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GRUMPYGIT 24 April 2000 02:39 PM


HUNTY 24 April 2000 02:49 PM

very sad


harj 24 April 2000 03:30 PM

This looks good, bring it on before I fill you all in!


Harj The Stef Killer

JohnS 24 April 2000 04:17 PM


Neil Smalley 24 April 2000 05:12 PM


harj 24 April 2000 05:23 PM

I think that the Flat Cap, Pipe and Slippers applies to all of the above people it seems to me that no-one on here has a sense of humour, anyone want to swap some Pokemon cards?


MorayMackenzie 24 April 2000 05:40 PM

Ian shut the roadshow thread down to save BBS bandwidth, which is fair enough.

Now we have two more threads discussing the aforementioned "waste of bandwidth"... At least the original thread made me laugh, these new analysis threads are a complete waste of space.

Please stop this even less justifiable waste of resources, it is beginning to look hypocritical!


GRUMPYGIT 24 April 2000 06:06 PM

The idea here is indicate a general opinion of what people think about recent posts ,if many do not like what has been posted recently then I think a comment here may help by
1 Discouraging a repetition by those involved and
2 Giving weight to actively locking threads of this type by the administrators based on popular opinion ,they themselves then would not be attacked for doing so in their own right.
I respect your opinion and many will agree with you however I do not class this thread as quite the waste of bandwidth you think.

bob 24 April 2000 07:17 PM

Yes I am one of the old farts that belong to the Flat Cap, Pipe and Slippers Brigade. Must admit I did enjoy the banter and If I did not I would not have click on the thread. Perhaps some do not like it but then they do not need to read it. A bit like the porn on cable. I don't mind it, the dragon can live with it, but the kids just love it. So why spoil their enjoyment. I say If the kids did not want to look at it they could always turn it over. The same applies to the Harj & Shaun thread.
Pervie Bob

Kramer 24 April 2000 07:22 PM

Total pants and very sad

harj 24 April 2000 07:49 PM


You are the coolest guy on this board! It's people like you we need, If you would like your car to be featured in a mag or on TV, no matter what it is, then talk to us!

I shant ever be contacting some of the other people who have posted on this thread I thought that owning a car and being part of something was suppose to mean something! Guess Not!

Loved the reply


Mick 24 April 2000 08:13 PM

I loved the thread.
The 'scoolboy banter' took me back - (not that many years)
I would love to see an even shootout between Stef and these arrogant lads. It may be that their arrogance is justified?

By the way Pokemon is quite a good game actually - If you play by the RULES! - My 5 yr old loves it!!!!!


Stef 24 April 2000 08:40 PM

Edited somewhat as I've calmed down now!

Bringing other people (PC) into it is not acceptable, and I apologise if any of you thought this was serious.


[This message has been edited by Stef (edited 27-04-2000).]

Ian Cook 24 April 2000 08:58 PM

I didnt close the thread because of bandwidth, it was because it had gone on and on and was starting to get tedious.

Before you say if you dont like it dont read it, I am a moderator, I have to read them to make sure it doesnt get to the point of being seriously offensive.

Mike Rainbird 24 April 2000 09:34 PM

I think they are like the two hecklers off the Muppet Show, hence why Stef calls them by that name.

However, how ANYONE can take them seriously I don't know, as they seem so keen to blow their own trumpets (whatever turns you on boys, that it makes taking anything they have to say very difficult to swallow (oh er!).

I also thought that in some cases they were sailing VERY close to the wind, but decided early on in their ramblings to disgard anything they had to say on any subject as nothing more than the deranged jibberings of a couple of "boys"....

Neil Smalley 24 April 2000 09:45 PM

Actually Harj and Shaun sounds like a pair of Saturday morning childrens TV presenters . The two guys in the muppets were called Statler & Waldorf BTW

[This message has been edited by Neil Smalley (edited 24-04-2000).]

harj 24 April 2000 09:55 PM

Im taking offense that all these people I have never met are talking about me as if they know me, moderator! Do something!!!

These accusations are offending me!


Acker 24 April 2000 10:44 PM

A whole new meaning to <B>Boys and their toys</B>.

