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Luke 26 September 2003 08:43 PM


So a guy decides to fir a paint ball at David Blaines box.

Gets stopped by security..they call Police who turn up well quick and charge him with criminal damage !!!!!

No wonder people get pissed of.. you call the Police and tell them a kid just threw some paint on your house.... see how long they take to come ..If they come at all!! then if they catch the kid..will he be charged etc etc etc..????? Doubt it very much.

The day will come when all respect for the Police will have gone...

They are shooting themselves in the foot every day.

Some posh git who got robbed last year.. he had to leave his wife for a few hours in the House on her own.. he's a friend of Tony and makes a call.... Police arrange for a ANTI TERRORIST unit to stay with her.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This country is starting to stink big time...

Chip 26 September 2003 09:03 PM



Dazza012 26 September 2003 09:12 PM

Think the title says it all m8, always has been and always will be !

alcazar 26 September 2003 09:14 PM

Forget 'em they're Tony's lackys.
Time for a revolution or serious civil unrest, my friends:(:

Beer Good 26 September 2003 09:17 PM

Said it before, but it bears repeating - the police rely on the public to solve most crimes, but increasingly alienate themselves with things like this, GATSO's just over the brow of a hill etc etc etc..

I know they are under-resourced but if they stopped trying to be politically correct and started appearing to give a damn about 'everyday' crime they might get a bit more respect and support.

IMHO of course.

BOB.T 26 September 2003 09:25 PM

The day will come when all respect for the Police will have gone...
I think it already has:(

Hanslow 26 September 2003 10:44 PM

They're gonna turn up quick though aren't they.....there are cameras there so they have to look responsive to the public.

Unfortunately, looking at it realistically, there is so much crime in this country they wouldn't be able to get to them all quickly anyway :rolleyes:

I think we should go for zero tolerance and give power back to the people ;)

JackClark 27 September 2003 11:37 AM

Blolocks I wanted to do the paint gun thing. Just the stink bombs left then.

Gidney&Knowlesy 27 September 2003 12:05 PM

Catapults with maggots, as the River Thames is there surely that's got to be legal?

"I'm fishing officer, though I'm a lousy shot with me maggots"

NotoriousREV 27 September 2003 12:29 PM

In the fair town of Runcorn, the police will no longer attend a crime unless "there's a possibility of apprehending a criminal at the scene" or "forensic evidence can be taken" or "there is immediate danger".

So, if your house is broken in to, or your car nicked, you now have to make an appointment to visit the new Cheshire Police Reception Centre in Widnes (the other side of the River Mersey) so that you can get your crime number.

To rub salt into the wound, they're building a "Custody Suite" very close to me to house criminals from Runcorn, Widnes and Warrington before they're sent on remand or released back into our community.

Thank you Cheshire Constabulary and Halton Council and Cheshire County Council :rolleyes:

astraboy 27 September 2003 12:45 PM

Yeah I noticed this. After the rave I went to last week, about 20 of us decended upon David Blaines box at about 7am. We werent doing anything stupid, just shouting out things like, "we're here for you dave!", "Bad news dave, yer mums dead", "Dave! entertain us yer *******!" and syncronised shouts of "hardcore will never die!!!"
The response?
2 police cars and 4 coppers turning up.
:rolleyes:, :rolleyes: and :rolleyes: again.

pugoetru 27 September 2003 01:35 PM

tut tut tut

scoob_babe 27 September 2003 01:39 PM

AB - you forgot the rest!

2 cars, 4 police and one HUGE overtime expense that us little citizens are currently paying for this idiot who put himself in this position!

rr_ww 27 September 2003 01:41 PM

Once again, we find the anti-Police league surfacing on Scoobynet!

Its not the police that make the decicions its their idiot supervisors back in the warm building! With their pens and paper!

Try being a copper for one day. Really think its like you've described above.

(p.s. I aint a copper, but I do have respect for people doing a job that I know I wouldn't have the patience for!)

Luke 27 September 2003 01:46 PM

Is that it....????What a poor bunch of facts... their bosses are Police officers.

So here come the plod huggers...!!

pugoetru 27 September 2003 01:52 PM

I have no respect for them anymore due to the many times i have been unfairly treated

they are more interested in motorists than anything else

my wife phoned as someone was at our door shouting abuse at her

they didnt come!

they came the next day to do me for no tax though ?

^Qwerty^ 27 September 2003 03:01 PM

Well, they went up in my estimations this week.

M40, nearside lane (was quiet), doing ~100 on clock, unmarked Silver Omega pulls along side (yup, should have seen him coming...but I prefer to look what's going on in front) and mouths at me to "slow down". That was it, he just slowly carried on in front doing the same thing to any other car that happend to be doing 90-100mph.

Can't complain at that one.

If more of them were like that, then it would do wonders IMO.

Felix. 27 September 2003 03:06 PM


Its not the police who make the decisions for punishment and putting people to the courts - thats the courts and CPS. To charge a person we no longer work off "balance of probabilities" but "beyond reasonable doubt" i.e we need hard evidence that Billy S**tbag has TWOC'd a car or burgled a house, if not we can't charge and he will be let off. NOT THE POLICE'S RULES BUT THE LAW OF THE LAND.

If a crime is being commited there and then - phone 999 and get immediate response - if you don't get it, complain. If you wake up and find your cars been scratched overnight then why do u want the police to attend? Its a lot more simple to phone the details to them and leave the response police free to deal with crimes as they happen.

Yes, police will deal with traffic matters and speeding - more people are killed on the roads each year due to bad driving and knackered cars than people killed in burglaries and nusiance youths.

