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Amen Corner 08 June 2003 10:08 AM

I have a Venus flytrap, and a pitcher plant. House used to be overrun with flies, but not any more.

The Venus flytrap in particular has now grown about 8 inches across and has a flower about a foot high on it. I think it's getting rather well fed :)

Edited to say

[Edited by Amen Corner - 8/6/2003 10:13:51 AM]

Drunken Bungle Whore 08 June 2003 11:36 AM

Garden incesnse sticks work pretty well too!

AC - will def look at IM's.... ;) :eek: :D

[Edited by Drunken Bungle Whore - 8/6/2003 11:37:04 AM]

Karlos Fandango 05 August 2003 09:04 PM

I've taken as much as I can. (Bzzzzz) Our house has become the local hang out for flies. We live behind a chip (Bzzzzz) shop so we tend to get any waifs and strays that can't find what they want in the wheelie bins (Bzzzzzzz)or shop.

I've tried fly papers but they look pretty (Bzzzzz) rough and there are only so many I can swat, and I'll choke to death if I use sprays on them. Decided to have a search on the net for the electric (Bzzzzz)killers but they all seem a bit OTT. Need something for the kitchen front door area as this is were the little ba$tards are all coming in.

It probably sounds worse than it is but they are really beginning to (Bzzzzzz)craze my arse. Any recommendations would be extremely gratefully received.



Vinesh 05 August 2003 09:17 PM

They must like the smell of ur new aftershave :)

Dr. Prod 05 August 2003 09:52 PM

Try a Cat, mine loves to catch & eat them :)

ChrisB 05 August 2003 10:11 PM

Our office has loads of the buggers. All you can hear all day is pssssssssssst as somebody unlesses another blast of RAID Fly Killer.

SiDHEaD 05 August 2003 10:56 PM

You can get electronic flycatchers now :D Mavelous.

Whilst on holiday i saw a gun thing which fired a "swat" shaped ring which splatted the fly! :cool:


Duck_Pond 05 August 2003 11:09 PM

Don't use Auto Express to swat them though... I did, and I now have a nice blue imprint from the Loan Advert on the back page, on my wallpaper. D'oh!

Apparition 05 August 2003 11:18 PM

A fly screen ? stop the little bu$$ers coming at all.

Duck_Pond 05 August 2003 11:44 PM

What like those chains that amazingly prevent flies from entering kitchens? How do they do that?

ALi-B 06 August 2003 12:16 AM

not as irritaing as a load of moths and midges buzzing round my screen at the moment. I've splatted 2, with the unfortuante conseqences of bug juice all over it :(

Why the hell they find scoobynet so facinating is beyond me ;)

Witchfinder 06 August 2003 09:55 AM

Buy a Venus Fly Trap. They aren't very effective, but it's amusing to watch the little scumsucking **** ******** squirm as they are slowly digested alive.

Damn them aaaaaaalll!

dnb 06 August 2003 09:58 AM

I have a collection of pet spiders. I'm training them to make webs over the open windows.

Spiders eat flies and don't go buzz annoyingly. :D

Witchfinder 06 August 2003 10:38 AM

Human existence is a struggle against insectkind. We must destroy as many as possible to prevent them from becoming the dominant species on the planet! The insects are coming! Guard yourselves!


TheCarpetCleaner 06 August 2003 10:45 AM

how's your personal hygene

TheCarpetCleaner 06 August 2003 10:48 AM

we had a flie problem and they were attracted the sanitary towel bin the bathroom

Duck_Pond 06 August 2003 10:51 AM

I have left my Venus Fly Trap outside for the last few months, and the beggar has changed from an insipid looking green specimen, to a vicious killer of insects, with lighter coloured stems, blood-red traps, and a flower on the end of a huge stem.

Which has annoyed a mate here at work, who did the same to his, after hearing about the success of mine... but had the reverse effect... and his carked it!!


Peanuts 06 August 2003 10:53 AM

We had a files problem, but we bought a cabinet, and hey presto problem solved:D

oh.... oh right..... taxi!!

Drunken Bungle Whore 06 August 2003 11:01 AM

Et Voila - problem solved and an evenings entertainment to boot! :D

Have seen these and they're brill - and jolley effective too!

:D :D

The burp sound is soooo realistic..... :D :D

Amen Corner 06 August 2003 11:21 AM

or, for the more natural look, get yourslef one of these:

Drunken Bungle Whore 06 August 2003 11:25 AM

A phallic looking plant that traps flies...hmmmm - there's deffinitely a joke in there somewhere.... ;) :p :D :D

Amen Corner 06 August 2003 11:28 AM

phallic looking

IM should get that looked at :eek:

Shy Muppet 06 August 2003 11:34 AM

There are some aroma-candles and airfreshners (I think) you can get that are supposed to discourage flies popping by for a visit! I can't remember which ones though - I haven't tried them myself.

Apparently the flies don't like the smell and leave!

ALi-B 06 August 2003 11:48 AM

Apparently the flies don't like the smell and leave
By repeatedly head banging on a closed window :rolleyes:

Chris L 06 August 2003 01:01 PM

Turn it into a sport!! :D We've got some of these in the house:

Electric fly swats are the way forward!

Have fun frying flies. If you're lucky they'll pop and bang when you swat 'em. Also very effective in the evening when you get a display similar to an indoor firework :D :D


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