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Luke 14 June 2003 08:40 PM

Wish I had not bothered......!!

Mate changed my 1.6 Pentium 4 to a 2.6(??) pentium 4 on my new Dell. Also added another 256 of memory. Same type.

The computer is running Xp.

It runs slower than a 15 year old 808!!!!! It is going mad.

What the hell has happened!!!

Only full XP guru types needed.

Chance to prove your "Geek" status

Go for it to call samaritans.....

Neil Smalley 14 June 2003 09:00 PM

Check the Fan speed(Might be running very hot and hence the CPU is throttling back)
Also check the Bios.
If you can write down what's in the bios maybe we can help.

P.s deleted duplicate thread

[Edited by Neil Smalley - 6/14/2003 9:03:31 PM]

XRS 14 June 2003 09:30 PM

You didn't do a few XP updates while you were at it did you? If not I suspect incorrect BIOS settings.

Luke 14 June 2003 09:44 PM


Ive passed on this link to my friend who is doing the work so he can follow any ideas..

he is a great guy... (Ive got to say this just in case he is reading it)

But like everyone always able to listen to advice. So all help needed.


Mind you..... he would have been better if he hadnt listened to an old mate of his in the 60's. Told him to do a load of mushrooms or something and walk anti clockwise around stonehenge whistling old led zep tunes....

never the same after that!!

super_si 14 June 2003 10:46 PM

Checked the process running??


Luke 14 June 2003 11:15 PM

No changes made and no downloading.

Hanslow 14 June 2003 11:25 PM

Has it ever run OK with the new setup or has it always been pants since it has been put in?

Has the chip been auto-detected by the bios properly? Are the bus and multiplier speeds set correctly? Has any overclocking been done on the previous chip and is still in-effect for the new one?

Have/can you try without the new memory and just the chip? If you get no change, can you try the chip in another PC or another chip in yours?

Probably stupid question, but does the motherboard support the new chip? Does it need a bios update? What motherboard make/model is it?

[Edited by Hanslow - 6/14/2003 11:52:30 PM]

ScoobyNoob 15 June 2003 01:13 AM

Agree with the last poster, sometime when you put in a new CPU it's speed isn't detected properly and you get some safe default. What does the BIOS report when you reboot?

super_si 15 June 2003 07:17 AM

Think ive got it luke

The 1.6 has a 400Mhz FSB be speed 4*100mhz
the 2.6 is a 533Mhz cpu with FSB 4*133mhz

have you chaged it to support the later FSB speed?


Luke 15 June 2003 07:24 AM

Have forwarded this info to him

As always many thanks for you time and help



Wario 15 June 2003 10:14 AM

They made a P4 2.6 in 400/533/800 fsb speeds, assuming you have the correct chip you may need to update your bios for the chip to be recocognised, what is the model number of your Dell system?

Mr Footlong 15 June 2003 11:38 AM

Did you buy a full retail 2.6 cpu or OEM? If OEM did you buy another heatsink for it or are you using the heatsink that came with thee Dell? Del are well know for completely overengineering their CPU heatsinks, but I have no idea about whether they have done this with the P4 range.

I am concerned that the chipset on the actual motherboard isn't upto supporting the cpu properly. Since it was originally a 1.6cpu in there, I would guess that it is a fairly early one.

You need an i845GE or PE chipset to properly support intel 533fsb cpu's, if the mobo is Intel based tho.

2.6 400fsb p4's was bloody rare tho, so it would be good to find out exactly what you have in it. download cpu-z and run it and get all the details off there including running voltage and post them back here. download Sandra standard edition 2003, install and run Mainboard info and that will tell you the chipset used on the Motherboard. Goto ther bottom of that screen and make note of any warnings it mentions.

Run these 3 tests, CPU Arithmetic, CPU multimedia and RAM benchmark. Choose comparable processors etc from the pulldown menus after running each test to get an idea of how on par things are.

Right, too nice a day to go on anymore, so have fun.


Nick :)

Luke 15 June 2003 05:34 PM

Got it back!!! Looks like the mother board could not deal with the 2.6 chipset.

Still happy to get it back.

Mate was amazed at the quality of replies.... !!



Mr Footlong 15 June 2003 05:37 PM

We aim to please ;)

Hanslow 15 June 2003 08:41 PM

Did we pass the test then :D:D

Luke 15 June 2003 08:51 PM

Yep ...and I bet you do have dandruff.

Hanslow 15 June 2003 08:57 PM

Damn I've been sussed :D

But remember what was said in the bible.....the geek shall inherit the earth :D:D:D:D

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