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Black Cat 23 June 2000 01:02 AM


My sentiments exactly.... thus... no more posts from me... for a long time....

frisby 23 June 2000 09:13 AM

Yep, agree with you Richie......I too have noticed the lack of familiar faces on Scoobynet.....and why are they going!!!!

- People won't pay a subscription
- A list of rules to be read when subscribing would be ignored
- Ignoring the threads that are abusive/pointless partially solves the problem but the issue is still there and often migrates onto other fruitful threads spoiling them.

<B>So how about appointing some moderators for each of the topic areas to clear up some of the rubbish that often occurs.....</B>



Ian Cook 23 June 2000 09:29 AM

There are already moderators on the BBS, however when we try to stop things or delete threads the old "freedom of speech" chestnut keeps rearing its ugly head and we get flamed.

We are on a lose lose basis, If you want to volunteer to be a moderator mail Phil at as i am not going to be doing it any more.

robski 23 June 2000 09:37 AM

Well said richie

I think a lot of us know where the regulars are going.

Becoming more RSOC as the days go by


Mossman 23 June 2000 09:44 AM

Here, here. I think it's a real shame but persevere. It will be worth it in the long run!

All the best!


RichieC 23 June 2000 09:54 AM

Im pleased this is a general feeling and not just me. I would happily be a moderator, however I feel I would be a tad outspoken in certain circumstances and a number of t***ers would be bounced off the BBS.

Freedom of speech, well now theres a tricky one. I dont envy your job Ian (and others)but enoughs enough, we need to loos the prats before they take the BBS down.



Diablo 23 June 2000 09:58 AM

See my other thread.

Can't agree more.

Hi P


Perhaps I should volunteer to be a moderator?

[This message has been edited by Diablo (edited 23-06-2000).]

blubs 23 June 2000 10:06 AM

Uh Oh,

I'm getting scared now. As the days progress, all the familiar names seem to be disappearing and I seem to be the only one who is willing to stay!

C'mon people, don't let them grind you down!!!

Rise above the steerage with your razor sharp wit!!

I'm getting lonely here


RichieC 23 June 2000 10:14 AM

Go for it Diablo!!

Which thread are you talking about??


Reidy 23 June 2000 10:23 AM

I agree with you Rich, whole heartedly. Whilst I don't post a lot on the boards and recently changed my ID, I read the info a lot and I am getting increasingly frustrated with some of the new guys and their attitudes. I have been to a number of events and always enjoyed them but am losing interest rapidly.

I remember a thread some time ago about the new breed of Impreza owners and whether or not they would be boy racers/w@#*$rs and "cheapen" the car in the longer term...


[This message has been edited by Reidy (edited 23-06-2000).]

Diablo 23 June 2000 10:30 AM


GCollier 23 June 2000 11:25 AM

I've been a member for almost two years now I think.

Yes, some threads attract or are started by idiots. Yes, some threads have lots of fault picking (and I'm as happy to pick fault as the next man when I think people are talking b*******). However, these threads are still VERY much in the minority. Most are still very helpful and informative.

So, whilst being on the subject of fault-finding - why doesn't everybody who seems to want to moan about "how things were better in the old days" (sounds like my grandmother), make some decent posts instead. Judging by the size of Diablo's flamer post, people still have a lot to say.

Ian Sutton 23 June 2000 11:34 AM

Not being rude or anything lads but we had all this last week as Diablo pointed to the previous thread.I've been on the BB all week and haven't seen anything that warrants all this again.Poor old Moray got undue stick but other than that this week has been clear of jokers.

Unless your all referring to me..DOH!


RichieC 23 June 2000 12:32 PM

I have been a member of this BBS for about 18 months now and have made a great many friends, bought a great deal of stuff! and received a great deal of good info.

However, in all this time I have resisted the temptation to speak out on a topic which is seeing me dramatically loose interest:

Why oh why do idiots insist in picking fault with what others say. Im talking about a bunch of newbies who seem to be throwing their weight around of late.

