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Mojo 08 June 2000 12:38 AM

The petition doesn't seem to be working.

Too many hits I guess Government won't know what hit 'em.


Triggaaar 08 June 2000 12:50 AM

I'll be signing when I can get on.


Weaver 08 June 2000 10:04 AM

Right, everyone is really P155ED OFF about the price of fuel due to the ridiculous tax level on it aren't they?

Well a good friend of mine has set up a website that you can download letters from to send to your MP about how unfairly treated the British motorist is.

The most important thing however is to sign the electronic petition so that we can hopefully collect enough names to take to the Government.

Everyone moans but now's your chance to do something it'll only take a couple minutes and a few clicks. So please go have a look and sign the petition if nothing else.

The message board and voting system don't function yet but should be working by the end of the day, Chris is working on it at the moment.

Please tell as many people about this site as possible so we can get as many names as possible

Go to:

Lee 08 June 2000 11:34 AM

Tell yer mate thumbs up !

and if he wants any help with any web stuff or graphics, hosting etc drop me a line (obviously for free)

its about time we did something, if we can get traffic/petitions through the site we can get media coverage which will obviously increase traffic further.

good job.

Chris L 08 June 2000 11:40 AM

Top Stuff

I've signed up (took about 30 seconds)

Reckon you should get a lot of support from the guys and girls on this board.

About time we tried to do something.


Weaver 08 June 2000 11:45 AM

Thanks for the vote of support Lee. Chris has worked damn hard on the site and has even taken a weeks holiday this week to get the site up and running.

It came about when we both became absolutely sick of paying so much in tax to the government in fuel duties. Chris's Scoob and my Golf must fund the military or something, the amount of fuel we put in them

I will get him to get in touch with you ASAP

Weaver 08 June 2000 01:08 PM


Don't know whats up but it's probably the host hopefully it's due to the amount of hits's the site's been getting Please do keep trying it will be worth it in the end.

Many thanks to everyone who has signed the petition and to everyone who has tried and couldn't please keep trying you are supporting a worthy cause

Mojo 08 June 2000 01:17 PM

Seems to be working now.

Weaver, you will be glad to know the error was indeed due to high levels of server hits.

About time the Gov. were made to take notice.


CharlieWhiskey 08 June 2000 01:18 PM

Seems to be working fine now


Triggaaar 08 June 2000 01:25 PM


I've signed and put my address, but others in the office didn't fancy putting there address, so haven't signed - is it possible to have the address as optional?

Weaver 08 June 2000 01:32 PM


I don't know. I will ask Chris tonight as he is the man for the web stuff. It sounds like a good idea though and I can't see why it shouldn't be possible. I'll see if he can change tonight.



AndrewP 08 June 2000 01:44 PM

We can all e-mail our MPs, addresses can be found at:

jac 08 June 2000 01:49 PM

Good idea. Every driver owes it to us all to sign this. Only 72 names on it at the mo, surely it must need 1000's, where else will it be distributed? It crossed my mind that this was a hoax - I'm a bit paranoid with computers that every one else knows more than I do. Still, I suppose name and address can't do any harm given the amount of junk mail I seem to get anyway.

Nice one

John C

Weaver 08 June 2000 02:01 PM


I can assure you it's not a hoax and we <B>WILL NOT</B> be distrubuting any names and addresses for junk mail/spamming all information is <B>TOTALLY</B> confidential. This is serious and we ant to make a good go of it. It may take a few months or even a year but in the end we hopefully can get enough names to take to the Government.

Thanks for leaving your name

Adam M 08 June 2000 02:03 PM

Has anyone sent this out to other drivers clubs, such as rs, ferrari, porsche, bmw?

Lots of communities who would be enthusistic.

Apparently trev mcdonald is hosting a show tonight on this topic.

Have started my own sent the link to my friends and it appears to have spread through my tree alone to over 500 people in about two hours.

With any luck.......

ianlove 08 June 2000 03:22 PM

you can count me in. £4 a gallon is too much, and the stupid politicians talk about rip-off britain. So why can't they see the connection between distribution and fuel costs? Mind you the truckers got short shrift

petew 08 June 2000 06:04 PM

have added name to petition!
lets hope everybody on this BB signs up!!

boomer 08 June 2000 09:36 PM

I have also signed.

Seemed strange that they never asked for your post code?


DJB 08 June 2000 09:41 PM

I'm definitely signing.

Nearly 90% of the price of petrol is tax!
Complete f***ing rip-off.
Excuse my language, but this issue really annoys me.


mul 08 June 2000 11:32 PM

hi everyone,
I'm the chap who developed the Lower Fuel Tax website and I'm impressed and grateful to everyones response!
Nobody needs to worry about their info being used to spam, the point of the site is non-profit orientated, besides it's against the data protection act without the express permission of the person signing it!
The address, county and town are all required so that when the petition is (eventually) handed to the government, they can verify that the people in the list actually exist on the appropriate electoral registers. Otherwise, I could create a list of thousands of names I just dreamed up.

Hope that's cleared a few things up! Keep up the good work and thanks for your responses

[This message has been edited by mul (edited 08-06-2000).]

Weaver 09 June 2000 09:30 AM

Thanks to everyone who has signed the petition already. Chris has also fixed the voting and is working on the message board.
Keep passing the address around to your friends and colleages we need as many names as poss if we are to make a difference.

Thanks again for all your support and votes of confidence

Triggaaar 09 June 2000 10:13 AM


May be worth you popping that note re addresses on the website to reassure those who aren't reading this thread.

Shark 09 June 2000 03:30 PM

Top web site.

This is a issue that realy gets up my nose!!



Weaver 10 June 2000 01:09 PM


Keep em' coming lads and lasses

Weaver 12 June 2000 09:43 AM

426 in four days, this is good

Lets have some then

Weaver 13 June 2000 11:21 AM

Day five and 565 names, any more for any more

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