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Echo 03 March 2004 09:55 PM

Price of water - grumble
Is it me or is someone making a killing here? If you stop for a litre of bottle water at major services it works out at roughly twice the price of Optimax. Suffering from kidney stones and having to drink loads of the stuff it makes me really angry - cue throbbing vein on forehead :-)


dpb 03 March 2004 10:03 PM

..nice work if ye can get it :) :p

mj 03 March 2004 10:08 PM

keep the bottles -

get a britta filter or similar - fill regularly & leave in the fridge, top up bottles with it. keep the bottles in the fridge.

If possible, delegate the above task to the wife/gf.

Take the bottles to work with you.


milo 03 March 2004 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by mj
get a britta filter or similar - fill regularly & leave in the fridge, top up bottles with it. keep the bottles in the fridge.

yep.. i TOTALLY agree with this.

i drink around 1.5-2 gallons of water a day (not a mis-print) and britta works a treat. the filters are a bit expensive, but are a LOT cheaper than buying bottled water, especially drinking as much of it as i do.

im quite lucky i guess that i also get free mineral water at work, so while im there i drink plenty of that.

but yeah.. as mj says.. buy a britta and keep in fridge.

ChrisB 03 March 2004 10:20 PM

Do you have a pipe connecting you to the toilet Milo? :D

milo 03 March 2004 10:23 PM

Originally Posted by ChrisB
Do you have a pipe connecting you to the toilet Milo? :D

are you taking the piss?! ;) :D

mj 03 March 2004 10:30 PM

1.5-2 gallons is a lot of water.

you did mean gallons then..not litres?...

1 gallon = 4.5 litres..?

9 litres is 16 pints of water a day :eek:

....definateley a piss take :)

Echo 03 March 2004 10:30 PM

Yeah, I take the bottles with me but when I run out and have to buy water it is astonishing at how much they charge.

milo 03 March 2004 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by mj
you did mean gallons then..not litres?...

yes, i did mean gallons, and yes that is a lot.

EVERYONE, imo, should be drinking a gallon, or as close to as they can.

i eat a LOT of protein tho... so to ensure my kidneys don't expire before i do, i drink as much water as i can.. which is up to 2 gallons.

water is exceptionally good for you :)

milo 03 March 2004 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by
Yeah, I take the bottles with me but when I run out and have to buy water it is astonishing at how much they charge.

take more bottles with you then :)

but yes - the point of your post is totally correct - water is VERY expensive when buying in bottled form, especially from convenience places like newsagents and petrol stations.

it still is cheaper than alternative beverages tho. 500ml/water at shell is WAY less than 500ml/cola... and water is WAY better for you.

supply and demand tho, as always.

Echo 03 March 2004 10:40 PM

My doc reckons that a major cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough. The pain is as close as us blokes get to child birth so I keep getting told :-(

BTW, is protein good for kidneys?

unclebuck 03 March 2004 10:43 PM

I keep a couple of empty mineral water bottles. If I need to drive a distance I just fill 'em up before I go and put one in the car and one in the boot.

Sorted. :)


milo 03 March 2004 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by
My doc reckons that a major cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough. The pain is as close as us blokes get to child birth so I keep getting told :-(

your doc is correct.. and from what i've heard also, the pain is that bad :eek:

BTW, is protein good for kidneys?
no not really. well, its generally accepted that excess protein is BAD for kidneys (after a point). protein in the correct amount is not bad for kidneys however (no proof of that anyway). but for powerlifting and bodybuilding, my protein needs are VERY high. my kidneys work overtime because of this. so to try to keep them in as good condition as possible, i drink as much water as possible.

even if you don't lift weights and you don't eat any more protein than normal.. i would still recommend taking in as close to 1 gallon of water a day as you can manage. you will feel much better for it :)

Echo 03 March 2004 10:53 PM

The missis was saying that I needed to loose a few pounds - I blamed all that water - water retention :-)

mj 03 March 2004 10:54 PM

bottles are ok for putting water into your body - ever tried to letting it out the other end into a bottle?

why is it that when you really need a piss, there is never anywhere to take one.

mj[soiler of 2 party coach footwells] - serves em' right, they refused to stop :( :D

Hanslow 03 March 2004 10:57 PM

I had a kidney stone at xmas, and the pain was bad enough to make me chuck four times, before they managed to start pumping morphine into me, and that was for a stone as big as the ball bearing in a ball point pen :eek: Glad it wasn't any bigger.

