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Gary C 11 October 2003 08:09 PM

That one reminds me of another incident.

On the M6 about 18 years ago (eek)

Following a Carlton 2.2ltr in my lovely red/black mk1 Astra SR (well I was young) going a bit fast (for a 1.6 astra anyway). We passed a junction as a police car was joining. I slowed and was given the long stare before they shot off. Meanwhile the old geezer in the carlton carried on and was pulled over a couple of miles down the road.

I got away with it because I was paying attention to my surroundings, the old bloke got done because he was not.

[Edited by Gary C - 11/10/2003 8:12:37 PM]

jimi 09 November 2003 08:29 AM

Hi all

Well did i have a lucky escape or what on saturday.....

I got on the m1 at jct7 and floored my sti and got up to high speed very quickly.

I had to slow down after a mile as there was a car in front of me but i was still doing 3 figures,you know what i mean.

When the guy pulled into lane 2 i then opened it up.

To my horror i saw blue flashing lights and headlights flasing behind me.

I had that sinking feeling.

I pulled into lane 1 when the police car came behind me,it then come along side me then in front of me.

He put on his blue lights only for a few secs then carried on and i got off at the next jct.

Thank you very much mr policeman..

A happy jim

Brett P1 09 November 2003 08:57 AM

Lucky Tw*t....! ;-)

kevin stanton 09 November 2003 09:34 AM

lucky get, lets hope they were after some proper crminals.


simb 2 09 November 2003 09:38 AM

Very lucky!!


rb5 286 09 November 2003 10:35 AM

did u change ur pants at the next services lolol

lucky git

jimi 10 November 2003 05:58 PM

Hi all

Well i had to change more than my pants when i got in thats for sure.

As much as i love my car i do some times think about getting some thing a little more sensible.


pslewis 10 November 2003 06:01 PM

You should be SHOT putting all those lives at risk!!

Please supply your address and Driving Licence Number for the required ban of 3 months!!

;) Pete

Gary C 10 November 2003 07:27 PM

I had something similar,

doing a reasonable speed ;) on the M5 near Bristol. Couple of cars behind doing about the same. After about 5 miles I noticed a black car was catching up with me so to keep the flow of traffic smooth I accellerated past the car I was overtaking and pulled into the middle lane so this car could pass without having to slow. The car did slow though and the officer (in uniform) mouthed 'slow down' before speeding up and leaving at the next junction.
Needless to say, I drove a little slower for the rest of the journey.

SwissTony 10 November 2003 08:02 PM

Same here.Lucky escape for me.
Coming home on M40 just past M25 junction.Guy in front in Merc A-Class had been hogging the outside lane for ages with no cars on inside lanes.I decided to wait and not do my usual "me behind you" flashing lights thing which I hate doing but needs must etc.
Anyway after 2 miles here eventually realised i was behind him and slowly, slowly pulled over.At which point I flooored it and shot past him.All clear ahead and the temptation was there to have a blast.Something stopped me doing that and still booting it i pulled into middle lane.And boy was I lucky...a few cars back blue lights suddenly appeared coming up fast.They were behind me in no time.I didnt dare look at the speedo but I swear that i managed to hold my breath for ages until they came alongside.I didnt dare look at them.After what seemed ages, they moved on.jesus I was papping it cos i know that i was well over the legal speed. It was all made better when 2 mins later BMW M3 shot past me and was away.God knows what happened to him as i turned off soon afterwards, but he must have been behind that copper in no time at all.Lets hope he flashed him to move over....:D:D

Harry_Boy 10 November 2003 08:25 PM

Had exactly the same experience in an old Golf 1.6 about 10 years ago.

Junction 5-ish of the M1 Southbound. Doing an (indicated!) 95 - saw Plod appear from nowhere. He pulled alongside me, mouthed 'slow down' - and I did, for at least 20 miles at just about 70. Much more effective than a 'safety' camera van that you might not see. :)

Scoob99 10 November 2003 09:58 PM

Nice one Jimi:D

r32 11 November 2003 07:21 AM

Dead easy to get pulled on the Motorways, so many unmarked cars. You have to be a bit of a T**T really. 80MPH you are generally ok, but any more and you seriously risk your licence. Why not save your Scooby Performance for those great A and B roads?

I haave a friend who was Bill for 30 years and he always says that fast M way drivers are just sitting ducks .........

Sorry guys for being a bit contraversial.

