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StiShrek 08 January 2003 03:36 PM

Your onto a loser on this thread tony1.

Any form of aggressive driving (even if it was to save you and your family) will get flamed by the gospel do-gooders.

This forum is polluted by these sad gits. Whinging pathetic sad excuses for men.

for what its worth...nice one.

I had a similar experience. I went across a major traffic lights in manchester on amber/red and a car started to turn across my path from the opposite direction.

It was either stack into him at 60mph or take evasive action. I instinctively swerved (in an E36 M3) right to avoid him and then left again since we were heading into the traffic light and saved the day.

The missus was impressed since she thought we were done for.

For those 'holier than god' who will go on about amber gambling (everyone has done it and i dont condone it), the bird in your face.

[Edited by StiShrek - 8/1/2003 3:37:14 PM]

Tony1 31 July 2003 06:13 PM

Ever been proud of your driving??? Well I was yesterday. There I was, poodling along, with the shopping, the wife, and the dogs in the back, when all over my boot appeared this big bonnet in red, coming on me like he'd forgotten what a brake was. Anyway, I had to do a left hooker at the roundabout, and some slow guy was infront. So, as he started to turn left, so I guided my car around his right hand side, thus ligning up with the right hand lane in the duel carriageway. BAD MISTAKE. As I floored it, and began to arc out of the curve, so the complete wall of bollards came into view!!!!!
In that split second, you know, don't you, that the guy behind you, has also floored it, yet he will not be seeing the bollards!!!
OH HSIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hit the middle one really hard, and came OFF the pedal instantly. It was enough to:
1 - Miss the bollards
2 - Give me room to calmly steer left and tuck in behind Mr.Slowcoach
3 - Look into the mirror, and watch Mr.BigRedBonnet play kissing games with his windscreen;develop burn marks across his shoulder, and scrub 3 months of juddering rubber off all four!!!
In that moment, I knew that my quick thinking of taking my foot OFF the brake as quick as I could, gave the guy behind enough room NOT to hit me up the proverbial.
I was proud of that one, and will be for the rest of my life.

Ok guys - what was your greatest escape that you're proud of???

StickyMicky 31 July 2003 06:31 PM

so you booted it and nearly crashed ;)

Mr555 31 July 2003 07:34 PM

So you took the right hand lane in order to go left (check what the Highway Codes sez about that sometime), and nearly stuffed the car into some bollards.

I'd be real proud...;-)

[Edited by Mr555 - 7/31/2003 7:35:27 PM]

Shark 31 July 2003 08:08 PM

No 'road work' signs knocking about then ?


Tony1 01 August 2003 10:04 AM

Actually, I was in the left hand lane, behind Mr. Slowcoach and steered my car around his outside lining up with the right hand lane in the road to the left. Er, excuse me, but this is perfectly safe and acceptable driving, and nowhere in the safety code - interestingly NOT a legal document - does it mention that you have to align with the left hand lane in a dual carriageway. Equally, not a single one of you drive your cars on the basis that "If I cannot see it, I assume it is there". If that was the case, then you'd still be on your way from A to B, taking every single curve with precautionary nature of a geriatric, long having sold your Impreza for the complete waste of time it is. No - sorry - "Drive WITHIN your limits" - "Expect the unexpected" - "Assume the other will do the opposite of what he should do" - totally clean 30 yr driving licence - of the 5 accidents I have had in my lifetime, in ALL of them, I was STATIONARY!!!
It is easy to assume, and easy to criticise, but hellovalot harder to produce the evidence. Opinions count for nothing. On a Police ROSPA driving course, I recorded the two fastest ever reactions to their emergency stop module - .22 and .23 sec - certificates as evidence. Advanced Driving licence. TEAC grass track racing champion. Police road safety driving course = lowest points ever recorded by instructors = 9. My score, as recorded by the instructors themselves = O - yep, that's right - the only ever perfect score - You want to criticise my driving? Ok - go ahead - it's your opinion - but unless you can back up an opinion with evidence, it isn't exactly worth alot, is it?

Tony1 01 August 2003 10:06 AM

That's right David - not a single warning sign in evidence until the actual bollards themselves.

Tony1 01 August 2003 10:12 AM

StickyMickey - "so you booted it and nearly crashed" - - I think you misread.
So I booted it, and the guy behind me nearly crashed. At no point did I nearly crash!!!

Listy 01 August 2003 10:26 AM

It's a good job I can control my legs as good as you an Drive Tony cos I very nearly tripped over all your handbags.......

I fear that the "So you pulled out and nearly crashed" Comment may have been directed with a certain amount of humour behind it... Not a direct swipe at your driving capabilities....

I mean you are quite obviously super Human driving bloke....

Tony1 01 August 2003 11:25 AM

Not as good as Barry Lee mate - ex world touring car/hot rod champion - my driving instructor!!!

