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KevinS 07 May 2000 07:32 PM

Is this a record, 28000miles on a set of standard Bridgestones?

Not sure whether to be proud or not. I drive fast but don't scrub rubber on cornering. Can anyone better this?

PeteT 07 May 2000 08:05 PM Granny ;-)

bob 07 May 2000 09:02 PM

Don't think so, even your granny could'nt match this

Nick 07 May 2000 09:07 PM

My 72 year-old dad who never goes over 50mph does regularly manage 35,000 in his Escort.

rob barron 07 May 2000 09:09 PM

I got 32K out of my set Bridgestones.
Mind you most of that was motorway driving.

Rob Barron
(Who does not drive like a granny)

sickboy 07 May 2000 09:09 PM

Might as well swap it for a 3 wheeler.

You'll save 25% when/if you ever have to buy new rubber.

Mine are looking bare on 6100 miles

BarryK 07 May 2000 09:54 PM

Have you thought about putting them on your car?

swa 07 May 2000 10:59 PM

For F#%$s sake you sphinkters get a sodding life or maybe a mondeo/vectra would do.

If I was the webmaster/admin you would be BANNED from this BBS for putting up posts like that.

Maybe you should get a Nissan Micra.

Do you realise how many people are laughing at you?

AndyMc 07 May 2000 11:37 PM

I'd be happy to get half that

PeteT 08 May 2000 12:37 AM

Kevin S,
I feel an apology is due, my original post (accusing you of driving like my Granny) was meant as a light hearted one-liner and was not intended to spark off a tirade of abuse against your driving style and you in general.
The ability to wear out a set of tyres in 10000 miles does not make anyone a good driver.
Instead of taking the piss we should be trying to find out your secret. What pressures do you run?
I would be surprised if there is anyone on this board who wouldn't want their rubber to last a bit longer.

KevinS 08 May 2000 12:53 AM

swa at least you have the grace to admit to the baseball cap. Have to courage now to admit that you are lowering the tone of these cars by acting like a heyho harry. If you want a lesson in fast good driving, let me know, I will send my aged P over to give you a lesson.

P.S. I suppose you drive a...wait for it... WRX with colour coded sills, loud exhaust and a football shirt in the back window! I'm right aren't I?

Appreciate your post. I drive without ever scrubbing my tyres. There are courses to show you how to do this. I don't slide around roundabouts (seems to be the favourite pastime on this BB) either, in fact you can corner very very fast without ever sliding. It is a skill that every saloon car racer will tell you about. If you slide you are going too fast and are driving badly. I run standard tyre pressures.

BTW, I don't do doughnuts in supermarket car parks either !!!!

Nick 08 May 2000 07:51 AM

Talking about tyre wear.... I always seem to zap the outside shoulders of my front tyres - especially the offside front. I drive quick - slide around roundabouts if no-one's looking.. I use standard Subaru geometry & this has been checked twice. I'd have thought that roundabouts would hit my nearside shoulders??

blubs 08 May 2000 08:01 AM

Got 15,000k out of mine and I was amazed they lasted so long.

Kevin S,

Did you actually go round ANY corners during this time?

RobJenks 08 May 2000 08:41 AM

Do you still live with your Mum?

KevinS 08 May 2000 09:45 AM

Pity this BB and scoobies in general are now driven by boy racers with baseball caps.
Grow up guys, I drive as fast as the next man but not like an immature schoolboy who knows NOTHING about handling a powerful car. You are ALL giving this wonderful car a bad name and causing dramatic rises in insurance premiums.


blubs 08 May 2000 10:48 AM

Kevin S,

You forget to mention that 'the next man' is Reginald Molehusband

robski 08 May 2000 10:53 AM

God I wish!

Never managed to get close to that, even in a 1.3 escort!

To quote my old man a few months ago, "how many miles you done now then" me : "about 3000", him : "oh, those tyres are going to be lucky to make 600o then"

and that included running in, and 4 300 mile trips on the motorway


robski the tyre killer

The Zohan 08 May 2000 11:02 AM

I managed 15K out of my fronts and the rears are down to 3-4 mm (16K ish). This was a mix of driving, probabnly 40% if the miles on the motorway. I figured that i would get about this sort of mileage out of the fronts.
I only achieved 20-22K on the fronts in my last car (2.0L Vectra), so it a'int bad considering the difference in performance and handling.

swa 08 May 2000 11:27 AM

Scooby admin,

Please, Please, Please, please, please ban these tyre saving 'poster's from posting the BBS...

No wait - don't do that - they are giving us all a seriously hilarious laugh

Have you guys got plastic covers on the seats so you dont wear them out? Do you wear driving gloves and a flat cap? Are you sure it is not the 3rd set or even the 2nd set that you have on the car?

Yes, I do have baseball cap but it is only there to keep my balding head warm/not sunburnt. And I'm not a boy racer - I only enjoy giving it a bit of welly when the roads are EMPTY - and even better wet and EMPTY.

Anyway its beanies that the 'boys' wear these days.

Kevin - at least Rob Barron has had the sense to stay quiet after realising the embarrasment. Maybe BridgeStone would interested in seeing your Tyres for scientific purposes!

