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Blow Dog 15 March 2000 12:12 AM

I do agree that the mag is heading towards Max Power territory.
But what does 'V3' on the seats mean?

Mike Rainbird 15 March 2000 12:13 AM

Don't feel that it is just the domain of Banzai - there's not a magazine currently on the market (Evo being the exception that proves the rule) that isn't full of bollox written by trappy gobsh1tes...

Revs is okay in the fact that they do actually dyno test the cars and give brief driving accounts, but still the level of journalism is borderline at the best and trashy at the worst (plus the inablity to reproduce facts and figures, which mirculously merge with other people's, so it becomes irrelevant gobbledy-gook that no-one reading it with any knowledge would then believe).

I am still waiting for a magazine that gives good technical reviews as well as factual write ups (not pub talk figures and heresay). Even if it was about boring girly (Scooby) cars I would buy it if the content was suitably aimed at those with an intelligence above the "grunt" level. Despite this, I still buy almost every car magazine on the market (and have done for years - apart from Top Gear, Car and What Car, which are for the slipper and pipe brigade), as I like a laugh at the stupidity of some people (and the bhp claims can bring tears to your eyes!).

Why can't this lot here produce a good accurate Scooby / Evo / Supra / GTiR / Skyline magazine? Surely there is enough expertise and opinionated people floating around to fill a magazine (I'd contribute

Beef 15 March 2000 12:16 AM

What! You don't believe my air-freshner has given me 400bhp and a 4sec 0-60. Have at you...

Blow Dog 15 March 2000 12:47 AM

Well, my Blowdog stickers have given me an extra 12BHP, equating to 256mph and 0-60 in 1.2 secs.

MorayMackenzie 15 March 2000 11:54 AM

Hi Guys,

Has anyone else noticed the lack of accuracy in Banzai's scooby writeups?

How about the "WRX STI V-Limited" car feature in the current issue? Have a close look at the pictures and you will see that this car is just a "WRX V-Limited", it is not an STI version. The engine bay is pure WRX non STI (No strutbrace/sti manifold/wrx intercooler), the STI badging, where present, is wrong (foglamp covers for instance), the interior is not STI (non STI momo wheel etc...).

Now I don't know if the owner, William Robinson, has miss-informed Banzai or if the magazine has just made it up from remembered fragments of conversation and the STI stickers on the car, but I believe they should be more careful with regards to accuracy of their content.

How on earth they can claim 350bhp for those modifications to a standard 97/98 WRX engine
with a RAISED compression ratio and no change of turbo is a mystery to me!

It's getting so similar to Fast Car / Max Power style "Oh I get 300bhp from my RS turbo with just a chip and exhaust!".

(Genuine WRX STI V-Limited)

Bajie 15 March 2000 01:14 PM

In a Polo!

Jonathan 15 March 2000 01:17 PM

I met one of the journalist at the last Power Engineering day. He confirmed to me he knew nothing of the Subaru Market, only Ford.

You have to think the owner has misinformed him.

Still it makes his the most powerfull Version III doesnt it.


Oh and the rear wing is STI V not 22B from what I can see

Ian Cook 15 March 2000 01:18 PM

The SIDC tax disc holder is good for 50 BHP as well, and the stickers are worth 10 BHP each, especially if you have one in the front and one in the back for balance, so 70BHP increase free with SIDC membership, even works on Cossies as Mike can confirm LOL

MorayMackenzie 15 March 2000 01:43 PM


It doesn't look like a version 3 to me. The interior changed to the squarer current style (as in this car) at version 4 IIRC. So it would be a non STI WRX with a smaller turbo... Yeah, your right, it must be the most powerful car out there, short of the Scotish HKS beast!


Andrew Dixon 15 March 2000 02:23 PM

The Impreza guide in Japanese Performance was similarly bad.

A MY98 Prodrive WR Sport the owner claimed now had 270 bhp due to Prodrive's fettling ... on an MY98?

The 22B owner who liked his 22B as it had more room inside than a normal Impreza due to it being wider!!

