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Orville 06 June 2000 03:13 PM

I must say I expect some abuse for this post, not for selling my MY99, but for its replacement.

First off, I bought the Scoob on the condition my girlfriend could choose our next car 1 year later. I have now owned it for 16 months and covered 12,000 miles and its time to go. The problem is she has chosen a new VW Beetle as its replacement. I got her to agree that we would only sell the Impreza if I got an offer over 16.5k - an amount I thought unrealistic in the current climate. The Bas7ard VW dealer offered me 17k straight away and immediate delivey of a new blue Beetle - bu66er, what happened to the 6 month waiting lists.

So, on Saturday I will swap my Turbo for a girlie Beetle. I had thought of swapping the girlfriend instead but she owns half of my house and the car.

Taxis from now on I think, no more BBS

Scott J Davies 06 June 2000 03:23 PM


Orville, unbelievable.

Sounds like a pants deal to me, a beetle, I mean for god sakes what were you thinking man.

Ditch the bird and live in the Scoob.

Happy Buding

phill .m. 06 June 2000 03:25 PM

This is what happens when you strike a deal with a woman!

We always win!!!!!

Kathryn (Phill's wifey)

NickF 06 June 2000 03:25 PM


My commiserations. Try not to be embarassed by the 'ooh, isn't it cute' flowerpot.

Oh yes, and buy yourself something quick (a bike perhaps) for those 'I need warp drive' occasions.


Orville 06 June 2000 03:28 PM

Bike already considered - R1 Now all I need is to pas my bike test.

JoeyDeacon 06 June 2000 03:32 PM

What I don't understand is why after 16 months and 12,000 miles you felt it was time for the Scooby to go!! Surely it's only really just properly run in??

I have to agree with Scott "I mean for god sakes what were you thinking man". On the whole it seems women have absolutely no idea when it comes to cars. I mean I drive around in an Impreza Turbo and my girlfriend used to be under the delusion that hairdressers cars such as MGF's and MX5's are quick!!!

The Beetle has to be one of the most ugly and girlie cars on the roads today. Have you got the Balaclava ready so you can wear it while you are driving it and enjoying its performance. Please Please tell me she didn't pursuade you to buy a diesel as well???

Jesus the things guys will do for a woman just because they give them sex occasionally!!


Nightmare 06 June 2000 03:38 PM


I have some matt black military paint if you want it - and a two inch brush - should help straighten it out a little. If a more serious disguise is required I think I can borrow an angle grinder


Geezer 06 June 2000 03:40 PM

Why did you enter into this deal in the first place? You know what scheming, devious, evil creatures women are!!!! Like Phils wife said, they always get their way in the end. Let this be a lesson to you my boy..........


Scott J Davies 06 June 2000 03:43 PM


I forgot to mention, I know an excellent tailor, I have spoken to them and they would be happy to make you some trousers to wear around the house. he he he he

God if my wifes sees this I'm dead.

Orville 06 June 2000 03:48 PM

She originally wanted a Audi TT or a Beetle. Dispite my protests she has completely gone off the TT.

Surely someone has downgraded to a worse car in the past. The good thing is I get to upgrade to a new Scoob next year

DazW 06 June 2000 04:47 PM

Have you got protected NCB?

The Zohan 06 June 2000 04:56 PM

Look on the bright side
You will still get waved at, sadly by other Beetle owners.
It is unlikely to get knicked
Great fuel economy
Fantastic performance and roadholding - Sh*t, sorry thats the Scooby, my mistake.
Quirky design (thats me being nice - i think the shape sucks)
You can grow a Goatie and go to 'Bug Jams'
Niiiiiiiice flower holder on the dash

Not much of a bright side now is it!
sorry to hear you are leaving us - enjoy the Beetle

Steve Perriam 06 June 2000 06:30 PM

would we give you abuse ? of course not, we're nice scooooby owners

however, just let us know the address of the asylum you've booked a place at within 1 week of 'co-owning' a beetle and we'll organise a meet nearby and park a load of scoobs outside for you to feast your eyes upon

seriously m8, were u dead drunk when u agreed to this 'deal' ?

has she not driven the scoob ? how can she want a beetle after the scoob. who'll ever understand a womans way of 'thinking' !

gonna be a very long year for you. expect you'll suddenly start using the bus a lot ?

Trout 06 June 2000 06:34 PM

You should have waited a couple of months.

Beetle Turbo is on it's way!


