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Hanley 24 December 2002 11:41 AM

Taken from BBC news

Mr Rumsfeld said the US was capable of fighting a war on two fronts if necessary.

"We are capable of winning decisively in one and swiftly defeating in the case of the other," he told a Pentagon briefing. "Let there be no doubt about it."
Don't they just do your head in with their arrogance?

STi wanna Subaru 24 December 2002 11:43 AM

Are you saying they couldn't?

Hanley 24 December 2002 11:43 AM

Yeah I am

Hanley 24 December 2002 11:45 AM

So you really think the US could fight wars against Iraq and North Korea?

chrome 24 December 2002 11:51 AM

just what the world needs, another war..
pity the poor sods who live adjacent to either Iraq or North Korea..


STi wanna Subaru 24 December 2002 12:07 PM


scooby-new 24 December 2002 12:29 PM

Topic: Who do the US think they are?

Answer: The worlds only remaining economic and military superpower who have almost total cultural and economic control over the world and its resources

It always amazes me when people are surprised that absolute power currupts absolutley.

Barnaby 24 December 2002 02:27 PM

The 'war on two fronts' thing is more than just words.

The US military has had a policy of having enough hardware and manpower to fight two major wars at the same time for at least 20 years.

That's what you get with a defence budget of 330 billion dollars.

Katana 24 December 2002 02:27 PM

I think as America's 52nd state, we should pay more respect to them..

Fuzz 24 December 2002 02:29 PM

I thought it was 51st state

or was that just the movie ;) :D


davyboy 24 December 2002 02:32 PM

We are going to war, fact.

Merry Xmas!

Fatman 24 December 2002 02:40 PM

I think we might have lost the element of surprise though.

AnDy_PaNdY 24 December 2002 03:08 PM

Attacking North Korea will be a very messy business indeed.
Thank goodness we don't have any extra soldiers to spare ;)

Katana 24 December 2002 03:11 PM

Wanna bet? Conscription is the way to go. :p

Anyway, I thought America has 51 state already?

jbryant 24 December 2002 03:17 PM

Have they forgotten about Afghanistan now then?

yoza 24 December 2002 04:32 PM

Whats all this about giving them a time and date for the war to commence..........

In all the wars Ive been in having the elliment of surprise has always been a valuable weapon.

Anyway never mind all the death and destruction,will petrol go up or what..........lets put things into perspective here.

Later Yoza

turboman786 24 December 2002 04:32 PM

Yeh they really 'won' the ware in Afghanistan didnt they.?????!! was great seeing bin laden and chums being rounded up and put on trial.....and it was great seeing the good ol USA laying their fine oil pipelines down.....and they claim to have had about one casulaty....BOLLOX!!...who said ,' war is deception?'

NOS nova 24 December 2002 04:49 PM

have america ever won a war???

korea- no
vietnam- no
ww2- (they had to use nuclear weepons to get japan to give up)
iraq- (sadam is still in power)
afganistan-(apart from them all being pesents they have still not caught bin laden)

do they realise they are a big joke to all the other westen countries?

the twin towers was a nasty thing to happen but i thought it may have given the USA a bloody nose and make them realise that they can't go around bullying every country that doesn't agree with them.

looks like they didn't learn from it!

(flame suit on :))

[Edited by NOS nova - 12/24/2002 11:31:17 PM]

alcazar 25 December 2002 10:17 AM

The last war the USA won without our help was when we accidentally helped them to defeat us in the war of independence.
They have no real history, absolutely no culture, they had a major hand,(and didn't want to give it up), in the slave trade, and have virtually wiped out their own indiginous population.
THEY are the biggest threat to world peace at the moment, with their arrogance and bully-boy tactics.
Alcazar [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Pavlo 25 December 2002 11:27 AM

I think it's rediculous that the US is persueing contries with weapons of mass destruction, when the US itself has more than anyone.

I just don't get why the US thinks it has the right to be the worlds bully? What right does it have to depose the ruler of an independant sovereign state, just because it doesn't like them?

I don't see them bothering China, India or Pakistan.

If they're still after saddam, I have 2 words for Bush: Gadaffi and Castro.


Shropshire-Guy 25 December 2002 11:33 AM


George Bush is total wanker full STOP.. This isnt about peace etc. He wants to finish what daddy started,he wants full control over the oil fields there.

And Tony Blair is that far stuck up Bushes ass that we can only see the sole of his shoes.

Remember you lot on here if small pox vacine is given out Blairs family will have it and it will be acase feck you lot im ok jack

If they drop the bomb. Blair and the other Asses in polatics will be very nice in the concrete bunker.

We vote polaticians in and by christ we can vote them out. Period !

