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Scooby96 27 January 2004 09:54 AM

I meant to put 'suspected' in the title but forgot!

Saw a fence spray painted with the following:

*** Moderator Edit ***

This was driving through Langton Green towards TW (left hand side of the road)

[Edited by Scooby96 - 1/27/2004 9:55:10 AM]

[Edited by IanW - 1/27/2004 10:33:24 AM]

[Edited by Scooby96 - 1/27/2004 2:40:12 PM]

Bravo2zero_sps 27 January 2004 09:59 AM

Thing is could be someone with a nasty vendetta against someone who isnt at all. Can never tell :(

Trying to think where Neville Park is :confused:

Scooby96 27 January 2004 10:01 AM

I meant to put 'suspected' in the title but forgot!

IanW 27 January 2004 10:34 AM

I have removed the address from the first post, because you could well be publishing someones address incorrectly.



Scooby96 27 January 2004 10:41 AM

Fair enough - I'll do some digging

Bravo2zero_sps 27 January 2004 10:44 AM

Can you let me know if you find anything out? If its true then time to drive the sick feker out the area.

Scooby96 27 January 2004 10:47 AM

Just wondering if any of the local newspapers have a court reporter or archives of court records??

Brendan Hughes 27 January 2004 10:50 AM

Not very smart.

You have him where he is known and can be monitored.

You drive him out of the area, means he has to go into another area. Where he's not known, and can perhaps get up to mischief.

Don't be so blinkered.

Scooby96 27 January 2004 10:53 AM

Dont want him near my kids.

Monitored my @rse

Scooby96 27 January 2004 10:53 AM

Moderator Edited

[Edited by Redkop - 1/27/2004 11:22:50 AM]

Bravo2zero_sps 27 January 2004 11:01 AM

Cheers mate - yeah monitored like all the other child perverts out there who get away with reoffending. If they were all so well monitored there wouldn't be any reoffenders would there.

I still havent heard anymore on the sicko in Paddock Wood. Hopefully he might have gone into hiding as no more reports of attempted child abduction have been publicised.

Bravo2zero_sps 27 January 2004 11:04 AM

Brendan I wonder if you would have the same feelings about leaving him where he was if he was on your doorstep and your children were young? Its not a nice thought to live with knowing there is a sick feker preying on children on your doorstep when you have young kids.

I know this one may not be true but the one down the road is as there were several attemps at abducting children in the Paddock Wood area which luckily all failed. Doesn't mean he wont try again though.

[Edited by ************** - 1/27/2004 11:04:55 AM]

Scooby96 27 January 2004 11:04 AM

I wonder if a picture taken of the fence and sent to the Courier would get them to investigate and identify the offender if its not a malicious act of vandalism that is?

Bravo2zero_sps 27 January 2004 11:09 AM

Well if it is malicious and unfounded then they also need to publicise this too as thats one hell of a busy road and a lot of people will see that even if it was only on the fence a short time.

Scooby96 27 January 2004 11:11 AM

Sure - that road was snarled this morning (as it is most mornings) so 000's of people would have had time to read it travelling at 2mph!

[Edited by Scooby96 - 1/27/2004 11:11:51 AM]

Brendan Hughes 27 January 2004 11:29 AM

Didn't know we had News of the World readers on scoobynet.

Huntley killed as he was away from his original area, and he could get a new job in a school as regional forces didn't cross-check his records, a job he'd never have got in his original hunting ground.

Go on, flush him out, send him to someone else where he can do real damage. I'm sure the parents of his new victims will really thank you for it. But they're not your kids, so "I'm all right Jack".

Scooby96 27 January 2004 11:32 AM

Brendan - at the end of the day I'm here to protect my own kids - no-one elses.

WTF is your "News of the World" comment supposed to mean?

Brit_in_Japan 27 January 2004 11:34 AM

Whilst the current system of monitoring known offenders is certainly less than perfect, vigilante let's-drive-em-out type action only forces these people underground, and that's got to be scarier.

It's also worth keeping some perspective. The truth is that kids are more at risk of sexual abuse from family members and friends of family than known paedophiles in a community. Fact.

Scooby96 27 January 2004 11:35 AM

I think Huntley also didnt have a 'criminal' record - he was never registered as a sex offender.

So is it better that he stays where he is and is never identified by locals rather than him moving to another area where he is never identified by the locals???