Listy 01 August 2003 03:24 PM

Oooooooooooooooooo I humble myself in your presence.........

messiah 01 August 2003 03:35 PM


Boro 01 August 2003 03:47 PM

Bet the dogs loved it :)

messiah 01 August 2003 03:59 PM

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, good that you managed to get yourself out of it OK with no damage done.

Girlfriend is always getting at me for being in the wrong lane at roundabouts. To solve this, I just go straight down the middle now the same as van drivers.

Listy 01 August 2003 05:14 PM

I'm with a lot of the comments on here..... Sh!t I push it to hard all the time and have done for years.... For booting it round the outside and not hitting the cones i applaud you Tony..

Give it some thats what it's for.... Stiff anything with a Big Red Bonnet.... I do....

BUT..... whats with the big I'm a driving God Speach......

Geeez man lighten up a bit....

Tony1 01 August 2003 05:37 PM

Cheers for the support guys - just got abit rattled, that's all - proud of my driving, 'cos I work hard at it, and have done for many years, like I know some of you will have done. We don't just drive cars because we like them - we drive Scoobies 'cos they are one of the very few machines that will allow us to challenge our abilities to the level we have reached.
Made me laugh about the dogs - yep - I am sure they opened their eyes abit wider, when they shot forward at Mach 1, when I hit the brake, and perhaps even more, when I released, and they recoiled at only just less!!! Still, they ended up in the same place they started, and probably just wondered if it really did happen!!!
As for the wife? She carried on knitting and said in one of those "You really shouldn't have done that, dear!" voices, "That was nice!"
The dogs didn't even grunt. Just left a big pile of poo in the back!!!! (Sorry - not true - authors license)(wink).

Mr555 01 August 2003 10:32 PM

OK, time for more pollution from a sad git...

Let's see what the Advanced Drivers Handbook says on Avoiding Accidents When Negotiating Roundabouts, as it is much more about common sense than the Highway Code (which doesn't explain the why only the what) -

"...maintain the left lane on the roundabout and into the exit road"

And if you'd done that, you'd have still been in the left hand lane when the right disappeared into cones, and there would have been no problem. Still think it's a perfectly safe and acceptable manouevre? I don't, but that's my opinion and I'll choose to stick with the advanced driver advice because of that, thank you.

"Expect the unexpected" - "Assume the other will do the opposite of what he should do" - excellent advice, especially if you're creating the unexpected and doing the opposite of what you should do yourself!

FWIW, I do agree it took superb reactions and quick thinking to pull off what you did, but surely better to have avoided the situation in the first place?

Tony1 01 August 2003 11:04 PM

Hey 555 - accept your views, but I didn't buy the Impressher 'cos I want to drive it like a Tesco trolley - but then that's part of the challenge, isn't it - because we know what all the handbooks say, that in any given situation we know what we should do, can do, might do, want to do, possibly do, and always wanted to do. And all of that floods yer mind in about 0.005 sec. Then ofcourse, you have to make the decision - commit it to an action - evaluate - adjust - breathe - rcap yourself if required, and then come out the other end with at least the sanity of a gibbering chicken.
Do that well, and SAFE CAN BE FUN, as some of us will know.
Thanks for the thoughts though.
I'll leave this thread now, and let yer all just enjoy ye olde impressher - trouble is, it never really does, does it guys? Most of them can't tell an Impressher from a Tesco trolley. Maybe it should have been called a Subaru Imprezim? After all, we all are, eh?

Tony1 01 August 2003 11:19 PM

Hey 555 - just thought you might like to know - tonight, they have changed the bollards into the left hand lane - the thought occurred to me that had I done the same thing tonight, Mr.Slowcoach on the left would probably have stuffed me in the side as he pulled out to avoid the cones, but then had I taken your/advanced drivers handbook advice, then the guy behind me would have belted past - I'd have hit the middle one to avoid stuffing Mr.Slowcoach up the proverbial long before he even committed physical action to mental deterioration, and the resulting noise from Mr.RedBonnet's exhaust in his right ear,
would have forced him NOT to turn his wheel to the right, thus ploughing head on into the bollards. Mr.RedBonnet disappears into the sunset; Mr.Slowcoach skidpans 27 bollards all over the road, possibly resulting in damage or worse to his car and himself, and there am I behind all this, getting bored.
Hey - it was much more fun the other way - and safe!!!
Hey - that really is my last.

StiShrek 02 August 2003 01:52 AM

get out more 555

you must be a bundle of laughs on a night out quoting your regulations

Little Miss WRX 02 August 2003 02:20 AM

It's a good job I can control my legs as good as you an Drive Tony cos I very nearly tripped over all your handbags.......

Phew it's hot in here.....I don't have a flame suit handy, so I'm off out again! :D

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