Claudius 25 December 2002 01:25 PM

But they have freedom of speech, unlike the UK :p

BUD/Slover 25 December 2002 07:23 PM

happy holidays from the US of A, you tea drinkin whining little bitches(that last part was intended just for the people who have been bashing america, other then that i love yea brits cheers!) First off what i'm about to say is not directed towards everyone, just certian people on here, so ahead of time please forgive me beacuse my american arrogance is about to come out. oh heres me favorite quote out of all the comments that have been made so far:

"The last war the USA won without our help was when we accidentally helped them to defeat us in the war of independence.
They have no real history, absolutely no culture, they had a major hand,(and didn't want to give it up), in the slave trade, and have virtually wiped out their own indiginous population.
THEY are the biggest threat to world peace at the moment, with their arrogance and bully-boy tactics.
Alcazar "

Still bitter about us gaining independence i see. You know what the funniest part of your post is, "The last war the USA won without our help was when ". gee i'm sorry but you have it the other way around, if it wasn't for us you would have gotten your ass kicked in WW2. Not to mention americans did most of the damn work, not to mention the harder missions. So don't even start with that bull**** about america needs your help to when a war, your a trophy girl, basically your just supposed to stand next to us keep your mouth shut cause your not going to offer much help! So be glad we were their to save your asses. And you weren't in any other war with us, and me managed to handle our selves better then you ever did in any war. I'm not saying our military is superior and you have ****, but you make it sound like your all high and mighty, which is not true so just shut up sit down and drink your tea. ahahha no **** we don't have a long history, were still new kids on the block and have been doing a better job then most other countries when they first started out. How can you say we have no culture, we have so many diffrent ethnic backgrounds that we have to have more culture then anyone else i'm willing to bet. we all share our ideas and beliefs, bringing traditions from europe,asia, russia, etc so once again you lose, just keep your mouth shut unless you have something coming out of it that you can back up. But you are right i do agree we don't have the right to tell other countries how to live, in fact if it were up to me we'd leave all those other counrties alone and not worry about them. and just let them all kill each other off with out loss of american life. So think twice before you start bashing us americans, and not everyone has the views of our govornment so please remeber that. sorry if i offended anyone this will probally be my only post unless some one resoponds to this, once again happy holidays. nice to meet yea all. later steve

NOS nova 25 December 2002 09:37 PM

didn't the americans kill more brits in the gulf war than iraq???
sounds like well drilled forces you lot have :D
american training- kick ass, there is the ass, go kick it :D
you lot had to develope better weapons cos your ground forces are so poo :p
our SAS and SBS are far superior to any of your special forces full stop.

all IMHO of course :D

AMERICANS- if the going gets tough, nukem!

Pavlo 25 December 2002 09:50 PM

So what exactly is Bush doing?

The thing is, no matter what the PEOPLE in the US think (and I know it's going to be divided) it's what Bush thinks that appears to be the problem.

If and when the US/british forces invade Iraq, it will be some sort of peace keeping mission to rid the world of a heaneous villan. However, if you happen to be one of the poor souls that lives in Iraq under the dictatorship of Iraq, you might be wondering if it's such a good idea.

What if the US decides that France is a threat? They have weapons of mass destruction (as proven in the S. Pacific), they have a socialist government, they like to get involved in trade wars. Where will it stop? I know the sensible thing is to say that the US wouldn't ever do such a foolish thing, but there's not that much difference.

There is a fine line between fighting what you hate, an becoming what you hate.


EOD_49 25 December 2002 10:25 PM

Greetings once again from the US. There seems to a little problem with the way you percieve the WAR on terrorism and America's military history. First let me say that we bailed your sorry limey asses out of WWII. Had we not stepped in you this site would be in German and your country as you know it wouldn't exsist. Secondly, the atomic bombs that we dropped on Japan in the same war was no more than a show of power that your beloved Churchill would have done as well. Japan had planned to surrender days before the Bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
Moving on to more recent events, what happened on 11 Sept 02, was the worst tragedy that the world has seen in many years, if not ever. And if we had not responded the way that we did, not only would there have been more attacks on US soil, you whiny Brits probably, would have recieved a taste as well.
I had a brother that was a firefighter that was killed and I faught against the pricks that did this in Afgahnistan. As a member of the US Army, the best and most well trained force in the world, I must say where do you get off. America has done nothing but bail you out time after time.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when you knock on my country, that's not cool. And as far as the two front war's in the bag.

unclebuck 25 December 2002 10:44 PM


who gives a flyin' fcuk?![img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

sorry, but *most* yanks are cool - trust me on this. Don't believe the hype...:D

merry xmas... an Englishman ;)

Carlos The Jackel 25 December 2002 11:13 PM

. First let me say that we bailed your sorry limey asses out of WWII
Hmmm a small assumtion that one. We've got Dictator Blair instead then:D Thanks. My ass is not sorry BTW and your attitude stinks. Without the Brits you may now be speaking German too! Terrorisim isn't nice anymore is it? but it was ok when the people from the good old US funded the IRA to blow up Brits?!but then that was only on the TV. The US's arrogance will be its downfall - you cannot fight terrorism hte way the US are the islamic countries and people are upset for various reasons but there is OIL - OIL - OIL - until the average US citizen realises how much they are hated by the arabs, as gorverment after government interfears because of oil. just look at the US supported puppets in Saudi! They are hated by there own people - all the US seems to do is throw petrol on the fire. Ill go get my marsh mallows then:D The fire is going to get bigger!

NOS nova 25 December 2002 11:16 PM

what happened on 11 Sept 02, was the worst tragedy that the world has seen in many years, if not ever.
it happened in 2001 matey!

typical american attitude!!!

if it happens to someone else, make a film about it!
if it happens to them its the worlds worst ever disaster!

what a bunch of to55ers

got some news for ya ass kickers, the world is bigger than the US of A

50% of the world population believe "9/11" wasn't a bad thing!

AMERICA-the fatest nation in the world :D

NOS nova 25 December 2002 11:33 PM

Japan had planned to surrender days before the Bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
at least the japs had the sense to hit a naval installation rather than murder a city full of innocent people!!!

if they had hit washington you lot would be speaking japanese now :D

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