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The Zohan 15 January 2003 02:40 PM

OK, now i have your attention

Without prejudice

We ordered two and three seater settees from SCS for the princely sum of £ 1800.00 on the 12 Oct 2002. SCS promised to deliver them before Christmas. This was put in writing part of the agreement.

1st December we call SCS to see how things are going, they inform us that the furniture will be with us w/c 9th Dec. Friday of that week we get a call to say that they where mistaken and the furniture is not ready. – SCS apologise profusely

15th December – Chased them up again as they have not called, “No problem, it will be with you this week” – by Thursday I call them and guess what – “not this week sir, but will be with you next week” – SCS are still full of apologies.

Friday 20th – I Call the branch to ask just what is going on and give them a verbal kick up the ar$e, nothing nasty just how the customer is King, that when I deal with suppliers they either get it right or I do not deal with them again and that we want this sorted out, yet again they fall over themselves top apologise (I get the impression they have to do this a lot!) – In the end I get the name and number of the customer services Director and call head office, explain how we keep getting false delivery info and that the Northampton branch do not seem to be getting anywhere with their suppliers – Guess what – he falls over himself to apologise and says that he will get it sorted and either he or the Area Manager will get back that day. – I get a call at 20:15 Friday night to say that the furniture will be with us by or on the 24th Dec!

Monday 23rd Dec – I call SCS head office and speak to the C/S Dir again, he assures me “that we will get our furniture and he will get the N’pton manager to call me right back” – I tell him not to worry I will go down and have a word with him myself. I go down to the shop – The manager apologies and promises me that the furniture is going to be at the distribution warehouse in Cov and with us on the 24th probably by lunchtime. Also they where” letting down another 12 people who’s orders where not completed and I was one of the luck ones………….”

Xmas eve
Cannot get hold of SCS N’pton, get a call at 14:00hrs to explain that “the furniture has not arrived at Cov and that they are not even sure if it has be completed by their supplier!!!!” – Bunch of to$$ers and that the suppliers does not open until the 8th Jan. He offers a measly £ 100.00 off of the price if we proceed with the order and say that we will have our furniture by the 17th Jan. – What a ****ter to happen on Xmas eve! waited in doors in case it turned up and to be called at 2PM – Needless to say they where apologetic!

4th Jan went down and demanded £ 200.00 off for our trouble, it really is not the money it is the principal – Also asked the manager if he had deliberately lied to me on the 23rd Dec, - he looked down at his feet as he answered “no” and apologised some more. He said he would chase it up and get back to me ASAP and that our furniture should be with us for the w/c 13th Jan

8th Jan
Called them just to check as the manager had not got back to me - "will be w/c 13th Jan"

15th Jan – Had to call SCS as they had not got back – Yes you’ve probably guessed it – They apologised and said “it would be next week”

The morale as such is only go to SCS if you want broken promises and a lot of apologies and go elsewhere if you want good customer service and your furniture on time.

These people do not know the meaning of customer service!

WE are thinking of cancelling, have been since xmas eve but this may mean another 6-12 week wait with another company and we want it now!

[Edited by Paul Habgood - 1/15/2003 3:55:34 PM]

Hanley 15 January 2003 02:56 PM

Go to DFS mate

We got our leather reclining sofa 4 weeks earlier than the agreed date

I was well impressed, also one of the chairs had a slight leather scratch on it and they were out in 2 days and recovered it.

Top job

what would scooby do 15 January 2003 03:09 PM

SCS = Selling Crap to Suckers - sorry !!

They have a reputation and their prices are awful, I bought two two seater leather sofa's from a local place £800 the pair due to "double discounts" i.e. items half price, and buy one get one free

Shark 15 January 2003 03:20 PM


Sorry to hear that. We bought from Land of Leather early November with a before Christmas promise. Got concerned on the 16th and called them. I then had to cancel a party I was going to some distance away as they insisted on delivery between 9am and 6pm on Sunday 22nd :eek:

Just in time, but sounds like they they may all be the same !


NotoriousREV 15 January 2003 03:51 PM

Hanley, out of interest, did they recover you chair in your house, or did they take it away?

cjones944 15 January 2003 03:51 PM


They've already mucked you about enough. Imagine what they'll be like once they've delivered it and you run into a problem.

lordharding 15 January 2003 03:55 PM

upholstery retailing is like that, i ran a shop for 7 years!!
go to the furniture show at Birminghams NEC on sunday (make up a buisness card before hand) as you are setting up a furniture shop ! if you find a firm that will supply you it will be at cost +vat . eg my leather suite £1630 to me £4500 in the shop :D :D you could prob pick up your £1800 suite for £650 . ig you offer to buy their sample suite even cheaper with quick delivery.

brickboy 15 January 2003 05:17 PM

If any consolation, we got a suite from Multiyork and have had nothing but trouble. Material fraying, seams splitting, had to have the repair people out twice to fix loose / broken springs.

OK, it's got a 10-year guarantee but it's a pain in the arse having to sort out fixing it, etc.

scooby-new 15 January 2003 07:16 PM


If everyone did it they would have to sort out the problem- until then its crappy service as usual I'm afraid.

Luke 15 January 2003 07:54 PM

Typical British attitude to buisiness .....

russell hayward 15 January 2003 08:03 PM

I agree

Cancel the order, without doubt. I wouldn't let them have my money after this mess.

Hanley 15 January 2003 09:21 PM


They did it in our house

It was only the part where your feet go when you recline that needed doing

Only took 30 mins or so

3times 15 January 2003 10:09 PM

also had loads of trouble with SCS. wouldn't give them the time of day.

at one stage i wanted to go and 'do' all the windows because of all the ****e that the shop come out with, luckily the missus has more control.

In the end (after over 12 months of being messed about) they saw my opinion, but only when i threatened court action.

personally i would cancel.

Clarebabes 15 January 2003 10:15 PM

Sorry, but I got quite a good deal with them when I bought my sofa bed a few years back. Still going strong as well.

I actually got it before they said I would.... Perhaps they've gone downhill in the last year or so?

Dave P 16 January 2003 12:47 PM

Had the same problem with DFS, more promised delivery times than I've had hot dinners.

Also ordered some garden furniture for the summer last year and the same thing happened. In the end we gave up. They rang in the first week of September to say they could deliver. My wife told them where they could deliver. Fortunately we hadn't paid a deposit.

Seems customer service isn't a priority these days.


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