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super_si 17 June 2003 08:37 AM

Anyone know where's the cheapest place + are they any good?


ProperCharlie 17 June 2003 08:43 AM

I can't understand how somebody has made so much money selling things that nobody needs. The only reason I can see for someone to own a LMfeckinGM is if they don't own a cooker. If you do own a cooker and a pan, put one on top of the other and there you go. BTW if the cooker is leaning at a funny angle, you've got them the wrong way round.


P1Fanatic 17 June 2003 08:49 AM

How on earth does a pan on a cooker do the same as a G.Foreman grill? I dont own one but I can see the reason people buy them. As you cook your meat the fat drips out.


super_si 17 June 2003 08:49 AM

When your into muscle building etc then you'll realise that fat isnt the best food to comsume :)


Also electric cooker so i cant have a Griddle pan.

[Edited by super_si - 6/17/2003 8:50:32 AM]

lpski1 17 June 2003 08:55 AM

I've got one, its pretty cool, gets rid of all the fat out of everything and cooks better, tastes different. When you see how much fat can come out of say some lamb chops or Steak or Sausages, you will prefer that you didnt eat what is left in the drip tray. :D I have one of the smaller versions, about £34 i think.

If you get really clever with it, you can even cook eggs, or an omelete. !! :D

ProperCharlie 17 June 2003 08:57 AM

The fat drips out when you cook meat in any case. Either under a conventional grill, in the oven, in a griddle pan or even in a normal frying pan. I suppose in a flat pan slightly more fat may be retained in the meat but I can't see it making that much difference. When I fry bacon, I start with no fat in the pan - put the bacon in, cook it, take it out. There is a big puddle of fat left in the pan - where did that come from?

Perhaps the advantage of the LMfeckinGM is that the fat doesn't burn so easily as it runs off to somewhere cooler?

ChrisB 17 June 2003 09:01 AM

BTW if the cooker is leaning at a funny angle, you've got them the wrong way round.

I'd save the cash and just grill stuff.

lpski1 17 June 2003 09:04 AM

Fair point, if you was to grill it, the fat would also drip out. But if its sitting in a flat pan, then its cooking in the fat all the time and therefore retaining it. It makes grilling easier though, less things to wash up, (unless you have a dishwater, then it doesnt matter) i have to wash up, so its convenient to just wipe the grill down and scrape out the 2kilos of fat in the tray(exag)and then wash the tray up. :)

Defiant STI 17 June 2003 09:07 AM

Hehe, we got one ;)

Try Tesco and Asda. I know that some people will thing it's the lowest of the low not shopping at Marks and Spencer or Waitrose but to them I say, get stuffed :D

lpski1 17 June 2003 09:08 AM

instead of calling it the LMfeckinGM, how about this " The Foremanator"

Then you can say, "I'm gonna Formanate some steak for dinner" and impress the ladies ;) :D :D

mj 17 June 2003 09:08 AM

What's a LMfeckinGM when its at home??

lpski1 17 June 2003 09:10 AM

Lean Mean Fat Grilling Machine - or as Proper Charlie says LMfeckinGM, lmao. :D

super_si 17 June 2003 09:18 AM

Any cheap places on the net??


lpski1 17 June 2003 09:23 AM

Google it and take a lot, quite a lot of sites :D

rik1471 17 June 2003 09:23 AM

The George Formby Grill is quality, just look at the fat which comes off a sausage!

Even a grill isn't aas good because the fat which drips off heats up and some is saturated back into the meat.

Tiggs 17 June 2003 09:28 AM

used ours twice and threw it away. it turns burgers into card, you may as well invent a machine to suck the bubbles out of pepsi!


ps- super si, arnold never owned one...geroge does.....which one is a fat muppet?

super_si 17 June 2003 09:31 AM

PS im not a body builder :rolleyes:


Alpine99 17 June 2003 10:03 AM

instead of buying one of these spend your money on buying decent meat, sausages etc. and then grill them... problem solved..

AllanB 17 June 2003 10:12 AM

Rik1§471 did you mean to say George Formby. Wasn't he that geezer with the banjo thingy ?

I tend to griddle all my food with no oil and its amazing how much oil is in most meat even the lean stuff.

Can't beat griddled mushrooms though.

I like the idea of the George Grill seems sound. Doesn't he also do a bacon rack to allow you to hang up back so the fat drips off whil you cool it in the microwave.


super_si 17 June 2003 10:17 AM

griddled is apparently too heavy for electric hobs [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Badger Stuffer 17 June 2003 10:18 AM

Does the fat sit in the corners?


beemerboy 17 June 2003 10:19 AM

george foreman is testimony to himself that his grill reduces fat...........NOT!


LOL at the george formby post...."When i'm cleaning windows.."

DJ Dunk 17 June 2003 10:20 AM

Tiggs 17 June 2003 10:24 AM

si, i thnk you'll find that arnold won a few more strong man events than george 'fat arse' forman :D

lpski1 17 June 2003 10:24 AM

great pic Dunk, PMSL :D

Didnt Georgie get porgie before he invented his miraculous LMFGM(Formantor) and has now lost over 10 stone ? ;)

super_si 17 June 2003 10:30 AM

Think you'll find he wont :rolleyes:

Arnie was a BB not a strongman

druddle 17 June 2003 10:41 AM

I got one for me birthday at the weekend as the grill i have is on the top of the elecric oven and i cant be arsed to clean the oven every time i have a sausage sarnie.

Anyway, it sickened me to see the amount of fat that came out of the very expensive, organic pork sausages (made from pigs that used to live in a farm near Faversham). They tasted lovely and I didnt get that film of fat on the bangers that ends up round yer chops.


ADP 17 June 2003 10:49 AM

my house mate has one of these, I only really use it for toasted sarnys which it does brilliantly! though it is really just another grill, just a bit more convenient, and doesnt set the fire alarms in the house off :D

V5 17 June 2003 10:51 AM

:confused: My griddle is fine on our electric hob. Admittedly, it's even better on a gas hob!

I would have an LMfeckinGM (LOL:D) having seen my mate's one being used if I didn't already have the griddle. Might buy one anyway - anything to make washing up easier.....:D:D

rik1471 17 June 2003 11:20 AM

When i'm cleanin windas

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