go to the ibrox stadium for free they used to sneak in , that time they werent that strict and my dad was a celtic man thats why im one and also coz their the best team :D my uncle and his kids are all huns( rangers supporters)

and m444 mate fuhrer is one of my nick names some people called me that as a insult long time ago and from then on i named myself fuhrer but in a loving way :D

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