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Black Cat 28 April 2000 12:59 AM

I got this by e-mail this morning, and as this has been the topic of many threads in the past I thought I'd post it..... Who knows if enough people do it then it could have an affect.

For info and action

It is important that as many people as possible take part, to get as good an effect as possible
(messages are circulating around Europe).

The action is against the rises in petrol and diesel prices and is based on no-one filling up the tank on April 30, 2000. The prices increase with an insane speed.

It is time to do something about it, it is crazy that there are such high
prices while there are millions of litres of oil in the oil storages. The oil producers have decided to decrease the oil production to make more money, not to save the environment. If we do not buy petrol during a
whole day, the oil market would be destabilized, although only for a short
With our means of communication it is very easy to reach a lot of people,
so send this message to everyone you know: DO NOT BUY PETROL OR DIESEL ON APRIL 30, 2000. If you must have petrol, make sure to fill up the day before! or the day after. Make sure you show them that we exist, even if this may seem a small action. Imagine that approx 50 litres petrol/diesel in a quarter of the vehicles in Europe
(approx 200 million vehicles x 50
litres make about 10 million litres) that would hurt the producers cashflow. This would also make the media react.

As you will understand this message will also be sent to all central media.


Weaver 28 April 2000 01:08 PM

It's a top idea and I will be participating. We have been taken for fools by the Govt. for too long. It's time for the motorist to show their feelings!!!

Geezer 28 April 2000 01:10 PM

Nice sentiment, but not very reallistic. To make the oil companies feel the pinch, you'd need to reduce the amount of revenue, not move it to another day. I can't seem them haveing any problems with this at all. People still have to have their petrol, they will just hand over the dosh on a different day. Doesn't make much of an impact on Xmas day does it?

Now if everyone changed to gas or electric powered cars............

Subarussian 28 April 2000 01:44 PM

I am in it!

But I know many people are sceptical. Why?

I think the problem is that the letter is misleading and focussed on the wrong objective. This action WILL NOT do any harm to the oil companies - let's not kid ourselves.

The real objective is to raise the profile of the issue by generating media attention and coverage. So if enough people participate and whoever co-ordinates this action does a good job with the press - the snowball should start rolling prompting more articles in papers and mags, etc, etc.

Will it work? May be, may be not. But if we don't try we will never find out!

So take part! Especially if on average you don't get more than 20 mpg

Scottie 28 April 2000 01:55 PM

Seems like a good idea, but the only problem is that it will be the retailer who suffers in most cases. Especially those with franchises.

They will already have had to pay for the fuel and are on tight enough margins as it is.

Retailers margins are so small its scary!

Better just to nuke parliament when they're all sitting.

Heh heh heh..........

Now where did I put that cruise missile I had kicking around..........


[This message has been edited by Scottie (edited 28-04-2000).]

JasonHook 28 April 2000 02:27 PM

I wonder if this has more to do with the anti establishment demonstrations planned for this weekend?

It isn't really the oil companies that are costing us so much, rather it's H.M.Govt.
We apparently 'enjoy' one of the cheapest pre tax prices for fuel.

The real price of oil is of course the lives of the people who die getting the stuff out of the earth.

The principal of boycotting petrol stations for a day is a good one but I don't think the odd e-mail is going to reach a wide enough audience, pity.


Gethin 28 April 2000 03:03 PM

But won't people just put in more fuel on the 29th??

GaryC 28 April 2000 03:29 PM

Won't make any difference unless you don't use your car (and hence don't use any Petrol) on the day. If Consumption is the same, amount of petrol used and purchased will be the same over the week! Retailers would just have a busier Saturday and Monday!

JasonHook 28 April 2000 03:34 PM

I think a properly organised and supported boycott would do two things:

1. Send a message to the govt that the current levels of duty applied to fuel are unbearable;

2. Deprive the Government of 1 days interest on the sales of fuel

I take the point that if the fuel was bought in advance or subsequently made up for the effect would be minimised.

Weaver 28 April 2000 03:44 PM

It just a good way to show the strength of feeling that's all. I realise it won't bring the Govt. or the oil companies to their knees but that's not the point.

Basically if you don't complain then you don't have the right to moan either!!!

So give it a go then at least you can say you tried!

Showtime 28 April 2000 04:20 PM

ZZZZZZZZZZ been done to death elswhere, chainmails etc..won't make a blind bit of difference

KF 28 April 2000 04:55 PM

I really don't think this sort of protest is going to make the slightest difference.

Lobbying the petrochemical companies to reduce prices is going to make squat difference if the government continue with their current policy on taxation of fuel.

The only reason the government didn't increase tax on fuel this year is because the pre-tax price of fuel rose (as Brown stated in the budget speech). Consequently if we get the petrochemical companies to reduce prices the government will tax us more heavily to make the difference.

It is the government's taxation of petrol that is the real problem. If you are bothered about this and other anti-driver government policies perhaps you should consider lending your voice to a movement that will put your viewpoint forward *every* day of the year, rather than some spurious feet stamping protest on one day which just happens to coincide with an anti capitalist protest.

boomer 28 April 2000 07:00 PM

This kind of action will make naff all difference to the oil producers, distributers or whatever - it only stands to p*ss off the local garages themselves. Maybe they should all shut for the day to make a point - that would have *far* more impact!

Most people pay for fuel by credit card, which won't clear for a few days, so there is no impact on anyone's cashflow.

Sure, if it hits the media, we may have another "rip off Bwitain" series, but i have seen _nothing_ in the papers so far, so it fails there as well.

This has already been discussed in another thread, but i can't find a pointer. Still, it will all be over in a couple of days - at least until the next Internet chain-mail appears!


johnfelstead 28 April 2000 07:36 PM

i will not be joining in thanks, got the northern meet 3 on that day, with only a 27litre tank i will be walking if i dont fill up, sorry.

PS. it won't do s**t anyway, the government is deaf.

sickboy 30 April 2000 01:47 PM

It's a Sunday anyway!

Nice sentiment, but I don't think it will make a blind bit of difference.

Everyone (in the UK!) needs to write to their MP telling them that the reason they will not be getting a vote in the next election is down to the unfair treatment and marginalisation of the motorist. Such a shame MP's aren't on email. I suppose they're stoopid, but not THAT stoopid...

Right, back to bed (it's Sunday you know

Mulder 30 April 2000 07:46 PM

What are you lot like? Me beers half empty..........

At the end of the day not filling up on 1 day isn't going to kill you is it. And you never know it might actually work, then you can say you helped out.

Mick 30 April 2000 09:06 PM

You pessimist! - An optimist would say he's still got 1/2 a glass left.
- We engineers would say your glass is twice as big as it needs to be!

- Sorry had to get that one in!

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