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stuscooby 28 December 2002 10:59 PM

Hi all
Im new to the site after just getting my new scooby and am very greatfull for all the help.
If i can be of any help on insurance maters please ask as im a branch manager for a well known national company and am happy to help/advise on any insurance maters .

cheers all

SiDHEaD 29 December 2002 02:02 AM

Mail me as per profile if its Tesco please :D

or if you can help a 20yr old with 1yrs no claims (will be 2 in oct) and 1 fault accident neary 3yrs ago... Current lowest is £3k :eek::eek::eek::eek:!!


[Edited by SiDHEaD - 12/29/2002 2:02:12 AM]

stuscooby 29 December 2002 09:31 AM

If its a UK car id try Adrian Flux,High Performance or Liverpool & Victoria direct. If its an Import Tesco will probally be your best
bet if theyll cover you.Do you have a partner you can name on the policy as this will help.Also garage,Thatcham 1,a higher excess and drop millage if possible?. The accident shouldnt make any diference by now its just your age and no claims bonus working against you.

M0NEY 29 December 2002 11:53 AM

Adrian Flux wont as you have to have 1 years experience on the scoob but Tesco will. They helped with my import at 21 with 3 years NCB.

Once you get that 1st years experience, you will have more insurance look at you but alot of companies wouldnt quote me at 20 but at 21, i got a few quotes which were actually quite decent!

Stuscooby, cant you sort us out on insurance as i know insurance companies can easilu change their quote quite alot! First time of my last car Adrian FLux quoted me £1200 (not a scoob) but after shopping about and kept telling Adrian Flux im getting better quotes, they came down to £680 in then end! Big jump on a Golf 1.4!!! Lmao :D

symon wrx 29 December 2002 10:46 PM

hi mate just wonderin what happens when car is a total loss & the vaule of car is not what your being offered i mite be in this situation soon accident not my fault
i was hit in the rear at roundabout pushin me into car in front also at what point do insurance companys decide car is total loss

stuscooby 30 December 2002 07:49 AM

The principle of insurance is to put you back in the same finacial position you were in before the accident.If the accident wasnt your fault an enginier will look at the car and decide if if is viable to repair it.usually providing there is no chassis damage and the car would be safe to put back on the road then as a rule of thumb the insurer will pay up to 70% of cars value to repair it.
If its written off there are different classes of this .
the 1st been not viable to repair due to cost then the rest are usually stipulating the car must go to a breakers and not back on the road.
As insurance companys deal with so many cars price wise they tend to work off the likes of parkers price guides which im sure your aware are never very kind to these and many other high performance cars espically imports.
In my opinion if your offered a low value see if you can by the car back from the insurer (THIS WILL BE VERY CHEAP AS THEY WILL SAVE ALL MANNER OF COSTS) and arrange repair with another garage (ie NOT EXPENSIVE INSURANCE APPROVED ONE) even the sam garage will probally quote you 20% lower if your paying direct (SAD BUT TRUE)
this way you would quite likely be up on the deal and have money left over.
Its up to you but if it was me thats what id do just remember the accident will be reported on the HPI books and this could affect a sale of the car later on

symon wrx 30 December 2002 11:05 AM

thanx mate thats excellant its cleared a few points up 4 me

TCMY95 31 December 2002 12:33 AM

Hi there

I have a scooby which is soon to become my weekend car, I live in a Manchester Postcode and £1200 a year is a little to much for the amount of miles it will be doing..My Parents have just bought a place over near southport and know that the post code makes a difference..If the car was kept over there most of the time but spent most weekends in Manchester will I be legal insuring it from the parents address...?



Patt@firstime 31 December 2002 12:37 AM


Please read my plea for help regarding the mini, any help/advise would be appreciated.


Matt :D

turbonutter 05 January 2003 02:58 PM

Currently being messed around with regards to a claim -

I own a Ltd edt MX5 (Sep 00) which is kept in Spain. The car is registered to me but insured in a friends name as he uses while trying to sell it for me because I am based in the UK now and therefore cannot and do not need to use it.

