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Dream Weaver 02 September 2003 10:10 PM

Not sure if its a SIAL, but just heard on the grape vine that Cars & Car Conversions is to shut up shop as a magazine.

October will be the last issue.

IPC have decided it aint worth it anymore, shame as it was much better than all the Lax power lot, and had some proper car modding in there :(


Dan_P 02 September 2003 11:44 PM

hope thats b0ll0x cos apart from rally xs its the only car mag worth reading!!

WagonRich 03 September 2003 12:22 AM

I hope it is just a rumor, CCC was a great mag, although it does seem to have been getting thinner in recent months...


KungFuMonkey 03 September 2003 07:57 AM


I hope its not gone. It used to be my favourite car mag before the current editor took over.

Im not that big a fan of it now being a fast car mag rather than a race / rally / road mag. Althought it does still occasionaly come up with some great things.


Dream Weaver 03 September 2003 08:10 AM

official line:

Just thought a few of you might like to know that the magazine known as Cars and Car Conversions, or CCC, or Triple C, has officially closed for business.

This morning, IPC Media suits decided that the magazine was no longer "economically viable". That means the October 2003 issue of the magazine will be the last.

The people that created the mag would like to think that those that picked up CCC enjoyed it, occasionally learnt something from it, and were even inspired by it.

We all really loved bringing CCC to you for over 40 years and will sorely miss doing just that. Farewell.

richrussell 03 September 2003 08:23 AM

Looks like it'll just be 'Car Mechanics' and 'Which Kit?' for me from now on then....


what would scooby do 03 September 2003 08:24 AM

Bummer - I used to read it a lot - not for past few years though :(

JohnS 03 September 2003 08:34 AM

I've got about 100 old issues from the 80s if anyone wants to be nostalgic.

Was a great magazine, and it will be sad to see it go.


Johnny50 03 September 2003 08:42 AM

Thought it was a great magazine, and at least it stuck to "real" cars, as apposed to Lax Power with it's bodykit brigade cars.

Shame it's going. :(

New To Scoob 03 September 2003 08:50 AM

NNNNOOOOOO the only car mag worth reading and they are going to kill it off, probably due to the sales going to Lax Bowels for all the kids :( I was just about to suscribe aswell.

Richard Askew 03 September 2003 10:06 AM


Bring back rallysport ;)

EvilBevel 03 September 2003 10:17 AM

Bugger, I purchased a year subscription just a few months ago :(

NENO 03 September 2003 11:25 AM

I'm sorry to say this is true, they have closed CCC I got the official email this morning - bummer

Quite a shock for all involved... :( as I'm sure you can imagine.


Zeolite 03 September 2003 11:27 AM

It ws the only car mag worth reading because it had some technical content. I am gutted.

KungFuMonkey 03 September 2003 12:54 PM

If you want good m-sport technical content buy Racetech or Racecar magazines.

WH Smith usually does racetech, but you might need to get a subscription for racecar. i cant find any shops that do it near me.

As above CCC :(


Chelspeed 03 September 2003 12:59 PM

I've read it since 1978.... Stopped about 3 issues ago 'cos it was starting to turn into a Max Power lookalike. Will (do) miss the old style magazine, won't miss the current one. Still a shame though.

Dream Weaver 11 January 2004 11:14 AM

Update: CCC now relaunched as Track and Race Cars :)

Haven't read it yet though.

TopBanana 11 January 2004 12:29 PM

Watch this space:

Hopefully they'll understand that their niche was the spanner wielding market. CCC went right off the boil in its last few years IMHO.

RichardPON 11 January 2004 12:30 PM

Dream Weaver,

It's not a relaunch at all.

I know Keith, the editor of Track and Race cars, and whilst it's similarities with CCC are obvious, it aims to be slightly different.

I have read it, and it's an excellent start to what will hopefully be an excellent mag for years to come.

New To Scoob 11 January 2004 01:12 PM

Picked up the first issue on Friday for to read on the train, looks pretty promising so far, interesting article on suspension and how to set up coil-overs abiet on a Lupo Gti (funky little car though). Hopefully they get some decent backing and support form the ex-CCC readers as it looks similar.


NENO 11 January 2004 11:40 PM

As RichardPON pointed out Track and Race Cars is not CCC relaunched but a brand new magazine, it's from a different publishing company.

Best of luck to Track and Race Cars lets hope they make a go of it and have plenty of Subaru articles :D

johnfelstead 11 January 2004 11:50 PM

to quote one of the editors on the stand today. "we thought we would take advantage of 50 years worth of free marketing" when i asked why the cover logo was exactly the same as was used for CCC magazine. It worked too, lots of people stopping and taking an interest because of that logo.

It has nothing at all in relation to CCC magazine as already stated.

mef 12 January 2004 12:02 AM

Me too! I thought it was coming off the back of CCC! Hope it works, they have a lot to live up too. Although CCC had gone a bit too much "track day mag" I do miss receiving it each month, havn't bothered to replace it as I cant find anything as good. Racecar Enginering is just too "racecar" and AMERICAN!


TopBanana 12 January 2004 08:19 AM

I had a look at it in Smith's yesterday. Didn't feel particularly compelled to buy it. The coilover setup article was a joke!

Keefybwoy 13 January 2004 09:39 AM

Thanks for the constructive comments so far, although maybe jlanng could give me some more information on why he felt the first part of our coilover setup feature was a joke? If I know what everybody likes and dislikes and why it makes it far easier to improve upon.

Our first issue is really an introduction to the team and what we want the magazine to be, which is the way CCC was produced around 10 years ago, hence why competition cars feature heavily and the logo has been designed the way it is.

Like I said all your views on the first issue are welcomed with open arms so please keep them coming.


Dream Weaver 13 January 2004 10:27 AM

Cool, will be buying it this w/e so will let you know.

Any plans to have a 205 Mi16 like CCC did? The guys on the 205gtidrivers forum would be happy, as well as me :)

pugoetru 13 January 2004 10:31 AM

yea stick to what ccc used to do and i will buy it

mef 13 January 2004 10:34 AM

My first suggestion would be to grab Dave Walker and install him as your Technical Guru! He's brilliant and towards the end was the only bit worth reading in CCC. The "at the clinic" features and his "workshop" were excellent, usually made very interesting reading (except the "Rave Talker" sh*t!) These are the sort of articles that were the backbone of CCC and from what I understand is the type of stuff most of us amatuer engineers and competitors would like from a new mag.

Best of Luck with it anyway,

Martin Fox

Dream Weaver 13 January 2004 10:35 AM

Dont forget the budget track day people as well. Many track-day "veterans" seem to spend thousands on their cars and trips to tracks as well, whereas I am on a tight budget wth my own track car (205 Mi16).

Would hate to see it as a mag for those trackers with Imprezas, Skylines etc, forgetting us in the lower ranks ;)

EvilBevel 13 January 2004 11:03 AM

I had just gotten a subscription to CCC when it closed down a few months later.

I now suddenly got 2 copies of Race Engineering (from IPC)

I guess they are "related" ?

Interesting article about the ZeroShift BTW, something they call will cause a revolution gearbox wise.

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