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tiggers 10 September 2003 11:39 AM

Stood in a shop this morning with a radio blasting away behind the counter. During my wait I was subjected to Cher's 'Turn back time' followed by Whitney Houston's "I will always love you".

Why oh why do people listen to this crap! These women sing with no real emotion instead just screaming at the top of their voices as if simply to prove they can hit and hold a high note. It really is over produced commercial rubbish yet they sell by the bucket load.

Why don't people who buy Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Tina Turner, Cher, Celine Dion et al just try listening to the likes of Diana Krall, Sarah McLachlan or Eva Cassidy to learn how songs can be sung beautifully and gently, but still with genuine emotion.

OK rant over!!!



red_dog104 10 September 2003 11:43 AM

And your feelings on Pat Benetar are???? I think she's really talented!

RichWalk 10 September 2003 11:49 AM

I was a mgr for HMV for several years, & people really do like this mainstream nonsense- basically marketing is everything.. the more exposure u get (thats if u r actually a capable singer)the more chance x no. of people will buy- pure sheep mentality... still even after spending a whole Xmas listening to B.Carlisle's best of' its still better than most of the fabricated boy bands and feckin dreadfull rap music?? we are subjected to. Glad I've moved on to pastures new

Tiggs 10 September 2003 11:50 AM


i think you'll find anyone who went to a tina turner concert would say they were well entertained.

astraboy 10 September 2003 12:17 PM

I remember a court case a few years back where neighbours of a women sued her for constantly playing "I will always love you" at top volume for hours on end. Apparantly the straw that broke camels back was when a group of builders on a nearby site started joining in. :D:D:D

289 10 September 2003 12:40 PM

Cara Dillon is a wonderful talent, and that's high praise coming from someone who normally wouldn't go near folk. New album out imminently.

MattW 10 September 2003 12:41 PM

Cher - turn Back Time

Great vid though :D

tiggers 10 September 2003 12:55 PM

Yeah I know marketing has a lot to do with it and I'm not saying these women can't sing, but they just don't seem to sing with any real emotion behind them. The yelling thing seems to take precedence and is frankly annoying.

If you listen to Diana Krall for instance, she sings, softly and gently, but her voice carries so much feeling and emotion as she understands what she's singing whereas the caterwauling mob are just going through the motions.

I guess what I'm really asking is why people are such sheep and don't try and go out and find what else mught be out there. It's a tragedy that someone like Eva Cassidy should only become popular after she's dead and now they are releasing just about everything she ever recorded no matter what the quality.

Regarding Tina Turner concerts - my wife went a few years ago (I refused point blank) and she said although she had a lot of energy and was a great stage performer the songs were basically pap.

Maybe I'm just frustrated with the majority of the general public who can't be bothered to listen to anything more challneging than this rubbish the same way they can't be bothered to watch anything more challenging than Coronation Street or Pop Idol on TV.


unclebuck 10 September 2003 12:56 PM

Ah, the screaming 'power ballard' divas. Have to agree they're pretty offensive. They should all be put out of their misery IMO. Cher must be about 90 by now. Put a sock in it woman for gawds sake.:rolleyes:

As I always say, you need to go back to 50s music to hear vocals that really were class. That era has never been equalled. ;)


Ratman 10 September 2003 02:00 PM

Another vote for Cara Dillon - has she had her teeth fixed yet?!!

And Heather Nova - quality voice :D


289 10 September 2003 02:08 PM

Cara Dillon - frankly, I wasn't looking at her teeth!

ChrisB 10 September 2003 02:47 PM

Norah Jones - voice of an angel :)

289 10 September 2003 03:08 PM

Voice of an angel, with the songs of a complete muppet.

Maybe it's just me, but I can't stand Norah Jones. Even seeing her sets my smugness-detector shrilling, and as for her voice .... then again, I hate jazz with a passion.

tiggers 10 September 2003 03:37 PM

Our Norah's not bad, just heard a bit too much of her thanks to her songs being played everywhere.

She is Jazz's equivalent of Dire Straits :D

Anyway I could hear her songs a million times and still want to hear them again rather than one of the caterwauling b1tches mentioned earlier.


MattW 10 September 2003 03:55 PM

Did I mention the new Iron Maiden album was released yesterday ;)

Duck_Pond 10 September 2003 04:01 PM

New Maiden album eh? I thought the last one was great... for a few listens... then it brought back some nostalgia, and I dug out the earlier albums... and they sadly reminded me of how poor the new one actually was in comparison.

A mate of mine reckons that Tina Turner is holding an invisible football between her knees when she's dancing. I reckon he's right!

289 10 September 2003 04:24 PM

Nah, TT's just got knobbly knees!

Still, anyone who's still belting out the songs at 60 is doing OK, even if I can't stand her songs.

tiggers 10 September 2003 04:25 PM

I wish someone would jam it in her throat so she'd stop yelling :D


289 10 September 2003 04:26 PM

"I'm your PRIIIIVate dancer....."


corradoboy 10 September 2003 04:28 PM

Sarah, Norah, Heather, Cara, Diana, Eva..........

You lot been raiding my CD collection? Throw in a little Cowboy Junkies, Alison Krauss, Loreena McKennit, Paula Cole and Natalie Merchant for good measure. Most of my mates have never heard of any of them. Those with open minds often end up buying loads after hearing them, the rest just groan "where d'ya find all this stuff?"

Now, what's the most violent ending immaginable for Westlife?

tiggers 10 September 2003 04:30 PM


Sounds like you and I have similar CD collections - good on ya my friend.

Now to Westlife - how about a hot vat of varnish? - a tragic end, but a lovely finish :D


corradoboy 10 September 2003 04:59 PM

How about strapping each of them by one ankle to the back of an F1 car, getting a gritter to freshly salt down the whole track and lights out, race on, Alabama stylee.

Mind you, there's 20 cars in F1 so we need to add Boyzone, Daniel Beddingfield, Robbie, Busted, Darius, Eminem and Rick Waller (he might last to the end of the race).

ProperCharlie 09 October 2003 11:47 AM

Why don't people who buy Dido instantly commit hari kiri (sp? :confused:) - their lives cannot be worth living...

record shops should provide a convenient location beside the counter for people to do this - perhaps with a small selection of japanese swords also available.

[Edited by ProperCharlie - 9/10/2003 11:48:44 AM]

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