Now my sincerest apologies if you are a newbie with a genuine interest in Scoobys (like I was)but Im sick and tired of fools jumping into a debate/forum/discussion and turning it into a slanging match or otherwise being a divvy ! !

I dont wish to sound elitist or anything here, after all the purpose (I thought) of the BBS was to have a forum for likeminded individuals, but time after time I have started a topic only for some w**ker to jump in and loose the plot.

Is there no way of telling these people...its a good job Im not a moderator cos I would have bounced a number of individuals by now

Anyway, Im sure an abundance of d**k heads will jump on in here and shoot me down in flames, Im not bothered do feel free, it gives me a laugh at times to read such misinformed ramblings!

A few of you know what I mean (Moray??) but comments on this would be appreciated...hows about a black ball system ??


[This message has been edited by RichieC (edited 23-06-2000).]

MorayMackenzie 23 June 2000 01:42 PM

Thanks for clearing that up Ian, I wasn't sure if it was me that had annoyed Richie for a minute...

Needless to say, I to have noticed the newbie who engages mouth before putting brain in gear syndrome that has become more prevelent in the last month or so... not a good idea to jump into a community without trying to get a feel for it's workings first.

I will volunteer my services as a moderator, I think I can be diplomatic when the need arises.

I have gained a lot from the board over the last couple of years (I had another id before this one) and would like to contribute more in return (sounds like a Miss world competitor speech, urghh! ).

(Miss STI Bristol, likes puppy's and small children, but couldn't eat a whole one in one sitting. )

MorayMackenzie 23 June 2000 01:55 PM

Ian Cook,

I'm sorry to hear your decision to drop the moderating "hot potato", I hope you will continue to read and contribute to the board in your capacity as a "regular", we really can't afford to loose any more of the long-time, "core" members, lest the fabric that holds the community together can't take the strain.


Hos 23 June 2000 02:02 PM

Hi there,
Quick question- I miss half of what goes on on here as i'm always busy with flying/trying to have a life etc , but I have been reading these boards since wayy before i bought my scooby last year and have only really started posting things as there has been a lack of posts coming up.
Now , I don't know fully who it is who's doing whatever you guys are talking about, and I don't think i'm involved but if I am could you possibly please tell me?

(I just look around and don't see who the problem makers are, so it's better to ask than just sit there)

Ian Sutton 23 June 2000 02:05 PM

Ian I think the people in question were around last week and the week before.I also think you and I are in the clear.

..another Ian

RichieC 23 June 2000 02:13 PM


It wasnt you at all mate, I simply mentioned you as you know what Imean!!...sorry for any confussion.


It has been my opinion that the BBS has gone downhill recently and more and more idiots are jumping in. I would say these are not isolated anymore and its well out of order.


Cheers Ill peruse it at leisure, sorry if Ive duplicated anything, Ive been away for a few days.

Ian Sutton:

You are indeed in the clear, Im not naming names; that serves no useful purpose, maybe youve just chosen some good threads to read

Nightmare 23 June 2000 02:24 PM

a large number of the 'old timers' sem to have made it for this thread though!!

Diablo - good to se you havent quite vanished

Hos - you didnt happen to go to Cranfield Uni at some point did you?

RichieC 23 June 2000 02:24 PM

In addition, I dont think this is a "How things used to be" thing at all, its merely a case of being courteous and civil to each other, not much to ask now is it?

Also, what exactly would you call a decent post?? Ive started and contributed to loads which have gone red, someone must think they're decent...??

RichieC 23 June 2000 02:29 PM


What exactly do you fly? Ive got my PPL and live near St Andrews, we should do a jolly sometime!!


Indeed it is nice to see some old you get the award for having the most posts ever?? 456...good show!


Ive just read some of that thread, nuff said!
"Lurking" seems the only option.