[Edited by r32 - 11/11/2003 7:21:44 AM]

SuperFlyGuy 11 November 2003 08:05 AM

I travel at around 80mph (motorway!) every morning to work and I would estimate 90% of cars overtake me. Thats 6:30 - 7:00 am !! I darent "keep up with the flow" 'cos I know it will be me that gets stopped, sods law an all!

scooby_si 11 November 2003 09:02 AM

You should be SHOT putting
Dont see how is going to help :confused: pmsl

MadMark 11 November 2003 09:34 AM

I know the Scenario - many moons ago I was on the M40 heading towards Oxford late one night coming home from a girlfriends house in my tuned Golf VR6 - nothing on the roads so booted it to see how fast it would go! Hit 7,000 rpm in fifth for about 2 minutes - then slowed to a steady ton!
Next thing I see blue lights come on about a mile behind me - gaining very fast - but instead of stopping they flew straight past me at about 150mph, so obviously got an emergency call!! Phew.

eric Scofield 11 November 2003 10:16 AM

Sitting in the passanger seat of a friend's XR3i a few years ago going about 110 ish (though for the car this was scary) and a police car appeared behind us, came from nowhere, must have been shifting) the cop car flashed his headlights and then turned on his blue lights .. caught bang-to-rights my mate started to pull over and moved into the middle lane in front on a large lorry .. the cop car dutifully followed ... while looking for a place to stop we were both obscurred from view from behind because of the semi .. We were just about to stop on the hard shoulder when a porsche literally flew past in the fast lane ..

The cops waved, shock a good humoured finger at us and hurtled off after the porsche ...

yoza 11 November 2003 10:25 AM

You saw blue flashing lights while doing a three figure, slowed down, and pulled over to the middle lane.

You have alot to learn young Skywalker.

Next time he wont be going to the BurgerKing, and he will ban you!

WrX 03 11 November 2003 11:40 AM

There was a lad at work doing 110 in his works astra diesel and got pulled on the M65. Just as the copper got in his passenger seat a car wiped out into the central reserve, told him it was his lucky day and sent him on his way. ;) But just a couple of months after that he got a weeks ban for doing the same up the M6. Which was pretty lucky again I think, he drives round with hs handbrake on these days :D

dead_neurons 11 November 2003 11:52 AM

lol @ yoza
just remember... if he's not got the helicopter in tow, why bother pulling over?? ;)


[Edited by dead_neurons - 11/11/2003 11:52:55 AM]

mattstant 11 November 2003 12:01 PM

I always follow somone who is shifting a bit at a discreet distance on the M ways and carefully watch my arse and slow for every junction in case they are waiting on the joining slipway.
oh and have a very carefull look at ALL black/plain looking Vauxhall senators etc displaying more than the single arial that i overtake.

r32 11 November 2003 12:16 PM

just remember... if he's not got the helicopter in tow, why bother pulling over??

Whats the food like inside?

scooby_si 11 November 2003 12:22 PM

helicopters cant actuallu go as fast as many cars but getting nice open roads is a bit of issue if yer trying that, strange they never mention the max speed of 140 or wotever it is on police camera action ;) lol

[Edited by scooby_si - 11/11/2003 12:22:59 PM]

r32 11 November 2003 12:34 PM

But they can cut the corners and there are no roundabouts and the Police have radios where I live ...............
Plus they are not out chasing Burglars they only want motorists
tooooooooo risky .............

jimi 12 November 2003 10:17 PM

Hi all

it been nice reading the stories and i do realize how lucky i am.

You lot who own impreza`s know that when you put you foot down in no time at all you hit high speed,we all do it and are cars fly like the wind.
We all know what the top speed of are motors are,300bhp ver5 sti.



Dark Blue Mark 12 November 2003 10:37 PM

I had a 20 min tussle with an Octivia RS, and enjoyed embarrasing him with my 4 wheel drifts, and 3 figure speeds, until he put the blue lights on :(

Got away with it luckily, decent copper. :)


jimi 13 November 2003 10:54 AM


Your a lucky man my friend, as we both have had a tussle and got away with it.


RichB 13 November 2003 12:06 PM

DBM; I hope that wasn't recently :rolleyes: you naughty little boy racer you...

Gary C 13 November 2003 03:25 PM

Driving back from a road rally, still had the numbers on, when a car started to push me from the rear (ooh err!) with its lights on main beam. For the next few miles along the twisty B road I floored it and pulled away.

Got on to a main road and slowed down, 5 mins later police car with lights on comes up behind. I pull over and have a chat (thinking I am going to get done), when a Dolomite sprint (remember those ?) goes flying past. Police man lookes me in the eye and says 'I'll go and race him now' then speeds off leaving me speechless !

Nice man, very nice man, very very nice man.

[Edited by Gary C - 11/14/2003 1:40:43 PM]

AK47 13 November 2003 03:37 PM

I know that sinking feeling! LOL

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