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LeeMac 18 September 2000 10:52 PM

Right, what is wrong with this country, okay something has to be done about the tax on fuel but why blame Labour?, its absolute madness, I could go on about the good things since they came to power and there are some (unemployment, hospitals, education etc), you dont hear half as many bad things as you did years ago about education, now Labour are building up the schools and if the Tories get in again they will just rot away till labour get in again to build them back up, remeber when you were at school - what condition were they in, I bet many were a ****e hole.
What happend just before the last time Labour were out voted out? exactly - fuel protests.
I'm not a lover of politics but this is a joke.
This is how the Tories get their way - BENT

Puff The Magic Wagon! 18 September 2000 11:21 PM


I think the majority of all of us miss the point.

Politics is a crock of $hit.

They are all (bar a <I>very</I> few good-meaning souls on either side) a bunch of self-centered egotistical power-mad a$$holes The whole lot of them, on whatever party, are out for what they can get & the "kudos"/power that may go with it

The problem is that we are lumbered with 'em & their ilk 'cos anyone who is genuine gets shot down before they even get started.

Over cynical view maybe, but put any party in power & we will be $hat on by self-effacing ego-maniacs

But hey! I'm a citizen of the most free & liberal country in the world & I can speak like this Well worth it? Pah - Phooey

Richard F 19 September 2000 08:44 AM

Puff speaketh the truth. They're all t0ss.

BTW Puff, I'm off to Portugal for my hols this week and apparently one of the mobile companies out there is called PTMN. Puff The Magic Network?! We should be told...

Puff The Magic Wagon! 19 September 2000 08:51 AM



I'm thinking about producing an exclusive range of logo'd clothing, mainly in green, made from standard Cossie scalps

Enjoy your hols Try and resist the temptation to hit an Internet Caff & cruise the bbs from a warm beach

Richard F 19 September 2000 09:13 AM


Warm beach is about right - checked out the forecast for Faro yesterday and they're saying 28 degrees C on Friday. Dunno about Rip Off Britain, more like Freeze Yer T1ts Off Britain

LeeMac 19 September 2000 07:00 PM

while we are on holidays does anyone know of a bbs site like this which is on holdays / destinations etc

chelsie_uk 19 September 2000 07:40 PM


DocJock 19 September 2000 09:31 PM


You are a very cynical man
Unforunately what you say is completely correct

All of them would sell their children to get elected


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