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rr_ww 20 October 2003 10:30 PM

As title.

Girl I know (re: Interested in) has just (2 Months) come out of 2 year relationship. When the best time to pounce?


"engage her in light conversation towards a mutually enjoyable evening in town"


pslewis 20 October 2003 10:33 PM

As fast as possible!! You may already be too late for that 'certainty' that is the 'Rebound'!! I reckon you have missed the boat and will have to work a little harder to seduce!! ;)


FASTER MIKE!! 20 October 2003 10:37 PM

lol @ pete you old romantic:D


rr_ww 20 October 2003 10:39 PM

Yeah, I know I missed the infamous "rebound period" She still seems a little cut up over it so I dont want to push to hard (ahem :D )

Anyhow, rebound is hard because they never last, and we work in the same department in the same company. Could be awkward.

yoza 20 October 2003 10:39 PM

I agree with Mr Lewis, pounce ASAP.

While they are still in the mood to p1ss off their ex fella's, it wont last though!

Boro 20 October 2003 11:05 PM

a) Soon as possible, for a quick shag

b) Befriend her, take your time but risk being "i love you like a brother"

c) Tell her now how you feel and hope for the best

PS, a wise man once said... "If you dont KNOW the answer, its always c)

greasemonkey 21 October 2003 12:19 AM

I remember seeing a film once where it was said that it takes half as long to get over someone as you were with them. On this basis, you might stand a chance of a meaningful relationship with her in around 10 months time.

If all you're interested in is the physical stuff, sooner is probably better, but I've never seen a rebound that's lasted...

NACRO 21 October 2003 07:09 AM

Make sure you aren't just the "friend" who takes all the bullsh1t inbetween times without getting anything. I speak from bitter experience here! Still a few yrs later after losing contact I met her again in a nightclub and managed to get in there.
If you are into deferred gratification then perhaps that's an avenue worth considering.

astraboy 21 October 2003 10:08 AM

2 months? You've waited 1 month, 30 days, 23 hours and 45 minutes too long as it is!!!

Andy Tang 21 October 2003 10:14 AM

Two months is fine, get in there my son!!! :D :D :D ;)

Scooby96 21 October 2003 10:26 AM

Treat her like your car, lubricate well, rag it then trade her in.

Dan B 21 October 2003 10:55 AM

If you touch my ex I'll f**king hunt you down like a dog and reattach your balls to your forehead.

Maybe. :p

TVR Gary 21 October 2003 11:07 AM

Why are you posting the question on here???
Ask her out for a drink one evening. If she says yes, guage the evening and go from there, if she says no then you know it aint happening.
Time etc dont come into it ...... fill ya boots

Brendan Hughes 21 October 2003 11:32 AM

Just been to see Pirates of the Carribean (generally unimpressive) with an outrageous Johnny Depp watching a wimpy Orlando Bloom drool over some floozy. Near the end of the film, Depp advises;

"If you were waiting for the opportune moment... that was it."

Scooby96 21 October 2003 11:52 AM

TVR - I disagree with your comment, "Ask her out for a drink one evening. If she says yes, guage the evening and go from there, if she says no then you know it aint happening."

Bolox - just get her pissed before you jump her!

Dan B 21 October 2003 11:54 AM

Spoken like a true gentleman. Nice.

TVR Gary 21 October 2003 11:54 AM

Scooby 96 I didnt say anything about not getting her pisxed and jumping her I just said guage the evening. Get her too pisxed and she may get all weepy on ya and go on about her ex all night. There is a fine line you see

Scooby96 21 October 2003 12:07 PM

Dan B - yep - ever the gent me!

TVR - fairy snuff, but get her 'pissed' on absynth (sp?) and she wont even remember her ex or what you did to her the night before!!

RayC 22 October 2003 01:38 PM

Never dip your pen in company ink, it will only end up in a mess!

rr_ww 23 October 2003 10:33 PM

Nacro - "Make sure you aren't just the "friend" who takes all the bullsh1t inbetween times without getting anything."

I bloody well hope not, I think every man in the world has been there!

AstraBoy - LOL

Dan B - LOL

Scooby96 - Im a gentleman ;)

RayC - But shes well fit!

Might do it, depends on how brave I feel! :eek: :D

rr_ww 08 November 2003 12:30 PM

Forgot all about this thread :D

rr_ww : "I was wondering.....
her : "Hmmmm, can I check something and get back to you"
rr_ww : "Ok, if you dont wanna then its ok"

Next Day

rr_ww : "Did you check..."
her : "No Ive been very busy with work, sorry, I'll let you know tomorrow"
rr_ww : "So thats a NO then" I was laughing at the time
her : "Well no just a maybe. Ill see you tomorrow"

Saw her day after (about work) and she didnt mention it.

Ho Hum and all that :( Just wish she'd said NO the first time. Wouldnt have felt quite such a stalker :eek: for asking her the next day.

Onwards and upwards eh?

FASTER MIKE!! 08 November 2003 01:10 PM

time to move on to your next victum:D:D:D:D:D:D

Dark Blue Mark 08 November 2003 10:42 PM

She probably read this thread :)


CC 09 November 2003 03:26 AM

women r funny creatures m8.....

typing this after a good night out, met and snogged a damn finr young lady ;), give her my number and said txt me.....

I *bet* she doesn't :confused:. This has happened with a few girls recently and I just dont get it....

Call me whatever but I seem to have no problem in getting 'off' (seems like I'm in high school lol :D) with ladies when I'm out, it's just the next step :confused:, never seems to go further.

Is my problem that I dont try to fvck them on the 1st night?? I dont cos despite all my (many :D) faults, i know i'm quite well mannered and respect people. But maybe I should just fvck them?

I dunno, women eh? When uve got one u dont want one, when u havent got one, you want one!

Corgi 09 November 2003 08:33 AM

As has been said just move on but really 2 months after a 2 year relationship has ended is far too soon, if you had gone out on a date she probably would have talked about him all night anyway.

Poor Guy 09 November 2003 09:19 AM

Treat her like your car, lubricate well, rag it then trade her in
thats not right

treat her like your plane, get in her for 20 minutes at least times a day and take her to heaven and back.

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