He took the car out and left it parked at the roadside. When he returned to it, he found it had been hit.

The vehicle which hit it left no details.

Damage visible is -
*Alloy pointing in at an angle from bottom to top.
*Airbags deployed.
*Windscreen cracked from bottom corner on impact side.
*Wing buckled over alloy into door/bonnet.
*Bonnet buckled and forced to windscreen.
*Headlight smashed
*Bumper wrecked on impact corner
*Roof torn (I suspect someone cut this afterwards)

Bumper was then torn off when a tow truck lifted the car rear-end first and dragged the front along the road.

Suspect the chasis must have some damage or twisted as to have put stress on the windscreen to crack it. As the bonnet was jammed shut there was no way to tell if there was damage to air/con units etc.

Insurance co. contesting -

Who was driving: I can prove I wasn't in the country. The car was parked up anyway and was left there by the insured friend who notified me of the damage.

Who should inspect/repair the car/pay transport:
Car was purchased in Madrid but damaged over 1000 miles away. Would cost over £700 to transport it back to the original garage.

Any comments or suggestions?

stuscooby 05 January 2003 06:18 PM


To be honest mate i cant think of anyone that would touch it on your age and no ncb.any underwriter is going to want some proof of being a good driver etc before they agree to cover a car like that.
sounds a beast though!!
The only advice i can give is to trowl every specialist broker you can find.I wouldnt expect change from 2-3 grand if they do cover it though mate sorry couldnt be more helpfull.

stuscooby 05 January 2003 06:22 PM

Turbo nutter.

sorry to hear bad situation mate.
Firstly is the car insured in you or your mates name?if yours is he a named driver and are the insurance company aware your not in the country ?If its in his name are they aware he dosnt own/register it ?
if you can answer those for me mate ill give it some thought

Patt@firstime 05 January 2003 06:30 PM

OK, cheers anyway stu

Matt :D

doctor CLIFFORD 05 January 2003 06:37 PM

!!!!!Turbo nutter !!!!!!
Your mate says when he came back to your car it was damaged!!
Bollox the AIR BAGS will not fire unless the ignition is on!!!!!!!

I would have another word with him if i was you!!

Ray_li 05 January 2003 07:46 PM


Im 22 years old with 2 years NCB.
looking to by a standard scooby about £8k-£10k.
What can i do to keep my insurance cost as low as possible.
I have my Pass Plus.
No garage to park car (my old man has his car in there)
im getting quotes about £1600

stuscooby 05 January 2003 09:51 PM

Ray is this a standard uk model if so please mail me as you could be the example im looking for at the moment for a scheme im trying to set up.Id need to take some details to give you a quote but would rather not shout them on this page so anyone can see them for your sake

turbonutter 06 January 2003 01:15 AM

sorry to hear bad situation mate.
Firstly is the car insured in you or your mates name?if yours is he a named driver and are the insurance company aware your not in the country ?If its in his name are they aware he dosnt own/register it ?
if you can answer those for me mate ill give it some thought
Car is insured in his name - I am not even on the policy as I don't drive the car, they were aware it was my car when the policy was taken out so he coudl fetch it from Madrid where it was originally used.

They are aware that I am not in the same country as the car. I showed them the ticket for the flight I had to get to go over there (to see them and co-sign the claim form) and gave them a photocopy of my passport so they could contact the airline to make sure I did get a flight out there.

smithy 06 January 2003 04:06 PM

Stuscooby, can you tell me some of the best companies to get quotes for an evo VI please?

Eric Chadwick 09 January 2003 01:32 PM

Someone ran into the back of me yesterday eve when I was stationary at traffic lights - her foot slipped off the brake!

Question is will a no fault claim end up costing me at renewal time?

Could cost around a grand to fix although it looks very superficial damage.