[This message has been edited by RichieC (edited 23-06-2000).]

Ian Cook 23 June 2000 02:32 PM

RichieC, dont think 450 posts will do it for the most ever, I have 1424 and i dont post that much

Neil Smalley 23 June 2000 02:41 PM

I'm not so sure about the decline. It's a change of function.

Sure there's been a few threads and replies that have been stupid and out of order, but that's natural. In my mind(rightly or wrongly) I've always likend the bbs to a pub. You get together with your mates talk about your cars, gripes and swap stories etc. Naturally a few mates get out of order but generally that's fine, after all it's a pub.

Personally I don't mind some of the stupid threads, it's just a few people being people. What we have now are three streams of people. Old hands, enthusiastic newbies(like me) and (politely put) people who want to drive flat out everywhere they go.

If we want the bbs to be like a pub then expect people to behave like they are in one. If we want it to be like a Subaru owners convention in a posh winebar then that's fine too. But we, the users need to make a decision.

IMHO we already have the winebar( and this is the pub. Both are for different types of people and for different things.

Let's make the winebar more exclusive and keep the pub open to everyone. This to me seems like a sensible compromise. We are not going to be able to turn back the clock and so we have to move forward and work with what we have or not at all.

We've had a number of suggestions about cleaning up but none(IMHO) that will do the job. My suggestion is this.
You have to apply for your userid to,
if you are seen to be either a old hand or newbie who REALLY wants to learn and develop their car then you get one, otherwise you stay in the 'pub'.

I guess what i'm saying is we(the bbs users) need to make a choice of what kind of bbs we want this to be. Pub or winebar?

GCollier 23 June 2000 02:42 PM

Sorry Richie,

When I said "decent posts" I meant quality postings compared to the dross which is being complained about. I wasn't trying to imply that this thread or contributions from other people here to other threads are crap.


subverbal 23 June 2000 03:31 PM

I'm relatively new on here but this board seems ok to me !!
All forums 'evolve', every forum I've been involved with (not that many but still...) has had topics on exactly this theme.


Nightmare 23 June 2000 05:13 PM

I know its a bit sad, but I'd be interested to see who the 'top twenty' posters of all time are...the data can be got from the 'User info and persmissions' setting on the UBB admin section...

I think Moray is pretty high up there too (over 1000) JohnF has managed over 800....would be a close race to the finish!!

JohnS 23 June 2000 05:42 PM

Top 7 are (well only ones above 1k):

Ian Cook:1425
Me:1039 (including this one
Mike Tuckwood:1010

DaveW 23 June 2000 07:18 PM

Hi guys,

Looks like the BBS is evolving, which some people will like and others won't. I agree that some posts are annoying. You can ignore these but it is human nature to get upset by people who think differently than you do, or who say stupid things.

My pet gripe at the moment is people not posting in the right forums. General seems to be used for everything.

Also there are only so many problems that you can get with a Scooby and nearly all have been covered before. So you get the same questions over and over again.

Annoying, yes, to be expected, yes. Therefore don't worry about it, life is too short.

Smile , we (well most of us) own one of the fastest point to point production cars in the world which has a great engine noise.

I don't care that I paid full UK price for mine and that some people saved Łk's on theirs. Or that some people have STI's which are faster. Or that some people can afford loads of mods to go even quicker (well actually that bothers me but I don't let it show OK ). All I care about is that when I come on this BBS I can talk with petrol heads like myself. Whoever they may be and whatever they may drive.


pslewis 23 June 2000 07:35 PM

Well I am a newbie as all can see .... I have been watching this BB for quite a while before joining and posting - hope I have been ok but it really seems a good BB .... it will change as more and more people buy scoobies and get excited about it ... I see that you can order one and get it in 3 weeks now - bit different than when I bought!! Consequently you will get a wider cross section of the community - and as we know we are not all equal.......
Peter - newbie!!

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