Scooby96 27 January 2004 11:37 AM

I wasnt suggesting a lynch mob. I was purely asking if anyone had heard of the name <edited> as a sex offender in the TW area?

[Edited by IanW - 1/27/2004 11:42:32 AM]

NACRO 27 January 2004 11:42 AM

I can see where Brendan is coming from with his "news of the world" comments- this vigilante attitude is redolent of the pikie/chav/townie scum we saw march through low rent areas of places like Portsmouth not so long ago, in demo's against pedarists.

The bottom line is there is no proof against this person other than some possibly malicious grafitti. While I understand that nobody wants a predator living near their children. I'd also say that as you don't know the facts then perhaps some investigation and extra caution would be in order rather than a witchhunt.

Anyone see the brasseye special dealing with this kind of hysteria?

Paul Woodward 27 January 2004 11:43 AM

This thread reminds me of the case of the Pediatrician who was beaten up.

For what it's worth I'd stick them in prison for a long time and castrate them. (paedophiles, not Pediatricians)!

IanW 27 January 2004 11:44 AM

If you wish this topic to remain, then can we please keep this topic to the FACTS only, and nothing to do with roumers that have been painted on walls/fences etc... There is no need to repeat the information that has been previously moderated.



[Edited by IanW - 1/27/2004 11:45:39 AM]

Bravo2zero_sps 27 January 2004 11:45 AM

Brendan you havent answered my question about whether you would have the same feelings if there was one on your doorstep and you had young children that were at risk?

Scooby96 27 January 2004 11:47 AM

In reply to family members being more of a risk - perhaps thats true. However if I can reduce that risk by *knowing* that a sex offender lives near me then I will do all I can to investigate that and get the facts.

Bravo2zero_sps 27 January 2004 11:48 AM

I have already made it clear that I would like to see the local press make it clear if its the case that the naming and shaming was malicious and there is no truth in it. No one has said lets form a lynch mob. Its about getting facts and then dealing with what those facts reveal. If there is a risk then I certainly do want to know about it for the sake of my son.

Bravo2zero_sps 27 January 2004 11:52 AM

Always makes me laugh when people who dont have this problem on their doorstep and have young children at risk can comment and judge others feelings. Until you are in the situation then you have no idea :rolleyes:

And this is not just about the fence writing/accusation. There have been attempted child abductions just outside of Tunbridge Wells and that is a real threat whether or not related to this accusation.

As for those who are so up for keeping these monsters in one place how about them coming and letting them live next to you/round the corner from you/in your town as you have no issues with them and they can be monitored in your area!

damian666 27 January 2004 11:58 AM

Get over yourself.

Brit_in_Japan 27 January 2004 11:59 AM

B2O, didn't you write:

If its true then time to drive the sick feker out the area.

No one has said lets form a lynch mob.

Brendan Hughes 27 January 2004 12:03 PM

Bravo, I'm supposed to be working ;)

Briefly, I would be very interested and very cautious, of course. But I wouldn't try to actively drive the person out of the area.

I have a son who is now 15, I inherited him with my wife when he was about 10. I got him on a cycling proficiency course and encouraged him to cycle 2 miles to the pool, alone. I also told him about Marc Dutroux, as I lived in Belgium during that time, and called him in to listen to a detailed Radio 4 programme that told how Dutroux trapped his children, and the dungeon he kept them in. He knows damn well what a paedophile is.

He now goes to a posh international school outside Lisbon. One of the ex-teachers of that school, a British man, is currently sitting in a Portuguese jail after convictions for paedophilia following the Casa Pia scandal (google it), where major celebrities and politicians allegedly borrowed kids from an orphanage to enjoy themselves. Did I pull him out of the school? No.

Protect your kids, yes, but do it in a way that will benefit them. Talk to them, watch them play... hell, I know both of you (B20, S96) love your kids, I've seen in previous posts, I don't need to tell you this, you know it better than me. But if you're going to start hounding accuseds out of your area in the name of protection, then I suggest you also build concrete barriers at the end of your road to stop your little darlings getting run over - they probably have a lot more chance of dying that way than being interfered with.

As Nacro says, I think this thread started off with too much tabloid hysteria. Hence my comments.

I hope it never happens to you. And I hope it never happens to others, either.

Best wishes.

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