Very SAD!

millband 24 April 2000 11:36 PM

Definitely elasticated pants. Although I prefer the more fun attitute of this board to 22B, that was taking the pi$$.

Diablo 25 April 2000 08:23 AM

No one minds a bit of banter, especially me, but then my knob is bigger than your knob arguments are never that funny


[This message has been edited by Diablo (edited 25-04-2000).]

blubs 25 April 2000 08:39 AM

I haven't been on the board since last Wednesday so probably missed the point where the thread got a bit naughty but it actually brightened my days for a while there.

I've got no real problem with Harj 'n' Shaun


Suresh 25 April 2000 12:32 PM

Started as thoroughly amusing and jolly banter, but turned nasty before it got aborted.

Could imagine it could be funny if Ali G. was doing it, but otherwise a load of old punani.

Just MHO. Fill me in if u must!


Mark Johnson 25 April 2000 02:41 PM


Becuase it didnt actually seem to achieve anything and did appear to be verging on the insulting

harj 25 April 2000 02:54 PM


Do all of you think that Shaun and I are sad or just the thread? I would like to know! As Bob said, You don't have to read it!

I would like to sincerly apologise to Stef Reader for the comments I made about him, it may have gone a little OTT. Stef is OK now once the stutter stops


Weaver 25 April 2000 03:04 PM


I thought it was classic entertainment and don't see how anyone could take these comments seriously. I may be in the minority here but I think a little extracting of the urine doesn't hurt anyone and certainly brings a smile to many people's faces.
Like the man said if you don't like it don't read it! However I can see the concerns in regards to the bandwidth issue and maybe if harj dipped into his considerable pocket this could be less of a problem.....

Anyway is the showdown still going ahead???

frisby 25 April 2000 03:37 PM

The thread in question was quite funny to start but IMHO got a bit silly near the end.

I would also say that it is a definate no-no involving people in a derogatory(sp?) manner who contribute informatively to this BBS (PC).

As this BBS is run from advertising, I don't think companies would be too please with the content of the latter part of the thread as this sort of think could put off Newbies as it did all go a bit MAXPOWER and then their advertising is going to reach a smaller focus of people.


ianlove 25 April 2000 05:19 PM

but I thought it was funny and that you couldn't take it seriously. And I am looking for a flat cap to cover the bald spot!
Still if Stef wasn't sure.....
And I was going to be on Stef's side
When is the shootout then?>

Shaun 25 April 2000 07:30 PM

Sad, Sad, Sad & quadruple sad!!!!!!

Perhaps it may of got abit close to the knuckle towards the end (but YOU may of felt different if PC owed a good friend of yours £750.00, for the past 2 months!!!!!), but at the end of the day, IT WAS CONFINED TO ONE THREAD!!!!!!

If you do not like a particluar TV programme, what do you do? Well you don't write in to the producers (well, you would if you were a SAD GIT!!), you don't watch it!!

I have never, and would never start to make so called "MAX POWER" comments on another person's thread that was serious.

Some people have obviously not got a Life outside of there Scooby & the BBS - Now that is what I call SAD! For god's sake IT'S ONLY A CAR!!!!!

If you don't like something IGNOR IT!!!

There is obviously a class thing going on here!! Why is it that 90% of Scooby owners are Computer Nerds!!! For everyone's info, I am a IT Project Manager. But the fact that I work with Commercial Eng. Contractors, probably gives the reason why I have a BRAIN & a PERSONALITY!!!


Shaun (Scatman)

Mick 25 April 2000 10:48 PM


Good point 'At the end of the day it is only a car'

I love this BBS - you feel you get to know people, and just as in real life there are 'rogues' around. If they know when to stop, they do liven up an otherwise mundane existence!

I would have prefered the language to be a bit cleaner and I confess I did not read all the thread as it got a bit long. I did get the feeling Stef was able to cope and took it all to be good fun - as I presume it was meant.

Thanks for the entertainment Harij, Shaun and Stef


Richard F 26 April 2000 08:45 AM

Changed my mind - can't be bothered with this

[This message has been edited by Richard F (edited 26-04-2000).]

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