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V5 29 January 2003 11:03 AM

My wife's having an interview for a cracking new job this afternoon and is thinking that this question is bound to come up. Obviously, I think she's perfect :D :barf: :rolleyes: so can't help with any answers! So, looking for some suggestions!

Constructive ones please - no ripping the p!ss!! Yes, I mean you Neil! :p :D

[Edited by V5 - 1/29/2003 11:04:21 AM]

TopBanana 29 January 2003 11:06 AM

Perfectionist, don't suffer fools gladly?

Kippax 29 January 2003 11:09 AM

she could say "perhaps my only weakness is not being able to identify my weaknesses suggesting i dont have any weaknesses which makes me weaknessless"


Scoobydick 29 January 2003 11:09 AM

Eczema :D
. have to watch The Office to get that one!

V5 29 January 2003 11:13 AM

Ta Kippax - if she manages that at least it'll be proof that she didn't need any Dutch courage beforehand!! :D

bros2 29 January 2003 11:28 AM

Ones that go down well are:

"I can be quite demanding, and I really find it hard to cope with a team member who won't put the same amount of effort in as myself. It can be extremely frustrating when you have someone who just doesn't seem to try. I can't abide laziness, and sometimes I suppose this shows through."


"At times I take on too much work; I know I should from time to time refuse to get involved and tell other people that I don't have time to help, but when you know the job won't otherwise get done properly, it's difficult."


"I've had to work with a colleague for the part xxx months who constantly complains. They're entitled to their view, and I accept that not everyone can have the same level of motivation, but I find I have to bite my tongue from time to time, and find a reason to end the conversation."

They've all worked for me, mainly because they're true.


V5 29 January 2003 11:32 AM

Cheers Bros, they're gooduns, esp the 2nd one. (Much better than my "Errrr....don't think I've got any" as a callow yoof :rolleyes: I honestly can't remember which interview that was in....but prolly one of the ones I didn't get! :rolleyes:)

TopBanana 29 January 2003 11:35 AM

bros2 - the first two are very good, would stay away from the third. Best not to slag anyone off IMHO

Fat Boy 29 January 2003 12:03 PM

"Chocolate",said with a disarming smile! As used by my wife in her interview with the law firm where she now works

paulr 29 January 2003 12:17 PM

You should never admit to weaknesses,but politely.I would answer...

"Well i try to concentrate on my strengths,i think thats the best approach"..or something like that.

They dont really want to know your weaknesses,and even if they do its up to them to find out for themselves,they just want to see how you react to the question.

V5 29 January 2003 12:41 PM

LOL @ paulr! Just spoken to her and she said she'd thought of saying chocolate as well! :) Fingers crossed that it's a job getting omen! :D

MattN 29 January 2003 12:48 PM

depends on the job.

Don't be too specific, just enough to show you are aware you're not perfect!

I'd stay away from bitiching about colleagues :)

SPEN555 29 January 2003 12:49 PM

Good thread this.

Hopefully doing a few interviews myself soon.

Can anyone give suggestions as to what to say on these questions?

(1). What sort of things put you under pressure? Give me an example and tell me how you cope.

(2). What would your colleagues say about you?

I can't stand it when they ask (2).


steve McCulloch 29 January 2003 12:59 PM

Well I'm conducting interviews myself (the interviewer) for some qualified finance posts..

There is no way I would ask that question... its a sign of a poor interviewor.. I mean if I was asked that question I'd be asking them if they wanted a text book answer or a real answer.. at that point I'd probably be asked to leave the interview

I would however ask such a question in an indirect way by saying something like

''I I asked one of your peers what they thought of you what do you think they woud say'' thats a total open ended question and is like '' tell me a story..

Can certainly un-nerve the idiots...

I really think that for most jobs its my chance to find out if you fit in. If I dont think I can then theres no way they are getting the job no matter how good they, or their experiences are

Most people can do the job..... its personality that counts... in finance its a real benefit.. most are a bunch of sad and serious wan*ers

paulr 29 January 2003 01:06 PM

LOL @ paulr

As for the question.."what would your colleagues say about you"..i'd answer...

"Well i'd hope they say i'm easy to work with,hardworking and good at my job,at least thats what i'd hope they say" (then smile:D)

V5 29 January 2003 01:11 PM

D'oh! Sorry, read both your post and Fat Boy's and got the usernames mixed up when replying. Sorry! Yours was good advice, certainly nothing to be laughed at! :rolleyes:

paulr 29 January 2003 01:12 PM

I really think that for most jobs its my chance to find out if you fit in. If I dont think I can then theres no way they are getting the job no matter how good they, or their experiences are

I agree,the interview is just there to find out what sort of person you are and to make sure you're not a total wa*ker/nerd.
Thats why when i'm asked what my weaknesses are i never admit to any.
You could say "i thought you might ask that" and get a list out of your pocket:D.....

TelBoy 29 January 2003 01:18 PM

My weaknesses are listed on the left.

But i'd never admit to them in an interview!! :D

paulr 29 January 2003 01:24 PM

But you dont mind telling us about them:D...

TelBoy 29 January 2003 01:29 PM

LOL! :D Indeed. I'd die if an interviewer began "I see from Scoobynet..."

:o :D

paulr 29 January 2003 01:32 PM

Unless the interviewr was TurboKitty:D....

steve McCulloch 29 January 2003 01:33 PM


I thought it was mostly IT bods on here

If I saw that they were really into cars, that might give them the upper hand. That said would they get any work done!.. if they were constantly on this site

TurboKitty 29 January 2003 01:37 PM

I'd die if an interviewer began "I see from Scoobynet..."
Not likely unless your c.v. is headed "Telboy"...

Besides, I've tried to picture it and I just can't see you dying in that situation.

[Edited by TurboKitty - 1/29/2003 1:41:12 PM]

TurboKitty 29 January 2003 01:39 PM

Unless the interviewr was TurboKitty
Paulr, what exactly are you trying to say here???!!

SPEN555 29 January 2003 01:44 PM

I'm not an I.T. bod. I just have time to browse Scoobynet as I am awaiting notification of redundancy.

For my sins I am in Finance and I am ACMA qualified.

p.s. Quite good being a Financial Controller in 2003 when manufacturing for the factory finished in November 2002??? It gets extremely boring though. The group just does not seem to want to let me go.


steve McCulloch 29 January 2003 02:00 PM

I'm looking for Qualified accountants in West London and the USA. ACA/ACCA/CIMA....

I was made redundant and re-employed the same day by the same company..they paid me a bonus instead.. long story and wont go into it

However the department is within audit.. so most would find it fairly dull and it involves a lot of travel.. That said I've got loads of cv's in... mostly crap though

SPEN555 29 January 2003 02:50 PM


I started my Finance career in Audit/Practice and quickly got put off by being paid for absolutely busting my balls to do a job, get paid ~ £2 an hour and get charged out at ~ £10 an hour.

Having moved into more Management Accounting I find it more interesting than ticking the boxes. Although I'm sure Auditors would find my job boring because I am always dealing with the same business.

I don't like travelling a lot as I believe a CCAB qualified person's time is wasted while travelling as it is very difficult to get anything done.

p.s. Steve, you don't work for one of the big 6..5..4 I can't keep up with it! do you as they always seem to be shedding staff like it's going out of fashion.


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