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PhilBennett 02 March 2000 08:36 PM

What do you think about this car?

Joe 02 March 2000 08:49 PM

Nice seats
Smart interior

Why do you ask ?

johnfelstead 02 March 2000 09:08 PM

i Think its pants.

looks nice but should have a 4x4 cossie under the skin.

loads of dosh for bugger all performance.

In other words a posers paradise, takes no skill to drive.

AllanB 02 March 2000 09:11 PM

Saw one a a local ford dealer and thought it just looked so stupid. I like the standard puma but the racing ones looks like it been eating packets of lard all day.

When you can have a new Scooby for the same dosh the only appeal is to be different !!


PhilBennett 02 March 2000 09:21 PM

Well I didn't want to taint the feedback but I think it is over hyped and doesn't deliver very much - Like the respondants so far I can't why you'd buy one over a Impreza BUT the press never seem willing to tell it like it is.

I remember in 98 Ford offering a 1400cc car with a Swindon tuned motor as a rally kit car with the same power - so I can't understand what went wrong!

dumpsonscoobs 02 March 2000 11:07 PM

Johnfelstead - Wheres the skill in driving an underpowered 4wd !
Just wondering?

johnfelstead 02 March 2000 11:11 PM

If you are refering to my sport then you obviously dont know me at all.

If you are refering to the 4x4 cossie stuff, i mean including the turbo YB motor.

chrisp 02 March 2000 11:13 PM

With out comparing it to a scooby but the market in general, all things considered and looking at from a sales and values for money point of view

Overpriced and underpowered


Philip Thurlow 02 March 2000 11:17 PM

I own a Impreza Sport also and I think it hardly underpowered - ok compared to a Turbo it is yes but how far are you gonna take it ?
A WRX sti is also underpowered compared to a F1 car now isnt it ? I'm getting pretty fed up with people underminding the SPORT !
long live the Sport long live the Sport !
*Phil gets off his soapbox*
sorry about that little outburst

blubs 03 March 2000 08:20 AM

Allan B,

Whats wrong with eating packets of lard all day?

Mark Johnson 03 March 2000 08:51 AM

I do find it very funny when you get someone new to the board who spouts a load of rubbish.

This is particularly amusing when dumponscoobs (probably a Ford Driver and a member of the RSOC board) decides to take a pop at John Felstead !

Ian Cook 03 March 2000 09:25 AM

But Philip, it costs as much as, if not more than a Turbo thats why its being compared to it.

grief 03 March 2000 09:32 AM

I don't think it appeals to the majority of Impreza owners because the emphasis of the Puma (both standard and racing) is on looks, not outright ability.

I've noticed that a fair number of Puma's on the road are driven by women, who in these cases perhaps prefer aesthetic appeal over function. It certainly isn't value for money, in my eyes, and obviously not to the rest of you after VFM in their purchase.

Evo magazine's MD is quite vocal in his opinion of the Impreza, acknowledging that it has great dynamic qualities but thinks there's more to life than going round corners as fast as possible.

Then again, I'd rather a Puma than a 316i

spence 03 March 2000 09:41 AM

Every thing I have read about the Puma says it's the handling that makes it such a good car and that because of this you can make the most of the ok power it makes...

Grubby 03 March 2000 10:07 AM

I think it looks good but on paper the performance looks only average - but £23k????? If I wanted a new 'hot' ford (which I don't) I would take the ST200 for the same money. Puma should be priced to compete with Clio 172, 306 GTI-6 etc. Puma is not a serious performance car so why is it priced as one?

zoog 03 March 2000 03:04 PM

It s 10 K too expensive and i think tiffany Needell summed it up perfectly on Top Gear a couple of weeks back, though I cant remember exactly what he said it was tyo the effect that its a hairdryer for hairdressers.

Its as slow as hell, and 10K is a lot for some arches and nasty Sparco`s, not even Recaros.

All show and no go, a recipe for embarrassment.

And worse than all this is the fact that its a Ford.

[This message has been edited by zoog (edited 03-03-2000).]

Joe 03 March 2000 05:38 PM


You drive a sport eeh...interesting.

My wife looked at a Puma racing....just for curiosity sake.

I recommended a sport...just like your I guess....

Tell me, are the good lady's car ??


Mike Rainbird 03 March 2000 05:45 PM

Ouch, that was below the belt...

johnfelstead 03 March 2000 06:51 PM

Oh joe, yee of little knowledge.

people who have some intelligence and who have some history on here know better than to say that you plonker.

get a life, and a message to your wife. Get a divorce, theres more to life than living with a f**kwit

Philip Thurlow 03 March 2000 06:55 PM

Joe - Are you going to donno - I'd take a spare set of tyres with you as me and John might be a tad angry !!
(only kidding btw)

dumpsonscoobs 03 March 2000 08:53 PM

Who said anything about the sport - I meant Imprezas in general, not silouette racers and the like.

johnfelstead 03 March 2000 09:57 PM

a standard impreza turbo will kick the ass of a standard cossie, sorry but its true.

a highly modded RS will be quicker than a modded scoob as there is more potential for development at the mo.

Oh and buy the way, i was driving one of the quickest cossies at the RS owners club day at silverstone, i know my stuff on cossies so dont start this imature mines better than yours crap, its tedious. Been there and done it, even got the T shirt (yawn)

Joe 04 March 2000 12:23 AM

Talk about a sense of humour crisis.

Have a wonderful time...I'll read your scripts with interest.


PS...Positive only has one 's'

AllanB 04 March 2000 09:10 AM

Blubs, if you're on the lard all day you'll end up like that tiny dicked road Nazi in the Bacon related post.


PS Puma is a slightly less effeminate Tigra cousin in my books.

Joe 04 March 2000 10:10 AM

John Felstead,

More personal digs....and more spelling mistakes.

Maybe you should take that sport to evening classes...but seriously if you have any problems reading this BBS then please mail me direct and I will ask my 5yr old daughter to help you out. the tone of John !

johnfelstead 04 March 2000 11:28 AM


you are a very, very, very sad individual.

you have had nothing to say in any of your posts that has contributed in any way to a possitive aproach to life.

In our last mini-disagreement you got personal, i retaliated in kind. I then realised that this is not a mature approach and so appologised for my tone.

Here you are again, your first chance to comment is a negative, personal attack.

Why dont you just grow up, go away and play with yourself. I am not going to waste anymore of my precious time replying to a moron like you.

Feel free to slag me off at will, i will not be responding to any of your comments. I can guarantee however that it will make you look a very stupid man, which is what you are.

People who know me on here, and read my posts, seem to learn something from them and i enjoy the light hearted banter with some fantastic people.

you i am sorry to say, don't have the mental capacity to be able to see 2 points of view and have to resort to slander.

Bye, bye joe

i will not miss you, you prat.

dumpsonscoobs 04 March 2000 12:21 PM

Yep quite agree with all of that, dont believe that that was what I was saying though. Ps What have cossies got to do with it.

chrisp 04 March 2000 01:30 PM

Mr Dumponscoobs,

You would happen to be named Steven by any chance ?

Its just looking at your profile, as having a RS and you location is Scotland. I maybe completely wrong through


chrisp (part-time detective)

dumpsonscoobs 04 March 2000 04:00 PM

eh....... no

Better luck next time

blubs 06 March 2000 09:16 AM

Allan B,

How dare you Sir! (Mind you the tiny dick part is right

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