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Adam M 16 March 2000 04:47 PM

I assume from the fact that you are readingthis hat you know what the title means.

To those who dont, this an icon game from when I was young and had to load games on my bbc b using an audio cassette.

I now have a copy that loads instantly on the pc and is emailable.

If anyone wants this, it is a great excuse for wasting time at work.

Relpy to this if you want a copy and I will do a block send of the game.

Markus 16 March 2000 04:54 PM

don't suppose you've got a copy for the macintosh

I'm currentley sitting here playing Pokemon blue courtesy of the virtual gameboy software on my mac.

As Tori Amos said "it's bitchin' what the things can do"

Weaver 16 March 2000 04:58 PM

Cool, send me a copy ASAP



Hudster 16 March 2000 05:18 PM

You should try this JAVA spectrum Emulator.

I believe that it has Chuckie Egg included in it's list of games. It's kept me busy at work a few times, but I find it a little slow.

Markus 16 March 2000 05:24 PM

If you have a mac then check out

RussP 16 March 2000 05:28 PM

Hi Adam

Wasn't that the one where you had to jump on a chicken's head!

Great idea, can i have a copy...? chance to re-live my youth!


IanF 16 March 2000 06:23 PM

Oh my God...I want a copy please.

DaveU 16 March 2000 06:27 PM

Gissa copy!!

Tim Bomford 16 March 2000 06:35 PM

yes please

Andy Hall 16 March 2000 06:37 PM

Me too please. Aah the good old days!!


AllanB 16 March 2000 06:42 PM

Yeah me too please.


MorayMackenzie 16 March 2000 06:45 PM

Go on then, you've twisted my arm!

Paul.G 16 March 2000 09:37 PM

Chuckie egg now that really does take me back . Retro games Brill !!

Thanks adam

Shark 16 March 2000 09:41 PM

You haven't got Elite too by any chance - I was upto dangerous I think!!

Lets scrap our pc's and go back to the good old days of loading off an audio tape, at least I never had a gpf

Did you have to talk your dad into getting the disk drive for the bbc b too Adam? When I did I could play tunes and play the game - what a step foward

I was quite good at Chuckie as I remember.

Looking for your mail,

Sorry Adam.......


[This message has been edited by Shark (edited 17-03-2000).]

JamesH 16 March 2000 09:52 PM

Anyone got the original version of dig-dug?

& I don't mean the multi-coloured one but the one that u played on a 286, then got wowed 'cos it was the dogs on a 386!

AlexM 16 March 2000 09:55 PM


I'd like a copy too please. Mail address as per my profile.

I used to be very good at this.. a two player game once lasted eight hours

About to get very, very off-topic here, but seeing as we are talking about reliving our misspent youth, has anyone checked out MAME? I had about 100 classic arcade games from the mid '80s... The ROMS are almost always under 32k in size, so you can collect loads. there are loads of fan sites on the net - unfortunatly seems to have died

There is also a nifty freeware spectrum emulator for the Psion series 5, and there are over 6000 game images on the net. surf to

stream 17 March 2000 12:09 AM

Could I have a copy as well please.

duh: forgot email

[This message has been edited by stream (edited 17-03-2000).]

Toby C 17 March 2000 12:37 AM

Can I have a copy please.



GaryC 17 March 2000 08:17 AM

Yes please - for the kids you understand......

Ian Sutton 17 March 2000 08:50 AM

One mine!!

You weren't my long lost childhood friend were you??


Ian Sutton 17 March 2000 08:53 AM

This may help!..sorry



Adam M 17 March 2000 09:38 AM

I have sent out the first batch, if any one else wants, I will wait for them to accumulate till it stops then do it again.

Alex, I realise that your email address is in your profile, but that means for each person I have to open and close a third window, then cut and paste accross to my email. It was supposed to be easier for me if you just write it, but its done now anyway.

Same goes for you moray and others.

Adam M 17 March 2000 09:39 AM

Sorry Ian, mail delivery will not allow you to get the file through email.

sunilp 17 March 2000 09:53 AM

Anyone got ManicMiner or Jet Set Willy??

AlexM 17 March 2000 10:39 AM


You will need an emulator for your PC or MAC - download one from here:

Rob Walker 17 March 2000 11:01 AM

Cooo... My boss programmed chuckie egg..

He started this company with a Princes Trust grant and is now worth squillions!

NickM 17 March 2000 11:33 AM

And me :


SPIPE 17 March 2000 03:59 PM


I'd love a copy, had it on the rubber keyed spectrum 48. I was devistated when i lost it...scarred for life. Did anyone finish Atic Atac? I got the 3 keys and back to the main door but could'nt get out, thats tormented me as well.


Sad Steve

johnfelstead 17 March 2000 04:11 PM

If any of you want detailed instructions on how to setup MAME on your PC i will happily post it here.

I now have Asteroids, space invaders. galaxians, moon cresta etc on my pc.

There are loads of others and it is identical to the original arcade games, he he, i am 15 again

JohnS 17 March 2000 04:38 PM


can you please send instructions on how to set-up MAME. I was never too keen on Chuckie Egg, but Galaxian and Asteroids are different

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