Mulder 06 June 2000 06:44 PM




Ahhhhhh much better, wait......mmmmmmmmphhhhhh....

jon s 06 June 2000 11:20 PM

you really need to get a grip boy, no way should you let a woman rule you like this, i reckon you should kick the bitch into touch and get a decent one you wuss,nuff said ,with a name like orville what do you expect.

dowser 07 June 2000 06:47 AM

Do what I did - buy a 2nd car! My wife hates the Scoob and will "never, ever drive it"! Good, I can sell it accident free :-)

Wanted to get an older Porsche first, but "the boss" veto'ed this on the grounds of no airbag - fair enough, I was buying it for the work commute.

Knowing she'd be against the Scoob I just told her I'd bought a "reliable sporty four wheel drive estate car". We had a very "caring & sharing" moment when she first saw it.....

Our dog loves it though - strange, he always blows chunks in the wifey's A Class!

Enjoy the compromised Golf!?

MarkO 07 June 2000 08:16 AM

Still, look on the bright side - I believe the new beetles come with a hole in the dashboard specifically designed to hold a vase.

Marcos 07 June 2000 08:24 AM

VDubs are great! drive train fell off my golf Gti last week. :-(

My WRX fell about laughing,

Apart from that - I've got a similar problem - my partner wants a beetle - OK - they look 'cute' - but so does a kitten.

I'm off now - looking for a nice kitten,



StewartW 07 June 2000 08:42 AM

Fortunately I have no such deal with my wife. The deal I have is when I get a new car (Type-R would be nice) she gets to keep my WRX.

She loves driving it and loves the noise! Going through the Dartford Tunnel last weekend I did a bit of speeding up and slowing down (for the exhaust/BOV/turbo symphony) and she told me that it was embarrassing Only a few days previously she admitted doing this herself.

Good luck with the bug!


blubs 07 June 2000 08:49 AM

The deal with my wife is she lets me have the Scoob coz every night I make her feel like a REAL woman.

I give her my ironing to do

Diablo 07 June 2000 08:58 AM

Guys, its only a car

Life's to short to worry.

We're hoping to move towards the end of the year away from dull and boring suburbia, and it looks like the Scoob will have to go.

Personally, I'd rather have a life and no Scooby than a Scooby and no life


Showtime 07 June 2000 10:23 AM

You're lucky she didn't see the Fiat Multipla......hhaaaaaa....aaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaa

DavidRB 07 June 2000 10:38 AM

Ho ho ho, you're going to hate the Bug!! I bet the new one doesn't even float when you drive it into the sea. At least if it was an original Beetle, you could buy some crap tyres and pretend you were driving a Porsche 911!!!

Orville 07 June 2000 11:22 AM

So the genral opinion is that I have made the correct choice the. I have made a list of the positive and negative things about owning a Beetle.
1) Fuel economy. Should get mid 30's in VW - only averaged 22 in the Scoob.
2) Depreciation. I hate to admit it, but the Scoob has had its day on the money holding front.
3) Insurance. Admiral are giving me half of my premium back.
4) All my girlfriends friends want a drive All of my mates dont - no more not drinking at the weekend.
5) I dont have to buy new tyres for it and only have to service the car once a year.
6) Errrrrr, Hmmmmmm, no 6.

1) 80's performance and crap handling. Will be lucky to beat a 1.8 Focus away from the lights.
2) Looks like a girls/hairdressers car
3) No burble, sounds like an EVO & without the wistle.
4) No more BBS (until next year)
5) Not sure if I'll be welcome at the next Scoobymeet

Overal, I'll save money and own a desireable car, but look like a poof and be overtaken by everything.

I've already bought her a kitten, the world is not enough.

Orville 07 June 2000 11:28 AM

Just a quick thought. Do you think Pete Croney could build me an exaust

Look out for a 555 blue (very similar colour anyway) Bug with a SIDC sticker on the back window. I'll make a point of still flashing Scoobs and ignore other Bugs.

I Stancer 07 June 2000 12:15 PM

Great choice fantastic looking car . we all make silly prommises from time to time , a year isn't long ...not the straight..jacket .............aagh!!!!...please ....don't...use ....that ............n.e.a.d..l...e..

KenG 07 June 2000 12:19 PM

Its a matter of bad training. Women are meant to occupy the passenger seat in the car and the kitchen in the house and not stray out of either, never mind make a decision on what car you own.

I hasten to add I have been married a lot of years and my missus loves the Scoobie as much as I do.


sourob 07 June 2000 12:46 PM


Stupot 07 June 2000 02:25 PM

Hey Orville,
make her agree that you want to buy a 22b or a P1 (P2) next year. If its worked for her then its got to work for you mate

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