Interesting comments on the water vs kidney stone though. I wasn't given any advice on how to stop them, probably because it wasn't big, but they also said they can't say for definite what causes them. I have however started drinking more water, not on milo's level ;), but about 4-5 pints a day as I knew I didn't drink enough.

unclebuck 03 March 2004 11:09 PM

****... all this talk about water... I gotta take a piss...


ozzy 03 March 2004 11:15 PM

If your p!ss is clear, then you're well hydrated. It's a simple test and a good way of making sure your drinking enough. Excess water has been known to kill, but that's in extremely rare circumstances and with a few professional athletes. Their usually so hyper sensitive that anything would send them over the edge.

I just sip water throughout the day, but drink a few litres after a long run or a workout. 1 litre of water weighs around 1kg, so it's good to measure your weight before and after any hard workout (if any of you do such things ;)) for an idea of how much water you need to replace.

Body size and composition affects your hydration levels, so it's possible you'll not need to drink a bath tub like Milo :)

I don't really measure my own intake, but I'd reckon I must go through 6-7 litres of water per day personally. This is all tap water and none of the namby-pamby overpriced bottled cr@p.

If you want your own cola drink why not add 20 teaspoons of sugar and a few spoonfuls of coffee to a glass of water ;)


Echo 03 March 2004 11:21 PM

The stone on my right kidney was 1 cm - that hurt - had to be taken out. It was like peeing nettles for a week afterwards. Still have a few small ones on their way out of the left one :-(

When the pain comes on for the first time it's like nothing else. Mine came out of the blue and was doubled up in pain. You don't know what it is and it's very frightening!!!

I know loads of people who've had them and none of us drank enough - we do now. That's why I'm so angry at those robbing barstewards in petrol stations.

BTW, seen the google ad's for this thread? :-)

homer lawtey 03 March 2004 11:31 PM

If your company uses water chillers at work, then take a couple of ltr bottles in every day with you.

Cheaper than Britta filters and bottled water.

Steve :D

Mice_Elf 04 March 2004 01:42 PM

That's what I do. My company provides free water and free fruit. So I fill up the 2 1 x litre bottles on my desk and sip those throughout the day.

suprabeast 04 March 2004 01:52 PM

i thought too much water was bad for you?

Mice_Elf 04 March 2004 02:16 PM

Only if you're talking excessive amounts. Above and beyond even Milo's consumption.

Mice_Elf 04 March 2004 02:22 PM

A reasonable website :

davegtt 04 March 2004 02:51 PM

water adds weight?
Ive started drinking at least 4 pints of water a day for a couple of month and I like it (cant drink coke or anything so stick to water/orange - dilute and beer :D ) but since I started drinking lots of water I put on ALOT of weight, Ive always been drinking the beer without putting a gut on, have done for many a years but since drinking water the weight starts to come on, the misses dont believe me that the water has caused it and says Ive got a beer belly (Im pritty sure shes wrong as always)

so is this true, can water add weight to your body, definately interested in knowing :)

Chris L 04 March 2004 02:56 PM

Be thankful you're not buying the new one from Coca Cola :) Sidcup tap water at 95p per half litre. Someone at Thames Water worked out that if you paid that much for your drinking water at home, your annual water bill would be £18000 :D

I would agree that bottled water is rip off. Another vote for Brita here (especially as Herts has very hard water)


ozzy 05 March 2004 12:00 AM

i thought too much water was bad for you
It can be, but you need to consume huge amounts or at least have your body so hyper-sensitive that some excess can have drastic effects. There was an article in Runners Worlds last year where a woman Marathon runner died due to excess water consumption.

The medical term is hyponatremia. Apparently when some endurance runners drank too much water during a race it caused Sodium levels in their bodies to drop. This forces water retention in their blood and results in swelling in the brain. It can also cause fluid build-up in the lungs leading to breathlessness and nausea. A few have died as a result, but it's extremely rare and seems to occur during long, intense exercise where you're loosing sodium in sweat.

I've been on long runs or even days out in the hills and I can taste the salt on my skin. Drinking more and more plain water would be bad for you and you should be dealing with your bodies sodium levels. That's why I always take an Isotonic drink when exercising or at least carry some Isotonic sachets with me when I'm out hill walking.

I went for a long 2hr run tonight and lost 1.8kg of weight in fluids alone (didn't count the few lb's lost from having a dump before I set off :)). Drinking 2 litres of water to replace the lost fluids usually leaves me feeling full and bloated for a few hours afterwards. So, day-to-day I would just drink small amounts throughout the day and keep an eye on your pi$$ to make sure you are well hydrated.

Just remember our bodies are 60-70% water and poor hydration has a major effect on our health - both physically and mentally.


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