The Impreza WRX STI V-Spec?!?!


Mark Johnson 15 March 2000 02:30 PM


That has to be the best value £'s for BHP I have ever heard of ! 3.5 BHP per £.

Do you reckon if you joined twice you could 140 BHP extra ?

Ian Cook 15 March 2000 03:39 PM

I'll have a word with Dick, Mark and get a second tax disc holder on trial and let you know ROFLMAO

DanTheMan 15 March 2000 06:01 PM

Guys, the REAL bolt on horepower gains are best viewed on this website, you will laugh......

robski 16 March 2000 08:26 AM


I was wondering about that.

Im depressed now, I didnt spot the wider 22b bit!

I have a feeling that most of the Banzai team are actually ex fast car or max power writers. (not that I had a misspent youth!)


Gethin 16 March 2000 09:15 AM

As I have said before the magazines are very inconsistent in their reports and car stats...usually at least one or two stats in their report are plain and simply's all a bit of a joke really. I'm glad I bought the Scooby after a test drive and not based on some poncy mag article


Charlie 16 March 2000 11:48 PM

I haven't seen the article in question, but I have seen a V3 STi V-limited Coupe out here in Cyprus. I looked it over VERY carefully... It's a WRX with the coupe body. Has V4 style seats with V3 in a WRC laurel wreath on the seats. No STi strut brace, but it had the STi rev/speedo combo. No EM cetre diff. Basically it's a WRX coupe with a carbon mid-level spoiler. Had a limited plate on the centre console too. If anyone wants piccies to confirm, next time I head pat the garage where it was, I'll try to get some piccies.

MorayMackenzie 17 March 2000 01:21 PM

Cheers Charlie, that could be interesting.

Did the car have the STI inlet manifold and silver intercooler? Were the badges on the spotlamp blanking plates just pink STI ones or proper white STI Subaru Technica International ones?

It is quite an interesting sounding car, a 2 door car with ABS and a WRX engine, sounds like the P1, but at a reasonable cost...

Still wonder if it's really an STI because the details are so different to my STI 3 V-Limited with RA Bodyshell...


ShadowNinja 17 March 2000 01:21 PM

As for handling, active yaw control is supplied via the nodding dog


Charlie 17 March 2000 02:10 PM

Actually, that's another thing. Didn't have blanking plates, it had foglights. And a roof vent.

I think that there were at least 2 specials that year. It's like the V6 specials. The only V-Lim this year that isn't schizophrenic is the STi Wagon, which is the same as the standard STi Wagon, but with the ally gear know/console and blue details, and in 22b/terzo/555/sonic/v-lim (did I miss one?) blue.

MorayMackenzie 17 March 2000 03:35 PM

Don't they do a V-Limited STI _and_ a V-Limited WRX run?

Blow Dog 17 March 2000 03:42 PM

cems head explodes!

NITO 17 March 2000 03:54 PM

I have to defend myself here! That's my MY98 in Japanese Performance. It's a Prodrive WR Sport without the PPP...I left it out as it was crap that year..the engine mods the car has are limited to an HKS boost controller running 1.15 bar and full exhaust/induction kit and the figure of 260-270bhp was an underestimate on my part as shortly after that article I had it rolling roaded at PE where it produced a very respectable 286bhp which as you can imagine I was very happy about bearing in mind that it's a UK car.

You bunch of doubting Thomas'!!!


MorayMackenzie 17 March 2000 04:51 PM


Have you been following the Rolling road accuracy questioned type thread thing recently?


NITO 17 March 2000 05:31 PM

No I haven't but it'll never be rocket science, so many variables to take into account and so on......but with cars measured on the same day it's a good comparative measure surely! It gives a good indication of the cars power if nothing else. Look at how the standard Sti's all tend to produce around the 265 to 280 mark, not too far from the quoted 276.

NITO 17 March 2000 05:33 PM

I just got your D.Thomas!!!

MorayMackenzie 17 March 2000 05:35 PM

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