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djuk 15 February 2004 06:28 PM

Leaving the company - need pc-based office pranks
Today is my last day with the company and stupidly they have left me in the office on my own. Now i have already gone to the trouble of carefully re-arranging everyone's e-mail signatures just by a couple of letters but to the point where it makes no sense.

I, obviously, also intend to make subtle changes to certain people's auto-correct dictionary. Can anyone suggest anything ive missed? :D

Poor Guy 15 February 2004 06:31 PM

switch the plugs for the keyboards round on peoples pcs so they type on other peoples monitors.

superglue this to things.

pop off the m and the n key and rearrange them.

Duane Dibley 15 February 2004 06:32 PM

Not a PC prank, but just as you leave the office ring an 0898 number - betting line or porn - in Oz if possible! - on as many phones as you can in the office, leave them off the hook and the firm will get a nice phone bill for the next 1/4.

Poor Guy 15 February 2004 06:33 PM

or spell out funny messages on the key boards to people.

like, nob head or ................

J4CKO 15 February 2004 06:40 PM

Remove all mouse balls (if not optical), dispose.

ALi-B 15 February 2004 06:42 PM

Set that website with the "BADGERS BADGERS BADGER" thing on all the home pages.

Set the mouse to left handed users (right button is left etc.)

Set the refresh rate on the graphics card to as low as it goes, so all the monitors are nice and flickery.

Set the default language to Slovakian

Volume controls on FULL

All the chairs set on the most uncomfortable/unuseable settings

Change the shortcut targets i.e so that when you click to load Word - Excel loads instead

mj 15 February 2004 06:44 PM

do a "print screen" of their destop.
Select "hide desktop icons" on the pc.
use the screenprint you took as background.

elgordano 15 February 2004 07:27 PM

swap a few keys around on there keyboards.


scoobypreza 15 February 2004 07:39 PM

Some of you lot have such devious minds!!

mj .....Thats brilliant!!!!! (I'm going to keep a note of that one! :D)


FlightMan 15 February 2004 09:19 PM

I did the print screen to a new starter in 2nd line ( desktop support ) we had at Gatwick Airport. I kid you not, it took him 3 days to work out what was going on!

Oh, and shutdown.exe in startup took him the rest of the week!

djuk 15 February 2004 09:44 PM

thanks everyone :)
Ive used an adaptation of the themes here and...

changed every.. and i mean every shortcut on the desktop or start menu to point to :)

FlightMan 15 February 2004 09:47 PM

The other one is to downloaded God knows who many wav files, and set them as windows startup sound, volume to max of course.

Father Jack Hackett 15 February 2004 10:21 PM

hope you don't need a reference from them, dude ...

farmer1 15 February 2004 10:25 PM

If you have access to msconfig make a little VB project that starts up when windows starts and says in a alert box that: you have installed a deadly virus and will need to reinstall windows. And make sure there is only an OK button.

Paulo P 16 February 2004 09:52 AM

PMSL :D We did the left handed mouse trick to the office wally a few years ago :D

You could also p!ss around with the monitor settings and make the display very small or on the p!ss etc :D

If they have multiple monitors (I do) swap the monitor leads about :D that'll confuse them :D

OllyK 16 February 2004 09:56 AM

djuk - the odd prank is fair enough, but just watch how far you go. If you start super gluing anything or do anything that will take anything more than a few seconds to fix, you may find you ex-employer less than sympathetic and could be reporting you to plod for crimnal damage etc.

Dracoro 16 February 2004 09:56 AM

hope you don't need a reference from them
Or any chance of any redundancy money!

djuk 16 February 2004 09:58 AM

Leaving the company - need pc-based office pranks

Originally Posted by Dracoro
Or any chance of any redundancy money!

Nahhh seriously this sort of behaviour is an every day occourance in our office, I was just looking for some stuff that hasnt been done before to keep me one step ahead. Had i not taken the trouble to lock my pc overnight and change the password no doubt i would have found mine in a similar state :D

angrynorth 16 February 2004 10:44 AM

Reverse the numbers on the keypad to a phone style eg 123 at the top instead of the bottom, takes a while to figure out.

If you do change keys on the keyboard make sure you only change a couple otherwise it will be too obvious.

dome 16 February 2004 04:08 PM

Try this, it'll turn their PC into a Mac....

Goochie 16 February 2004 04:27 PM

there is a great exe file on the web somewhere - often called "sexgames.exe". When you load it you're PC just turns off. I mean it TURNS OFF hard and doesnt do a shutdown procedure!

When I was at my last company we put a shortcut to it in the "startup" folder on the start menu. This way, as soon as the PC got to Windows it turned off!

Ian Griffiths 18 February 2004 04:04 AM

dome - thats amazing - how do I get rid of it!!! :D

Tony MY03WRX 18 February 2004 07:41 AM

1.Take a screenshot of their desktop, save it and then set it to the background. Then right click on an empty space on the desktop and goto Arrange By > Show Desktop Icons. This should be ticked, by clicking on it, this will hide all the icons but it still looks like the icons are there because of the back drop, its great fun watching them trying to double click something. To take a screenshot: Press the "Print Screen" (or "Prt Sc") button on your keyboard, this should be somewhere near the top right-hand corner of the keyboard. Then go into MS Paint (Start > Programs > Accessories > Paint). Click the Edit menu, then select Paste. Then save the file wherever you want it.

2. Move the taskbar to the top or sides of the screen, then shrink it down to its smallest possible size. make sure to then lock the taskbar.

Tony :D

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