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mikefyfe 07 September 2001 04:31 PM

I had 3 pints of Stella at lunchtime (don't ask, it's been a v.bad day) but I now fancy a spin in the scoob tonight.

Anyone know when I might be under the limit to drive again?


astraboy 07 September 2001 04:37 PM

Dont risk it mate. I was nearly killed by a bloke who "only had a couple" at lunchtime back on Friday 13th december 1996. I still remember that date today.
Stick to GT3 for today mate. and try to beat your best laptime. 10squid sez you wont do it.

STi wanna Subaru 07 September 2001 04:37 PM

Typically it takes 1 hour for the body to get rid of one unit of alcohol eg half a pint of @ 4% larger. The drink drive limit is not set at a number of drinks but at the level of alcohol in your blood.

There's no set time limit until when it will be safe for you to drive, all I would say is dont drink and drive is the safest way.

If any of this is incorrect please feel free to correct me.

DrEvil 07 September 2001 04:38 PM

I've heard people quote an hour a unit, so you'll be looking at 6 hours after you finished your last drink, minimum.

Best bet is to leave the drivin til tomorrow mate.

mikefyfe 07 September 2001 04:40 PM

Yup, good advice as always astraboy, I'll sink a couple more this evening, have an early night then get up early for a spin tomorrow before the traffic gets up.


astraboy 07 September 2001 04:44 PM

Geezer, I'll will be joining you in exactly 16 minutes time. We can jointly descend into alcoholic oblivion.
Bet you I get there first.

mikefyfe 07 September 2001 04:55 PM

Cheers ... hic!

DJB 07 September 2001 04:57 PM

As stated above, you metabolise approx 1 unit per hour but to apply this rule you need to start from 1 hour after consumption. So if you drink 4 units of alcohol, it will take 5 hours for this to be metabolised completely. Stella is around 5.5% vol, so 1 pint will be at least 3 units and 3 pints, 9 units. So it will take 10 hours to be completely sober approximately.

Overall I think that you're better to wait until tomorrow before driving.


astraboy 07 September 2001 05:10 PM

So if I'm going to an all night rave and want to stay totally sh1tfaced for the entire night, How much will I need to drink before I go in? I cant drink inside the venue (too expensive) So I need to get tanked up before I go in.
for information, here is the patented astraboy drunken scale.
1 pint no effect
2/ feeling cool
3/ feeling funky
4/ feeling up for it
5/ getting worse
6/ gettn' wurzer
7+/ wehay!!!!
United Dance at Bagleys. well up for it.

Veracocha 07 September 2001 05:19 PM


I might be up there tonight!

DavidRB 07 September 2001 06:26 PM

A mate of mine got wasted one evening and decided to leave his driving until "early the following morning". End result was a written off car (the tree was undamaged) and a blood alcohol reading that was *just* under the legal limit.

Seriously, if you go out for a few drinks, just how likely is an early night?

Shark 07 September 2001 06:45 PM

Good advise chaps, mine is if you want to drive, use the play station


boomer 07 September 2001 07:07 PM


your should be under the <B>legal</B> limit by "tonight" (see DJB's calculations, and assuming an early lunch), but you will still be under the influence and thus not in the best state to make the most of "going for a spin". Going for a blast with a couple of residual pints in your system is not a good idea!


matt d 07 September 2001 07:50 PM

Definitely not worth it. I know someone who did the same 4 hours after having just 2 pints, they figured that's 4 units so would be gone. Nope - 5% beer so 3 units, and starts from 1 hour after you start, so he was just over the limit. Someone ran into the back of him at about 10mph at a roundbout - he was just over the limit so got a ban, £800 fine, and lost his NCB.

tonybooth 07 September 2001 08:01 PM

There really is no science that can be applied here. There are so many factors to take into account, such as height/weight/build and how used to alcohol your body is in general. Also your fitness level and state of health also play a part. I have personal experience of one guy who consumed 10 pints in 4 hours and blew 'amber' following an accident (That was not his fault BTW) and we had confirmation of his consumption. (He was naturally bricking it). By comparison, I also dealt with a lady who only had a small glass of white wine and was over the limit (although only just).

If in doubt please don't drive, I have seen the consequences too many times.


Gastro 07 September 2001 08:17 PM

Yeah - good advice from astraboy and TB...
As a gastroenterologist (and hence hepatologist!!) - what has been posted is correct..
1 hour (roughly for 1 unit) - has been quoted before & should be taken as a rough guideline only. There is a tremedous difference in liver enzyme activity between individuals (namely previous alcohol intake, other medications etc... and therfore there is tremendous differences person to person.
One sure way to know is a breathalyzer - available from Halfords etc.... - but even then you cant be entirely certain.
Booze & have fun - dont mix driving unless you are *absolutely* sure........ ie an orange juice

Have a good boozy evenin' boys,


YYZ 08 September 2001 11:12 AM

Recently, a friend was stopped and had to give "a sample of breath" - it was a random stop - no offence . Just left a club at around midnight. Had 2 bottles of holsten earlier on (2nd at 9pm). There were I think 5 LEDs on the box, but only the first one lit up (green) which is "no trace"? Big relief for the driver. I'm going to the same club tonight - I've booked a hotel

[This message has been edited by YYZ (edited 08 September 2001).]

Maz-old 08 September 2001 06:55 PM

Bear in mind the following points:

You are more likely to be stopped by the police for a random breath test in a Scooby than many other cars, especially at night;

The Lion Intoximeter was recently the subject of a test case where District Judge Evans decided that it was functioning properly. There was expert evidence on both sides which sugested it might not be. This means if you are only just over the limit, you might be hit for more;

Failing to provide a breath sample is more serious than drink drive and the fines/bans are nasty;

Magistrates are going to be less sympathetic to a driver of a powerful car drinking and driving than someone in a Nissan Micra (no offence); and

Matt D - £800 fine? His solicitor was sh@t

As for when it is out of your system - depends on the alcohol content, your body size, food you've had that day, your metabolism and how much you've puked up...

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