This is hilarious. Still laughing at you 2 originial posters.

schuey 08 May 2000 12:32 PM

What the F*** are you doing!!!!!!
I've only done 6,500 miles on original fit bridgestones and the fronts are under 4mm.
Will swap fronts for rears at service, bit don't expect to see 15,000 out of them.

swa 08 May 2000 01:40 PM

Ok Mr HighHorsey
Yes of course 'Kev my old pal you're right I probably do lower the 'tone' in your eyes??

Your thing about baseball caps is strange - they are only worn by geratrics now anyway.... digressing here. Doesnt bother me as baseball caps, and misc hats are neccesary for me to stay un-sunburnt or warm dependin on the weather.

The fun in driving these things for me is getting it sideways in 2nd gear on a wet roundabout or wide and empty corner - and then trying to exit with some sort of control.

No-body said that they were good drivers - its just fun to go sideways pal!!

Oh yes my what is a hey ho harry I aaaask?

And my stupid question is - what is an aged P?

As for the cornering at very very high speeds - well if you do that it is very nice etc but if you eventually lose it then you hit the wall/tree/ditch big time unless of course your talking about doing it on a track. Then we can start talking about braking points, rolling moments, slip angles, tyre scrub and tyre wear, etc. (lets not though)

So the reason why Scoob owners wear out their tyres quickly?
a) they enjoy the power and sideways bit
b) if its done at lower speeds when quiet and possibly wet it is a lot safer as your speed is actually legal if youre in 2nd
Yes it does wear the tyres quicker but is more fun (for many of us).

If you're lucky no-one will see you.
So you see I'm not a show off like you may think.

I don't really like football and I have a standard unmodified turbo 5 door. So there!

Hmmm yes again you aren't only right but you are sooo soooooo right I probably do lower the 'tone'.

Still laughing at some of the excellent replies on this thread though!

You can have the last word as youre boring me know........bye

Be nice,
Swa (hey ho harry?) hoho hahhaaa

Gethin 08 May 2000 01:53 PM

I got 22.5K miles from the OEM Bridgestones but don't go sideways around corners and roundabouts.

Usually have the tyres on 34-36psi. I would say 50% of my driving is on motorways.


BarryK 08 May 2000 01:57 PM

Blimey, no call for that was there.

I do not wear a baseball cap. Well, not driving a car anyway. However, I am unfortunately in the eyes of many other drivers a "turbo nutter ba$tard" regardless of how I drive. (see also insurance companies).

I'm not really happy about that.

I rest my case.

bob 08 May 2000 02:06 PM

Take a tip from your grandad and save on your tyres.
Driving like a loony on right handers has ripped up the front nearside shoulders on my tyres The front tyres are compleatly bold and on the rears there is a faint sign of tread. 7000 miles.
If you require to drive normaly purchase an Escort or Focus.
Only buy an Impreza for the fun.
Loony Bob

Blow Dog 08 May 2000 02:11 PM


Scott J Davies 08 May 2000 03:00 PM

I think some one should take some Valium or Mogadon.


You shouldn't go stereo typing, the one thing we all have in common is that we like imprezas and like driving them quickly and safely.

28k is impressive, if you are going for the world tyre longevity award, but I don't think any of us are.

I do agree though you may have got more acceptance by saying you have just driven as mad as a bag of squirrels and gone through your Bridgestones in 3500 miles - can anyone better that. Done this way you would have been praised, sad I know, but this is the way of the world. As the old saying goes if you can't beat em join em, I'm off out to **** my car along a nice quiet country lane, without my baseball cap.

MorayMackenzie 08 May 2000 03:05 PM


Is it reasonable of me to infer that your generalised boy racer labeling is leveled at anyone who gets less then your mileage out of a set of tyres?

I also suspect that "the next man" in your case is very average... it certainly isn't Simon De Banke, Stef, Pete Croney or anyone else who has a good ability in the car control and limit handling departments.


KevinS 08 May 2000 05:08 PM

The laddish quality of the replies tells me everything I need to know. Having owned a number of Impreza Turbos since they first came out in 1994 (long before most of you what they were), I now think its time to move on because the wrong sort of people (the sort that like sliding on roundabouts) have got hold of them now (a bit like the way the Escort Cosworth has gone).

I shall be keeping my eyes open for the next car that will replace the Impreza and perhaps I will get some pleasure out of it before you Max Power readers cotton onto it.

It was good while it lasted, those early years with no-one knowing anything about them was great.

Aged (pronounced Ayg ed) P? Try reading Dickens - Charles Dickens, that is, you know the English author.

Go and get a driving course or two.

Markus 08 May 2000 06:41 PM

Just like to say I'm impressed with the longevity of your tyres! would love to have mine last that long.
KevinS: Hey! watch it with the 'WRX and big exhaust' branding My WRX Wagon is black, with black tinted windows and a huge SuperDrager sticking out the back, but I'm not a loon, well, not in the driving sense anyway, (and no-one had better mention weheels nuts to me ever again!)
BTW I'm <B>NOT</B> having a go at you, so please don't take it that way!

Scott J Davies 08 May 2000 08:27 PM


You won't find anything to replace the Scoob.



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