Get your car taxed on time - its not difficult, you know when is due, if you don't do it then except the fact that you are taking a risk!

Most of the police's time is tied up with domestics, public order, druggies - the same people calling in all the time, they've all been locked up enough times to know the law backwards. If the police don't treat them fair they will usually use their free legal advice and solicitors to put a complaint in - risking the officers job/future. Remember its a job, most officers are the bread-winners for their family.

Police are streatched for numbers, bearing in mind they will back each other up depending on what a particular job is. It also depends on what the person calling in has said. i.e. "there are some seemingly pleasant chaps having a bit of a laugh shouting odd phrases at Blain's box" or have they said "there's some yobs, they're pi**ed and they are attacking Blain as we speak!!!! - there's about 30 of them - HELP!"

If they lock somebody up, that officer is duty bound to deal with that person which will include - transport to the police station, waiting in a que, booking them into custody, booking any evidence into the system, obtaining complaint and witness statements, viewing and siezing CCTV, arranging SOCO, liasing with the solicitor/appropriate adult/interprater, interviewing the prisoner, possibly obtaning more evidence/statements following the interview, discussing the case with supervisors, charging the prisoner, taking his fingerprints/photographs/DNA and then putting a file together and all the other additional paperwork with it. this also is the simple case - I haven't mentioned having to bail prisoners due to SOCO/forensic results, obtaining CCTV stills/copies, getting statements from witnesses who can't be found at the time, arranging ID parades etc etc. And thats just one job for one officer, in the middle of this he may get called out and pick up another - or get 2-3 prisoners. And bear in mind he will also have a number of jobs ongoing from previous days!!

If your not happy with the police service why not join and try and change it - vote for another political party - start your own party.

Phone the local police up and ask if you can spend the night with officers as an observer in one of the cars/vans - say your interested in joining up and they will be more than willing. It will open your eyes to what your area is really like.

Any comments will gladly be answered!

Felix. 27 September 2003 05:18 PM

have I silenced the critics!!

Felix. 28 September 2003 07:34 PM

guess so!!

Luke 28 September 2003 07:53 PM

Busy having a life ...back soon.

s6pra 28 September 2003 07:54 PM

Funny, I thought the police were there to protect the innocent?

Someone goes 1 mph over the speed limit...
who has he/she hurt?
should we kill him/her?
shouldnt he/she be free?

Someone does 110mph on a 3 lane empty motorway at 4am...
again, who has he/she hurt???
should we make his/her life worse?
should we deprive him/her from the chance of feeding his/her children???

Call me silly, but I thought for a minute that cars can stop well within visual confirmation of a hazard!

Is it irresponsible to do 90mph on a motorway? If you think it is, can you explain that to the over 10 million motorists that do it every damn day and don't have an accident?

Let's get real people. The real issues are still not being approached.


Redkop 28 September 2003 08:33 PM

Funny, I thought the police were there to protect the innocent?
Still hasn't sunk in has it that the police don't set the laws! Without the money generated from motorists breaking the law [and lets get that into perspective breaking the speed limit is breaking the law] - how would the police protect the innocent without this extra revenue generated? A huge hike in our Council Tax - eh? Local forces rely on this extra income to enable enough officers to deal with other crimes, as the budget they are allocated from the Govenment always is a massive shortfall to whats really needed.

So instead of always moaning and whingeing about the police [who are Civil Servants] moan about the real culprits - The Government!!

Felix. 28 September 2003 11:03 PM

'ere 'ere

Break the speed limit and you take a chance - 99 times out of 100 you get away with it, so don't moan when you get caught.

magepaster 29 September 2003 12:01 AM

The police are no longer entitled to use the name police as they no longer police anything.They are now intent on turning themselves into private security firms operating on payment deals or sponsership deals.

Home alarms will be ignored unless followed by a phone call stating that a crime is in progress.So if all your neighbours are out tough luck!

We decided it was safer to pay for a monitored alarm to which the police will react because they receive a cut of the payment we make.

Go to the police station to report my niece missing. " Could you come back in an hour we`ll be doing shift change in about half an hour"

"What are you doing now then?"

"Well the match is on isn`t it"

"Get off your f******* arse and get over here and take down my information NOW or I will be straight on the phone to Tim Godding at Lloyd House and see what he says about it"

"What do you want?"

"that should be, What can I do for you SIR!"

Things started moving after that.

The police don`t want to work hence the recent pushes to get the public more involved in stopping crime. And if we do manage to stop a crime we get arrested by the police that couldn`t be bothered with the crime in the first place.

[Edited by magepaster - 9/29/2003 12:02:24 AM]

Felix. 30 September 2003 12:15 AM

Quote - And if we do manage to stop a crime we get arrested by the police that couldn`t be bothered with the crime in the first place.

If you stop a crime, you stop a crime - why do you think you will get arrested????

If a house alarm goes off and I'm told about it I will respond so long as I am not tied up. (see my earlier post).

Missing from homes are taken very seriously - if you don't get the service when you go in you do right to complain.

BlackScoobyWRX 30 September 2003 12:36 AM

Thats a bloody essay Felix !!
My view - there's good and bad in every walk of life and that includes the police - they are human-beings and don't (either by choice or otherwise) always get it right.
Nuff said

Redkop 30 September 2003 08:09 AM


The police don`t want to work
That's total b0ll0x!!!

Felix. 30 September 2003 10:21 PM

still hiding Luke????

Jye 30 September 2003 10:25 PM

Redkop, sheesh.

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