WRX PLAYTIME 13 January 2003 03:50 PM

how much would you charge me for insurance with your company on a 93 imported wrx o im 19 both third party and fully comp if thats alright cheers

speedstermick 14 January 2003 03:48 AM

how much for a my 96 most insurance companys think its a p1.age 34 5 yrs p ncd.


chunter 14 January 2003 04:44 PM

StuScooby, I am moving down to the Farnborough (Hampshire) area with work from Scotland (Lanarkshire). My current postcode is ML10 and the new postcode will be GU51. Do you think this will make my premium go up or down?

Many thanx,

Calum :)

druddle 16 January 2003 02:47 PM

Stuscooby - YGM. Need to get 21 yr old bird insured on her 1.3 1 yr old Yaris SR.


matt5cott 17 January 2003 10:27 AM

Ray_li -
Im 22 years old with 2 years NCB.
looking to by a standard scooby about £8k-£10k.
What can i do to keep my insurance cost as low as possible.
I have my Pass Plus.
No garage to park car (my old man has his car in there)
im getting quotes about £1600


Similar situation here, im 22 in June, at which point Im also intending to spend 8k-10k my insurance also expires in June, at which point (assuming I dont crash) I will also have 2 yrs NCB

Any advice on what I can do to lower costs welcomed :)

naturbo2000 19 January 2003 10:46 PM

stuscooby - teach you not to put a message like that up ;)

Anyway I'm 25 with 4 years NCB (in march - renewal date).

I've got a MY03 WRX on the way. where am I going to find insurance?

Tricky bit - g/f 22 I want on the policy too (take it this rules out LV). And I want to mod it - zaust, wheels, spoiler, poss ICE. And I live just outside London. 3 points TS10 Sept 01.


PS I've had a Sport since May 01 if that helps

[Edited by naturbo2000 - 1/19/2003 10:47:43 PM]

andyr 19 February 2003 10:40 AM

Ok I'veposted this question on a seperate pot but here's the gist of it.
I am 35, passed test 15 or so years ago (something like 1987)
No claims/accidents etc for about 10 years
Had own car insurance until around 4 years ago when due to circumstances we decided that my wife would take out the our car insurance in her name. At that point I had 6 years protected NCD.
I now want to insure an Impreza but when I supply the answer 0 to the question - "How many years NCD have you got" the quote is unpleasantly high.
Norwich Union seemed clued up to the fact that the family car would get driven as much by me (named driver on my wife's policy) as by her as she, like many (not all !) women don't particularly enjoy driving and if the pair of us go out in the car I nearly always drive, but all others don't seem to have the facility to take this on board. If the answer to the NCD question is 0 years then 0 years is what I have and I am therefore a high(er) risk than I really am.
I'd appreciate some advice on how I can improve my situation.



saxovts2000 20 February 2003 08:49 PM


I'm just looking about for insurance on either a 99T Subaru RB5 or 00W Turbo both standard.

I'm 24 living in a TW Post code in London area

Garaged and limited to 6000 a year as it would be a second car 6 years ncb but 1 accident, no points.

I'm gettin quotes of about £1300-1500 any ideas how I can get it down more?
If you want to e-mail me the address is



MrShades 21 February 2003 06:08 PM


Would appreciate feedback on 2-car issue, posted by me a few mins ago.



dic0069 23 February 2003 03:59 PM

Anyone help!!

Bought STI V7 Jap Import, whos best on insurance a moment!!!!!!

Rich Curtis 01 June 2003 01:28 PM

stu scooby

What happens where blame for an accident is split?

Unfortunately I have been involved in two accidents just over a year ago, the one settled on a 75/25% split the other is still ongoing (car ran into back of me).

Any rough ideas on what quotes to expect with 1yr NCD at 37yrs old with standard UK scooby?
My last quote immediately following the accidents (before any blame was resolved with no NCD) was ~ £1400
Also I've I have no previous accidents prior to these two.


[Edited by Rich Curtis - 1/6/2003 1:31:19 PM]

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